Discovered i have a MAJOR psychic ability, its scaring me, what now?

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Discovered i have a MAJOR psychic ability, its scaring me, what now?

Post by k0103707 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:57 pm

Hi fellow psychics,

So about 3 years ago i discovered my life wasn't as it seemed... I discovered i'm different from others but i just didn't know it... i discovered the paranormal, and its all true, this universe is built on the paranormal, everything is possible here as long as you can imagine it... It's like i've got control over this place and everyone and everything in it but just didn't know it... all this control is in my mind and is "private" and physically i'm a normal looking human being, going about my business.
Some of the stuff that i've seen, know about and experienced, only gods should have such influence and power seriously...

Basically i'm one thought away from causing a disaster in this place, influencing someone's life, changing the course of popular culture, adding to history... This is one thought, just a thought! It's not a decision... its a random thought... my god wtf! This scares me shitless!

And what boggles my mind is that i'm unaware of any of it or the paranormal until i see the end result of my thought when it materialises good or bad...

One thing i'm not sure about is, if its me carrying out the materialisation process or other psychics. As i'm not able to do this on command, its when the opportunity for it to happen arises... Making these thoughts a story seems to work better and imagining the whole situation people and causes and effects works very well. For this reason i think it must be other psychics carrying out my thoughts but who know... i know i'm connected to everyone in a paranormal way, my thoughts, my being, my essence... imy best guess is its other psychics carrying out my thoughts though, my thought broadcasting... or i might actually have some sort of thought projecting ability... whatever this condition is or ability it is MAJOR, and i feel like i've got a lot of responsibility over this place.

Being positive is very important mind and body, you are positive you attract positivity, you are negative you attract negativity. happiness and all the good things that we like is attracted by our thoughts, mind and physical actions... I've been working on this in the past few months and its done wonders for my happiness.

At the moment i'm trying to control the thought materialization, by staying in the present (yeah i can influence the time line even before i was born, wtf i hear you say, yeah i flipped shit with this one too...). Its going well, with a few hick ups here and there, i'm also trying to meditate and empty my mind as not too think of anything that might lead to unhappiness for me and others... hopefully i'll have control over this in the next few weeks with constant practice and mental work.

I was just wondering what my abilities/condition is, what is it called?

Do you guys have any such abilities? It would be interesting to discuss what this is...

What are your thoughts on this?

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The Messianic Delusion is NOT itself a psychic ability to be developed

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:00 am

Fortunately for all of us the physical universe is NOT built upon or around the paranormal, and NOT everything is possible at this physical level simply because we imagine that it is. There are safety mechanisms firmly in place which restrict what can or cannot happen at this physical level according to certain carefully defined laws which protect both other people and ourselves from the unforeseen consequences of our most regularly held unconscious thoughts.

It is true that some psychically gifted individuals are able to move and manipulate physical objects with the power of their own mind (mind over matter or psychokinesis), but we are NOT gods or GOD and therefore our power and ability to do what you fear that you are capable of doing (you have unlimited power over everyone and everything, you have the power to change human history and possibly unintentionally bring about the end of the world) IS A DELUSION, AND NOT IN ITSELF A PSYCHIC ABILITY AT ALL.

The so called MESSIANIC IDEA or DELUSION (MESSIAH SYNDROME) which can be caused by the individual taking mind altering drugs, the symptoms of a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, or be the end result of having been subjected to years of extreme physical  and/or sexual abuse and oppression is described on the following web page.

"The messianic idea and messianic delusion"

Basically people with this paranoid delusional disorder of the mind believe that they have been given GOD's powers by GOD himself in order to carry out a special mission for which they have been specially chosen since before their birth. Some but not all of these people even believe that they represent the second coming of Christ.

It is my feeling based both upon my own intuition and evidence from my personal research that you do not require advice about how to develop any of your psychic abilities (if indeed there are any significant ones to be developed).

I am not a qualified medical practitioner or doctor of the mind, so I cannot diagnose or treat whatever is causing this sick and dangerous delusion that you possess all the divine powers that GOD does, but I strongly encourage you to immediately consult such a professional person with the intention to identify its source and recommend an appropriate treatment, BEFORE IT IS TOO LITTLE AND TOO LATE TO HELP YOU.

