Is this psychic?

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Is this psychic?

Post by angie21837 » Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:28 am

I truly hope I am in the correct forum section. I have some unexplained things and I am trying to understand if they are psychic in nature. I suppose the easiest way to ask is to explain what happened and then ask the question.

I was standing in my kitchen when someone hit a bag of ice on the counter to break it up. I have never had issues with it before, but this time I had a PTSD reaction, it felt like me stomach dropped and I flashed to a memory that I shouldn't have had. I recalled standing next to a biiig gun shooting what I think are shells and I think it has 2 rows of 3. I 'remembered' it firing and the sound it made sounded similar, sort of, to the ice hitting the counter that one time. Almost the sound of a baseball hitting a metal bat and pretty good speeds. Clink clink clink. I have never been in the military or anywhere near one of these things, but I keep thinking about it and it feels like I've been there. But I know I haven't.

I suppose I will stop there and ask, could this be a psychic type thing? I can't really think of any other good reasons to react to that noise and flash to that thought. When I first flashed to the thought when the ice hit the counter, my stomach really dropped out and I felt tingling in my fingers. I was fully expecting the noise and knew it was happening, just the thought or 'memory' is what gets to me.

I have been toying with trying remote viewing, but I wouldn't say I know much about psychic abilities, so thought I would ask where someone might have some input. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

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Past life memories of you having served in the military, resurfaced

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:18 am


You have definitely posted this in the right forum.

It sounds to me that when the bag of ice was hit upon the counter that the noise made one of your past life memories of having served in the military in a battle where cannon balls were fired, resurface.

Since these memories came through your unconscious mind, and the word psychic means literally "of the mind", there is no doubt at all that this was a genuine psychic phenomenon.

The reasons for your Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms and your highly exaggerated reaction to the sound of the ice hitting your kitchen counter, is more than less likely to be found in one or more of your past lives, which is why you cannot identify and understand its significance in your current incarnation.

There is a small chance that some of your response comes from earlier in this lifetime from experiences not involving cannon balls, which were however equally traumatic. This possibility should not be immediately rejected, but I really feel that it is largely due to what happened to you in a previous life (or previous lives) on one or more battle fields and military campaigns.

Take care,

EoT  :smt006

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Post by angie21837 » Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:44 pm

Thank you for answering! A past life memory could very well be it. I have done a short past life meditation that was posted online and while doing it I got a feeling of being a male Native American. It was odd because I 'remembered' the name of a tribe I couldn't recall learning about and even recalled a word I hadn't known and when looked up it fit in with the context of the rest of what I had recalled. So, the past life memory is totally feasible and I hadn't thought of it. Thank you very much for shedding some light on this!

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"Your Past Lives - A Reincarnation Handbook" by Michael Talbot

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:47 am

You are very welcome Angie,

If you are interested in doing some of your own exploring of this possibility that you experienced past lives, I could not recommend any book which should be more helpful to you, than the one which follows this sentence.

"Your Past Lives - A Reincarnation Handbook" by Michael Talbot 1987 [Fawcett Crest - New York][ Reprinted in 1989]

How to discover who you were in previous incarnations - and explore what it means to your life today. ... Past_Lives

Click on the link which says More

Please let me know if you find the book to be as useful as I think that it is with your DIY past life explorations (under this thread).


EoT  :smt003

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