prophetic dreams and visions ~ Scary unnatural emotion ~ Supernatural

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prophetic dreams and visions ~ Scary unnatural emotion ~ Supernatural

Post by Stephys_cool » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:37 am

Hello there, I'm an empath. I would really like to discuss something i've been experiencing for almost a year now. Has anyone else had these crazy prophetic dreams? And I'm not saying... ones where you see something and it comes true the next day. I'm speaking scary. Like... actually seeing from a point of view that is unnatural to humans. A point of view of life that is so freaky... it's scary!! It's really supernatural I can't explain it I really hope you understand... I've never met anyone whose experienced this before but it terrifies the crap out of me. It's ... an understanding of life that i've never seen before. Like emotions for example... It was intense... I've only had a dream like this once. But everytime i'd wake up and go back to sleep i'd have another one. It happened all night. Like sometimes I experience astral travel all night. That's no fun either... I stay in my body.
Anyway so these dreams... they're longer than a second... they are hours long so it's just none stop intensity... but in real life I receive visions (I have received about maybe 3?) about life and emotions again... but it's the same exact scary feeling it terrifies me. It only lasts for one second. But it may scare me for a few days...
PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS!! I don't know anyone else who has and you wouldn't know unless you have.. let me know your story.
My story... um well.. some girl was looking at her hand... and then my mind just had this weird epiphany and i felt her emotions so intense and i saw emotions from a point of view... like it was sooo intense. I wish i could show you! I can't explain :C But it scared the snot out of me!!!

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:58 pm

The most important lessons for empathic people is grounding and protection.  You can not keep yourself open and receptive of all the energies.  This would interfere detrimentally in your life.  

All empaths can tell stories of manifestation of other people's emotions.  That is the nature of empathics.  The real focus needs to be on your own protection from the random messages.  

As some of your situation is about dreams, the important thing may be to shut down your mind before sleep and not to welcome dreams.  (I have to say I don't remember my dreams any more) Then you can get the rest you need to face life grounded.  

The strongest situation I had.....

It was around 4 in the afternoon and hubby and I were heading out in the car for a restaurant for dinner.  As we drove down the street I started to get what I can only describe as a panic attack on my stomach, mainly.  I was shaking all over as well and the stomach was in knots.  

I went through a focus in my mind to identify where it belonged (I just knew it wasn't mine - my life was not that stressful at the moment).  I focused on my family members and friends to no avail.  

We arrived at our destination, had dinner, and the whole time this feeling remained.  I managed to control it and have a nice meal out with hubby.  

On our arrival home, the phone rang.  I picked it up and someone was in a panic, in tears and fears, they had just been fired.  I asked the time they found out - it was 4 oclock.  I managed to calm her down and discuss the fact that it was merely making room for her to get a job better suited to her individual talents.  Then we hung up.  
The rest of the story is I did not know this person, nor had I talked with them before.  Our only connection was we had the same first name.

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Post by Stephys_cool » Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:20 am

that's pretty cool , idk how to protect

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:05 am

There are many protection exercises that work for people.  I can only suggest mine and it works for me.  

It is all about affirmation, visualization and even meditation.  I visualize a bubble similar to one blown from a child's soap bubble pipe, complete with the rainbow patch (thats because rainbows are such a special symbol of connections, communication, joinIng and crossing over to the other side, and they come complete with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end)  I see it envelope all of me and affirm it is a filter of all negativity from within and without.  

All exercises are rituals and need to begin and end with prayer.  They also are visualizing our best good so need our energy of belief and respect.  So that is why it is important to find a protection ritual that works just for you.  

One of the mediums from a TV show about house hauntings suggested she sees a spirit light condum around herself.  Interesting and fun!

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Post by Stephys_cool » Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:40 am

imma try that right now

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:12 pm

One of the mediums from a TV show about house hauntings suggested she sees a spirit light condom around herself.