The incredible amount of stress placed upon the body, mind and spirit of a person with the delusion of being God on Earth and the unbearable amount of responsibility which it places upon that individual to carefully and strictly monitor and control every single thought which he has in case it affects anything or anyone negatively, not surprisingly can potentially lead to an increased risk of suicidal thoughts which can if not quickly and compassionately controlled have fatal and irreversible consequences (taking ones own life only to discover that it had been a delusion all the time).

In other words get yourself off to a doctor ASAP, and do not allow this MESSIANIC DELUSION (MD) which is NOT itself a psychic ability to first destroy all your close relationships with the other people in your life, and then you.

Stay right away from any form of psychic development until your doctor tells you that it is safe for you to once again go deeply into or explore your own thought processes (looking inward such as what happens during meditation can be extremely dangerous if you do happen to have MD, with or without knowing that you have it).

Yet meditation is one of the most common and basic psychic development tools.

Take care,

EoT  :smt009

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Post by k0103707 » Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:56 am

I agree, it does feel like you do have influence over this world in one way or another but i've learned not to take this seriously and i see limitations put on these "abilities"/condition/disorder. It does give you feelings of grandure although i've kept myself in check, so i don't go that route, believing such thing is just wrong, knowing the possibilities in this place has limited my thinking that any such being could be here.

I didn't know there was such a condition the "messianic delusion", never heared of it. No one's has mentioned it to me, doctors or anyone else... Basically what it feels like is that things can happen with me just using my thoughts. Obviously thats dangerous cause thought can be random and the control over it is not as easy... I'm afraid my thoughts do control my experience of life in one or another even more so since i've become aware of whats going on around me because of this condition. I'm afraid this is still true, what i think does happen, even though i don't want it to. I will keep to my objectives that i set myself, the first was to have a positive mental routine and the second is to control my thought process and stay in the present and in control... i see this being fixed in the comming weeks as developments are coming fast. I'll decide how i feel about what i want from life once this is fixed to have a clear mind and decide weather i feel its worth hanging around here, if i'm happy here, if i'm happy with the life that i have, if i see any potential in my future and my future happiness etc...

From what your saying then i must have some sort of invonluntary thought broadcasting "condition", and others just chose what to carry out and what not to carry out, which was my original assumption. Then its not an ability but condition/disability and i have no psychic abilities to develop, but i do need to control my thoughts and maintain a positive mental routen at least for the sake of my happiness and sanity... So basically it's more likely that its other people with abilities rather than myself carrying out my thoughts... What i see isn't a delusion, it is fact, yes its fabricated in my mind but it doesn't make my experience of it not real... it is real and has real as it gets, could get a camera out and record these events i.e. its physically real and does affect my happiness profoundly!

Yes this condition has affect the relationships with the people i know, basically i can't trust them... and i take everything that i see and know with a pinch of salt, and don't trust anything or anyone and what they say or do... including what your're saying right now... i've learned to doubt and stick to what i know as fact and to what makes me happy... I've actually develpoed my social skills to a level that i'm happy with and have no problem in talking to anyone, my confidence has never been this high and basically i'm not scared much of anything in this place. Unfortunatly my relationship with people is strained, i can talk to anyone and do anything i want but i distrust everyone including my family... obviously not being able to trust your best friends and family doesn't make anyone happy and i'm no different... especially since i feel i've done NOTHING wrong that would elicit their current actions and the way their making me feel = unhappy, lets just say it doesn't make me want to be around them! i feel my life has been set up and people influencing my life in one way or another and me making the decisions i made based on those options available to me, which has lead to me being a 30 year guy living with his parents, unemployed, no romantic relationship in sight let alone making his own family, no friends and family that he can trust that i feel care about me and my happiness = no future, whats the point of hanging around here if your this discontent...?? I almost feel everyone is an actor playing a role... almost like there isn't any real feelings for me from anyone, feelings ways its like everyone is on monotone, cold and calculated... only showing fake affection and it feels like an act... like nothings genuine... Everyone in this place knows who i am in a paranormal sense this is a fact, its as if my being/soul is open for everyone to see, this meaning they know my past, present and future, what i will ever think or do, what my destiny is... i see this as a fact not a delusion, its like i'm being controlled. like there's anything to control... its like people think i haven't got any morals or conscience and can't take care of myself and must babysit me! i'll tell you what... I CAN!! and much better than most people here from what i can see...

