Do i have a little psychic ability?

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Do i have a little psychic ability?

Post by boba7523 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:28 pm

Hey guys, i've never thought of myself as having any psychic abilities, but in the past, there are a few instances where I would have premonitions of the future in my dreams.

Instance #1:
At the place where i work, we have time cards where we have to punch it in when we come to work and when we get off work. Our names are printed on the time card. There's this coworker who I have been wondering what her last name is for a while, and one day in my dream, I dreamt that I was at work and was punching in my time. Upon punching in my time, i also saw this co worker's time card and was able to see what her last name was. The very next day, i went to work and looked for her time card and it was the exact same last name i dreamed of.

Instance #2
This dream also took place at work. Basically, i dreamed of a new co-worker. About a few days later or a week i'm not sure, our company really hires a new employee and the girl looked exactly like the person in my dream.

Instance #3
Just about a week ago, I was Googling around a person's forum handle wondering where she's been (you can find people on Google search). This person was part of a psychic chat and she also had psychic abilities I believe. I didn't really find anything about her so i stopped looking... It was a very casual search with no real intention... I had forgotten about it until now. Why? This person i was searching for sent an e-mail to me. It was a spam email though where her email account would automatically send e-mail out to people (I don't know if this is clear enough)... It's so weird that she's never emailed me before except once I think which was a few years ago. And just a week ago, i was searching for her name, and today, an e-mail coming from her out of nowhere...

I think that's it... I will add more if i remember having anymore of these weird occurances...

Is this just a coincidence or do i have a small psychic ability? If so, i'd like to develop it... Not sure how or where to start though... Experts please enlighten me!

PS: I downloaded the psychic test software on this website a few years ago and it said i didn't have any psychic power lol.

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Post by cedars » Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:25 pm

We all have some form of psyshic ability; it is innate and we tend to lose them as we get on with the complexities and daily worries of life.

The incidents you describe sound quite intuitive to me. Psychic ability can be nurtured and developed with practice.

You can even try and take up some divination tools such the tarot cards, the pendulum or the runes......

But dont let any software tell you that you dont have psychic abilities :)

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:42 pm

Yes, we all have psychic abilities.  If you are interested enough to find out more, then you develop them to their best ability to function.  Its like having a talent for music, you find a teacher to help with the basics, then express your own abilities.

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