EoT  :smt005

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Re: prophetic dreams and visions ~ Scary unnatural emotion ~ Supernatural

Post by Susie Psychic » Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:02 pm

Stephys_cool wrote:Hello there, I'm an empath. I would really like to discuss something i've been experiencing for almost a year now. Has anyone else had these crazy prophetic dreams? And I'm not saying... ones where you see something and it comes true the next day. I'm speaking scary. Like... actually seeing from a point of view that is unnatural to humans. A point of view of life that is so freaky... it's scary!! It's really supernatural I can't explain it I really hope you understand... I've never met anyone whose experienced this before but it terrifies the crap out of me. It's ... an understanding of life that i've never seen before. Like emotions for example... It was intense... I've only had a dream like this once. But everytime i'd wake up and go back to sleep i'd have another one. It happened all night. Like sometimes I experience astral travel all night. That's no fun either... I stay in my body.
Anyway so these dreams... they're longer than a second... they are hours long so it's just none stop intensity... but in real life I receive visions (I have received about maybe 3?) about life and emotions again... but it's the same exact scary feeling it terrifies me. It only lasts for one second. But it may scare me for a few days...
PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS!! I don't know anyone else who has and you wouldn't know unless you have.. let me know your story.
My story... um well.. some girl was looking at her hand... and then my mind just had this weird epiphany and i felt her emotions so intense and i saw emotions from a point of view... like it was sooo intense. I wish i could show you! I can't explain :C But it scared the snot out of me!!!

You mentioned prophetic dreams. I find there are two kinds and that being an empath can make the stress and emotion that much more difficult to cope with.

As spiritalk says grounding and protection is very important and can help if it is used at all times, and especially before going to sleep.

First there are those that have such a unique quality and realism, they seem real, we remember them, they don't go away easily, and often are about pets and people that we care deeply about.
The theory is that the shock of the actual event is so great that the energy and emotion travels through time and space and is felt by those sensitive and in tune, namely those closest affected. They cannot be changed as they have already happened and many people feel deeply responsible when they could not have done anything differently.

The other kind is a premonition or warning that can be acted upon and changed. It is usually more those sensitive with psychic intutition that see these and then act upon them.

Of course there are just dreams where the mind is playing out possible scenarios or practising events.

Don't worry, instead learn more about yourself and how to cope with developmental exercises. Let me know if you need any help with that.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:44 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:
One of the mediums from a TV show about house hauntings suggested she sees a spirit light condom around herself.

EoT  :smt005

WISE WARNING, Your Highness!

Particularly if intuitive and similar folks have learned or chanced upon, 'How to open the DOOR' before learning how to CLOSE it swiftly and securely, just in case...!

Paranormal-101 lesson!

Love and Light!


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Is it possible to drown in or be swamped by feelings or emotions.....?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:56 pm

WISE WARNING, Your Highness!

Particularly if intuitive and similar folks have learned or chanced upon, 'How to open the DOOR' before learning how to CLOSE it swiftly and securely, just in case...!

Paranormal-101 lesson!

Love and Light!

I am not quite sure about why you would refer to me as being any higher than yourself, but I wanted to add that I am highly distressed by the belief that is circulating around the internet that once the psychic door is opened, that it can NEVER be closed.

Much of this dangerous nonsense is fuelled by sensationalistic Hollywood B grade horror movies filled with demons and 360 degree spinning head pea soup exorcisms which make us incorrectly believe that the door to the darker spiritual planes cannot be closed once it has been opened, because it is good for maximum entertainment and voyeurism value and for healthy film box office profits to spread this belief.

The trouble is that if we believe strongly enough in our unconscious mind that the psychic door cannot be closed once it has been opened, then this can quickly and easily become our personal reality, and we will as a result feel it is impossible and therefore not worth the effort involved in doing so. Leaving the door open 24/7 is an open invitation to anyone or anything who wants to walk through it.

In the case of a person who is highly empathic or soaks up other people's emotions like a sponge soaks up water, it can get to a point where the psychic cannot tell which emotions belong to him or her any more, and which ones belong to someone else. It is often difficult enough to have to deal with our own feelings about a particular situation, without also having everyone else's feelings as well to have to cope with at the same time.

Is it possible to drown in or be swamped by feelings or emotions, both our own and someone else's? To the point that we are no longer able to effectively function either as a psychic or as person, or as a channel for another person's healing?