Knowing what i know about this place has to a certain extent spoilt my experience here... I'll consider in the foreseeable future weather i do want to live out the rest of my life here or move on, once you know these things everything just becomes trivial, meaningless and takes away the fun and enjoyment of being here, i find myself being bored of this place...

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:06 am

Clearly your most regularly held unconscious thoughts do affect what happens in your life, but the idea that they are so powerful that they have the potential to bring about he end of the world is the ultimate power trip. And the theory that other people are using your thoughts assumes that they are always monitoring or listening in on them (especially the government) which is a symptom which suggests either paranoid delusion or schizophrenia.

In other words while your thoughts can definitely influence other people in often subtle ways, you are in no imminent danger of causing Armageddon or causing the planet to shift on its axis by thinking this into reality. It is not so much your conscious everyday thoughts which have the greatest influence, but instead it is those unconscious thoughts which are most often reinforced by constant repetition.

If you combine your most regularly repeated unconscious thoughts with those of every other human being currently living on this planet, you will get the collective unconscious of the human species. It is the collective unconscious of all human beings (past, present and future) which is thought to have such a major accumulating effect at the extremely strong levels which you are suggesting your thoughts alone are capable of exerting over the lives of every living creature, as well as upon the Earth itself.

I must repeat that there are fail safe mechanism firmly in place which severely limit the powers of one individual's thoughts to act at the planetary or species level in this physical universe. Your unconscious thoughts have no more power when compared to any other person's unconscious thoughts to have such a wide spread devastating influence on other people's lives, but the big difference between you and the next person is that you are much more sensitive to and aware of your own unconscious thoughts than the average person usually does.

This may or may not predict a developing mental illness or personality problem, or be the end result of you having consumed psychotropic or mind bending drugs. Only a qualified medical practitioner or doctor of the mind can help you to establish why you are carrying around this delusion with you, and recommend to you an appropriate treatment.

The reading ends with the observation that you have always taken your responsibilities to do basically anything too far or too seriously for your own good. This also applies to you feeling over responsible for what you believe is the almost God like power of your own thoughts to influence other people and possibly the Earth itself.

Please be assured that this believed divine power of your own thoughts to change the destiny of the entire human race is a delusion of your disordered or disturbed mind, and is NOT a genuine psychic ability. This delusion is something from which you must for your own good eventually be freed or healed from by qualified professionals, AND IT IS CATEGORICALLY NOT SOMETHING THAT YOU WOULD WANT TO HAVE DEVELOPED ANY FURTHER THAN IT ALREADY IS.

Yes you do need to control your thoughts, but unconscious thoughts are by definition largely outside our conscious control. Qualified professionals have special techniques which allow them to access these troublesome deep thoughts where your own methods would be useless. To a large degree however your unconscious thoughts will only influence for the worse or better what happens in your life and your world, and NOT what happens in everybody else's life and world experience. The power of your thoughts to manifest is 99% localized to you alone.

The other 1% are reserved for people who are especially close to you, or to those with whom you are in a close relationship (of any kind). But as an individual instead as of part of the collective unconscious, that is the outer limit of the power of your thoughts to do what you suggest they are capable of influencing. As part of the collective unconscious however, you may have a valid basis for your argument.
Knowing what i know about this place has to a certain extent spoilt my experience here... I'll consider in the foreseeable future weather i do want to live out the rest of my life here or move on, once you know these things everything just becomes trivial, meaningless and takes away the fun and enjoyment of being here, i find myself being bored of this place...
That of course is your choice to make, if discussing this subject is no longer fun for you. I wish you well on your journey towards greater self understanding. I also would not like yourself wish to "live out the rest of my life here". The spiritual work which I do on Mystic Board is only a small but important part of what I want my life to be as a whole. Most other members would probably agree with me that a life spent entirely posting on internet forums is a life which is not worth living. We must all keep a healthy balance between our inner and outer life, and the life which we live both online and offline.


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Post by k0103707 » Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:46 am

Agreed, it feels like my thoughts online affect that which i know to exist and the people that i know and the thoughts i will ever think up (some of these already exist but i just haven't met the situations and people etc...) it feels like a localized effect and local to me and anything i'll experience while i'm here...

So my original assumptions were pretty much right, i can practically influence almost anything around me as long as its not extreme... It still is quite something, and still a lot of responsibility on my shoulders... My thoughts are creating my life experience as it were, in a way i'm in control as long as i've got control over my thoughts... So it is important that i do take full control of my thoughts and the work that i'm currently doing is very important...

When i do think up something, its like people are zombies and just do what i've thought up exactly as i've thought it... I too become a zombie and do what i thought, only when i think up situations... Before i realise what happened its already been done and i have no control over it... This is really weird... what an unusual condition to have, at least i'm in control of my happiness and those around me which isn't bad... Still scary though, its still a lot of responsibility to have... I've gotta get a hold of my thoughts fast! No pressure... :)

I wouldn't be surprised if the people of this world are connected supernaturaly in a hive mind sort of situation. I am too, but it's like i can talk but i can't hear or understand... and therefore can't communicate... unfortunantly/fortunatly i know i'm not part of it and am different to everyone else and this is my uniqueness. This condition is really weird, i'm still at a loss if this is an ability or disability, sounds like probably a bit of both...

As i've said i'll reserve judgement to weather i wanna live in such a place and life to when my mind is clear and i'm fully in control of my thoughts... We'll go from there, we'll see where this goes, looks like i need to be giving myself some good luck... :)

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Post by k0103707 » Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:21 am

Come to think of it, why would this ability/condition be any good if everyone just acts like zombies around you...? Is this just damage limitation?

What an incredibly weird condition, whats the usefulness of it? If everyone's a zombie, whats the point, its all fake. i'm a genuine sort of a guy, this just feels wrong, its like people and i lose our freedom for a bit while the thought is being carried out...

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:40 pm

It must be particularly scary for the sensitivities (psychic) to open in the male mind.  A male mind is very linear and thinks from one place to the next rather rationally - non emotional as it were.  A female mind on the other hand can cross both sides of the brain and sensitivities can reign in the creative side easily.

There is no 'zombie effect' is psychic abilities.  Without a strong mind there is no development at all.  The mentally challenged or slow are not good candidates to develop psychic abilities in their sensitivities.

A psychic may have spirit guides but is still free to challenge and halt any communication between the two.  The fact is we are all personally responsible for everything we say, do or at upon.  No one can do that for us.

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Post by k0103707 » Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:40 pm

Agreed, everyone is individually responsible for their whole being be it good or bad... We are the ones that accept or reject our experiences and what we let into our lives and especially what we let become us and part of us. Its a shame i was made aware of my condition at such a late stage.

So this zombie effect is basically a mental disability and any other mental issues i may have such as involuntary "soul" broadcasting. So to psychics i'm a complete mess and just didn't know it since i have no other perception other than the physical... I'm quite normal physical and mentally i was quite normal until i discovered this condition and freaked out! I knew i had mental issues before i discovered this condition, such as dyslexia, bad memory problems, paranoia etc... But didn't think much of it as i was happy enough. This might be some form of autism?

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Post by k0103707 » Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:04 pm

So to others, it must be like a having a severe disability externally such as being a quadriplegic but for me its in the paranormal sense...

So basically i'm normal in the outside and in appearance to others both mentally and physically, but psychly i'm a quadriplegic and there's nothing anyone can do about it besides control it...

The external is what matters in this world and no one can critic me for my disability directly since its none observable in the normal sense of the word...

Unfortunately people do still take it into account when being involved with me or when their around me... and it does influence my life experience and my happiness, people do still critic it but indirectly and through the paranormal... and i am essentially controlled by humanity as a whole.

I'm surprised people would allow such a child to be born, i should have been aborted... it's extremely dangerous come to think of it, someone that can't control themselves psychly/paranormally and doesn't have any knowledge of it and only perceives the physical world, this is probably the worst kind of disability to have, for the world to deal with in general anyway... as it affects everyone here, it must be one of the hardest to deal with or so imagine... if this is the case!

I wouldn't be surprised if my relationships with people are fake and temporary, right now i'm seeing patterns and circles of people moving in and out of my life... and those that have remained close to me are my family members, and still then i still see avoidance on their part... This is probably why i notice people not being affectionate towards me, i notice them sort of calculated and seem to keep in contact to keep me content... Unfortunately i have the same needs and wants has anyone else, the need to be loved etc... and basically i don't feel i'm getting this and don't feel content or as happy as i want to be...