EoT  :smt017

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Post by Stephys_cool » Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:01 am

Ya Eye of Tiger. Throughout a few years of experience... I've realized that These theories... ideas... cults and beliefs as well. Creativity... it is very strong. It can make anything it can create anything and make it real and make sense to us. I experienced this billions of times, with misinterpreting what it really was... and believed my own theories. I finally just learned to ignore them. I believe myself to be partially "schizophrenic" in the sense that my extra senses are extremely active
Also!! I also recognize often that I read both myself, and others. I have heard peoples thoughts (through observation and asking... and proof... I've figured this out) And I will do this thing... I will be cruel to myself. So here.. I am actually receiving this from my self ... so through my natural reading eye i look through it in 3rd person and think I'm reading someone else. I have been getting a lot of control actually lately... It's been a work in progress. A very interesting journey..... .... can't express it enough!!

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What to Say When You Talk to Yourself

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:49 pm


Our self talk or inner voices come from a large number of possible sources, including other people's thoughts, bleeding into ours.

You may be interested to read one of the favourite books in my own private collection which explores in much more detail than is possible here where our self talk comes from, and how we can gradually and safely reprogram it in order to be able to help us enjoy a more positive, happier and successful life.

"What to Say When You Talk to Yourself"by Shad Helmstetter 1991 [Harper Collins]
Not a method of hypnosis or subliminal suggestion, this self-talk program is a rational, methodical path for self-change that reprograms your mind, raising both your expectations of yourself and your ability to meet your newly expanded goals. ... o_Yourself

If an increasingly large proportion of your inner self talk turns out to be other people's thoughts, this is neither healthy nor normal.  

Ego boundaries have been put in place between us as individuals for very good reasons. If they break down over the longer term (temporarily during meditation is usually OK), this can eventually lead to us going insane.

There is sometimes a very thin line between a person being psychic, emotionally unbalanced and mentally ill. You can become too empathic for your own good, and drown in other people's thoughts and feelings.

Thereby effectively stopping you from getting on with the rest of your own life, because your head is so full of mental static coming from everyone around you most of the time.

It also depends upon what these thoughts or inner voices are telling you to do. If they are for example ordering you to harm yourself or hurt other people close to you, then you should immediately see your doctor about a possible diagnosis of clinical depression, or in some more extreme cases schizophrenia.

Take care of yourself,

EoT  :smt041

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Post by k0103707 » Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:43 am

Just to say sorry!

I've had my own scary experiences with this, your're not alone!

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Post by Stephys_cool » Sat May 04, 2013 4:47 am

I am on meds right now because they are out of control thoughts. Yeah they are very negative. Telling me I talk to much.. I look ugly.. I'm crazy and so on. I have been dealing with this for 3 1/2 years now and i'm very good at it. Yeah i hear other peoples thoughts when they are thinking something whether they speak or not I can hear in language what they are thinking. And even just recently. I was at work and did something for someone and I heard "thanks" i'm like did you just think thanks? he said yes. And where I think something and heard someone say it out loud right after AFTER coming to the conclusion that i was hearing their thoughts. There is a break in my aura? Or what? Because back in the day I use to be able to read people but when I chose to. I had to focus in on it. But I never had that problem until... a traumatic situation happened in my life. I'm just very talented at coping and I did lose my ability but it's coming back to me . I will look into that book. Thanks

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 05, 2013 1:37 am


The temporary suspension of your intuitive abilities probably has much more to do with your traumatic situation and the particular medication which your doctor is using to treat the resultant emotional instability, than it does with any possible breaks in your aura.

If there are any weaknesses not breaks in the outline or skin of your aura which I cannot presently detect, then it is a symptom or reflection of of the underlying problem, and NOT its cause.

The comment about your medication is not telling you that it is doing you harm, or that you should stop taking it or reduce the dosage without your doctor's knowledge or supervision. To do this at present could have somewhere between dangerous and fatal consequences.

Every treatment has associated risks. Only your doctor is qualified to balance the risks of treating you in that manner, against the risks of doing nothing to stop the post traumatic stress like condition from destroying your health and ultimately your life.

Your doctor has made a professional judgement that any temporary negative effects on you caused by the drug are greatly outweighed by the potential benefits it could offer you in restoring a sense of peace and harmony to your nervous system which is suffering from prolonged shock.

Take it easy, as I do not want to either lose you or your significant psychic talents and intelligence.

EoT  :smt008

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Post by X-36 » Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:14 am

Hah, I was hoping you could help me with a future vision project.


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