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Post by k0103707 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:56 pm

Something else... people keep pestering me with the paranormal. Basically never leaving me alone day and night, not even my dreams are safe.

Why don't people just leave me alone and just give me some book to read instead of using the paranormal, with what they want me to learn, instead of pestering me all the time...? The use of the paranormal on me is overwhelming. I can't take it anymore! Leave me the F*** alone! Its making me unhappy!

With my psychic/paranormal disability, people are taking the piss, its like taking the piss out of a disabled person. Use the physical for god sake and stop scaring me and making me unhappy, its like trying to decipher a puzzle you don't understand and using basic code. And guess what i am horrible at puzzles and anything requiring any sort of brain power...

Since i wasn't aborted, i might end up aborting myself... cause i can't take this condition for the next 50 years!

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Post by DarkAge » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:12 pm


You do not have any disability or condition. Most psychics do not truly understand how or why they have the powers they do. From what you have described you have signs of God-Realization.

We as humans are all God, we just have not come to realize this because of our ignorance. We are all connected, we are one, we are God. Our thoughts create our world. The more you progress towards God-realization, the more you can control the energy of the subtle world. Even further progress allows you to control the thoughts of others.

However, there is a safety measure so no one decides to control the world. From the beginning you can do simple things like turning water into wine, and further on you can perform greater miracles like raise the dead. You will reach a point where you have unlimited power, and at that time you will have a lot of thoughts affecting you, like emotions. This is the crossroads. If you fail to control yourself and use the power for bad like destroying, your soul will immediately dissipate to the beginning, which is the ground form. If you choose to not use the power or use the power to help someone only when in need(Even though you will be able to raise the dead, this can dissipate your soul as well as this can have very big consequences and is not really helping humanity), your soul will be safe from the reincarnation process upon death and you will progress further. When you are God-realized you are liberated from the troubles of this world and enjoy unlimited power, knowledge and bliss. This is not something to play around with, it is a discipline of the mind.

"To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him." - Buddha

"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection." - Buddha

"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell." - Buddha

"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." - Buddha

"All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?" - Buddha

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." - Buddha

"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed." - Buddha

"In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

"What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing or any other resistance, is understanding fear; that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it. We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is just a very rough approach to your questions, the full truth is more profound. Seek the truth and you shall find it.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:07 pm

It is my feeling that wanting to control the thoughts and actions of others and making them into mindless zombies has nothing at all to do with God realisation, as I understand it to be about.
From the beginning you can do simple things like turning water into wine
Have you or anyone whom you know of who has been scientifically documented with having this ability (which does not include Jesus in the Bible) done this recently.

Turning water into wine is simple? Really?

Such God like abilities placed in the hands of someone who does not have the wisdom and compassion to use them responsibly and only for helping other people would be worse than useless and terribly destructive to themselves, and to everyone else as well.

And what useful purpose would be served by turning water into wine, other than to demonstrate that it could be done? Surely healing someone or stopping all the violence, hatred and need for revenge in this world takes a much higher priority than us avoiding paying the taxes on the alcohol by making our own wine out of H2O?

I also with respect take great issue with the New Age concept that we are God, or that we are Gods in our own right. I am not a religious person but if I was I would regard that statement as offensive heresy.

We come from God, we can become more like God, we are each like a small point of light inside the mind of God,  we eventually after hundreds or thousands of incarnations return to God, BUT WE ARE NOT GOD!

And I am absolutely sure that our Creator does not want to turn us into mindless zombies, or want to help us to do that to others. A person who is on the true path to coming closer to (realising) God but not becoming God would not be any danger to anyone else by what they are thinking. In contrast they would become major sources of healing for the entire human race.
With our thoughts, we make the world.
With your thoughts you help to create your own personal world or reality (both our inner and outer worlds). But as for the shared, everyday world the thoughts of one individual only contribute to what that world will be like, along with the thoughts of every other person.

It is the combined thoughts of all living sentient beings which eventually shapes what the planet will be like now and in the future. Thoughts alone without the action and faith to back them up are of little practical use or consequence in the general scheme of things.


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Post by k0103707 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:17 pm

About time!!! Jezzzz! Thank you for taking your time to write this!

I'm like running around like a headless chicken trying to figure what the heck is going on, its like people guiding me but all done in a paranormal way and in code. What i've seen, know and experienced in this place is mind blowing... And i see my thoughts becoming real in this world, materializing, its scary, and i feel responsible over this place or at least for my localized experience...

The power and influence i've seen in this place is nothing but "godly", were talking the most extreme parts of science fiction, time travel, teleportation, influencing the timeline etc...

Weather any of this is true or not i'm sticking by what i know as fact, and sticking to my original plan. Getting complete control over my mind. An then i guess developing my knowledge through reading etc...

I hope people just leave me alone to find my own way, and don't use the paranormal, talk to me, i'm against using the paranormal as i don't understand it and don't perceive the world in that way. Its like trying to break a code but an incredibly difficult one, especially for me with my memory and dyslexia problems let alone any other problems i may have...

Anyway i'm carrying on with my work non the less...

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Post by k0103707 » Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:38 am

Maybe with all the power combined we could probably say that we are gods...

But in general terms, there is only one person that is this way who has these powers and influence and not multiple beings, unless we redefine what god is...

One thing that we are is, the universe and the universe is us... beyond this "universe" who knows what this place could be i certainly don't!

If this place does have limitations put on it, then it does suggest it was created, otherwise we'd have free reign over it without limits. Who knows one being could have created it or us ourselves could have done it and whatever other possibilities there are... Whatever this place is, it seems like its a training ground, and a place of learning of what is good and of what is bad, where you chose your own path, be it a path that leads you to happiness or sadness. I don't think such a being would want it any other way, its given you all you need to be happy which is yourself!

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Post by DarkAge » Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:54 am

It is my feeling that wanting to control the thoughts and actions of others and making them into mindless zombies has nothing at all to do with God realisation, as I understand it to be about.
You will reach a point where you have unlimited power, and at that time you will have a lot of thoughts affecting you, like emotions. This is the crossroads. If you fail to control yourself and use the power...
A feeling of wanting to control the thoughts of others, has everything to do with god-realization as stated above. When you have the power you will be troubled by mind and must master it.
Have you or anyone whom you know of who has been scientifically documented with having this ability (which does not include Jesus in the Bible) done this recently. And what useful purpose would be served by turning water into wine, other than to demonstrate that it could be done?
There is a reason it has not been scientifically documented. Your ignorance blinds you from that reason. Turning water into wine was used as an example to explain the type of power you have, and one of the parts of god-realization is to realize it is not suppose to be done, especially for demonstration. Turning water into wine is of no benefit to anyone except yourself, this would cause your soul to dissipate to the lowest form. The point was that you have the power, and you have choices, your choices however should be chosen wisely.
Surely healing someone or stopping all the violence, hatred and need for revenge in this world takes a much higher priority than us avoiding paying the taxes on the alcohol by making our own wine out of H2O?
Again your choices should to chosen wisely, as healing someone or stopping all the violence is actually not a higher priority, it would cause your soul to dissipate to the lowest form. Humanity needs remove their ignorance on their own, creating miracles using your powers would destroy that purpose, and therefore destroy you. Your safest bet is not use the power at all so that you may progress, instead of making a bad choice and loosing everything.
I also with respect take great issue with the New Age concept that we are God, or that we are Gods in our own right. I am not a religious person but if I was I would regard that statement as offensive heresy.
The fact is we are God. Your ignorance is what blinds you. This is not a New Age concept, this has been since the beginning. It is your choice whether to believe in this or not. I believe as far as religion goes, it was meant to aid in realizing God. However its true sacred purpose has been corrupted. All religions hold the truth, if you believe in one religion holding all the answers or being the true religion, you are off track. I do not believe in having a religion for religion is a dangerous tool, and if used incorrectly it can do more harm than good. There are passages in the bible which describe our current religious affairs.

[Malachi 2:8] But now you priests have turned away from the right path. Your teaching has led many to do wrong.

If you want to understand God, look into all religions, look everywhere and in everything, because God is everything. We are being separated and blinded. Think of all the different religions and the disagreement between what God Is.

[Malachi 1:10] Oh, that one of you would shut the temple doors, so that you would not light useless fires on my altar!

The bible holds the truth in a coded way. Christianity reads it literally, and deludes others into their beliefs. The mere fact that religions think that other religions are wrong and that their religion is the true religion, is an indication that all religions are wrong, and right. Ignorance is humanity's greatest challenge.


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