a list of my gifts

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a list of my gifts

Post by kaz22 » Fri May 03, 2013 10:35 am

i have afew gifts that ive had move of my life and some new ones
im not trying to show of or enything like that i just need to know,1 how do i use them and controle them and 2 if its posiboule to have this meny, ok here gose,

i see thing that have not happen yet awake and a sleep i have very strange dreams  as well i feel what other people feel to and spirits and flames can dance whan i think them to and when im angry things move and fall of pleaces i see things in the clouds and auras around people and overthings to
and the new ones is i can teleport in my dreams i dont how im doing this also kids and animals are very well i cant get rid of them some times and this one will sound nutts but ive felt my wings twice , thats all i think of right now and im sorry if this looks like im taking the micky or something but im not  im just hoping that some one else has meny gift to and how to use them thank you for your time kaz :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 04, 2013 12:26 am


You have quite a large number of psychic abilities there. Learning to properly control them could possibly take you an entire lifetime, so please be patient as you are not expected to be able to do this overnight. It is not showing off to be asking these questions, as this is what this forum was meant to be used for.

So let us look at some of your many gifts. Working out what each of them is is the first step to learning how to control them. Take baby steps first? Clearly you have a wide variety of gifts which are more developed compared to those of the average person, but this does not come as any surprise to me.

We each have a spiritual body as well as a physical one. Our physical body has physical senses which are attuned to our physical surroundings. The five major physical senses are vision, hearing, feeling, touching and tasting.

In a similar manner every spiritual body has its own corresponding spiritual or psychic senses, which are tuned into our psychic environment and pick up different forms of psychic information from around us. There are far more spiritual or psychic senses than the five major physical ones, and these are often given fancy names which for some unknown reason are based upon the French language.

In French the prefix CLAIR means the same as the English CLEAR.

So we have CLAIRVOYANCE which is CLEAR SEEING or PSYCHIC VISION, CLAIRAUDIENCE which is CLEAR OR PSYCHIC HEARING. CLEARSENTIENCE which is CLEAR or PSYCHIC FEELING ETC. These are only three of at least 15 known physic senses.

So the point is since we all have a spirit body, we all have the entire range of senses of that body. But how well developed and how easy we find to learn to control or want to use them varies considerably from one person to another. As with your dyslexia, you appear to be on the higher end of the range for several of these at the same time in the same spirit body.
i see thing that have not happen yet awake and a sleep
This is the gift of PSYCHIC PROPHECY - being able to see or predict the future. Such a person is called a PSYCHIC PROPHET. When this gift is developing, it often first occurs when we are dreaming.
i have very strange dreams
This could be for many reasons. I would need more details to work out exactly what types of dreams you are experiencing.

They might simply be the product of your own vivid imagination. When our sleeping mind does no longer need to obey the physical laws of the Universe, virtually anything is possible in our dream world.

LUCID DREAMS are particularly vivid ones where in the middle of a dream we suddenly become conscious that we are dreaming. These dreams are unlike any others which we have, and are believed to come directly from our Higher Self, which is the God part in each of us which experiences what it is like to be alive through us.

I have already mentioned PROPHETIC DREAMS of seeing the most likely future, and there may be MEDIUMISTIC DREAMS where there is direct communication with people who have died.
i feel what other people feel
You are a PSYCHIC EMPATH. While being able to remotely feel like what it is to be that other person is useful in healing them, having this ability turned on every waking hour could quickly make you feel that you are going mad. Being constantly affected by other people's emotions which are coming at you from all directions, turns you into a psychic sponge, soaking up their feelings to add to and confuse with your own. People high in this gift particularly need to learn to temporarily turn off this ability when they are not using it, so that they can get on with the rest of their lives, not being constantly weighed down by the negativity of other people on top of their own.
and spirits and flames can dance whan i think them
This sounds like a mixture of you having psychic visions, because of your gift of CLAIRVOYANCE which I have already mentioned, as well as being able to manipulate the contents of those visions.
and when im angry things move and fall of places
This is PSYCHOKINESIS - the ability to move physical objects purely by the power of your own mind. When you are angry or badly frustrated, it is thought that there is a rapid build up of psychic energy happening. Just like what happens in an electrical storm when the electrical charge on the clouds becomes large enough a spark of lightning jumps from the cloud to the Earth below, when your psychic energy potential reaches a very high level, this psychic energy bolt is instantly released and being so highly concentrated it can directly affect physical matter.
i see things in the clouds
Actually this is not a true psychic ability, but is due to our mind's tendency to fill in the details between random shapes. People think that they can see animals and other every day shapes when they are not there. Because they are often random, the mind likes to join the dots and make them into something familiar which it recognises. Some people however claim to be able to reshape or make clouds appear or disappear, presumably through PSYCHOKINESIS on the fine water droplets which make up the clouds.
auras around people  
AURIC VISION. The aura is the personal energy field which coexists with and extends outside the outline of our physical body. Being able to see this is useful in helping to psychically diagnose problems with a patient, and find where most healing energy is needed. A person who specialises in using their auric vision to diagnose and heal patients is called a MEDICAL EMPATH.
i can teleport in my dreams
Sounds like ASTRAL TRAVELLING or you are having an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE (OOBE). Some say that during an OOBE either the spirit body itself or the spirit consciousness leaves and moves at a distance away from the physical body. It remains connected to it by a thread of light (the silver thread), so there is no chance that once the experience is over that the spirit body or consciousness will not be able to return to its physical counterpart.

Only during the transition called DEATH the silver cord is permanently broken. This begins a one way ticket to the Spirit world from which there are no returns at least for that particular physical body. For a different and new physical body, almost the only way for the spirit to return to Earth is through the process of REINCARNATION
also kids and animals are very well i cant get rid of them some times
You are a PSYCHIC HEALER, and the animals and children are unusually sensitive to and often highly attracted to your positive aura and energy output.
this one will sound nutts but ive felt my wings twice
Not sure about this one at all. It could be due to you unconsciously believing that angels walk among us, and that you might be one of them who has come down to Earth to experience what being human is like, so that when you leave here you will have a much greater understanding of and compassion for those people you are protecting and teaching.
thats all i think of right now and im sorry if this looks like im taking the micky or something
On the contrary I recognise that you are genuinely having these experiences, that you want to better understand them, but that you are asking us to do the impossible when you want us to explain each of them and teach you to control all of your abilities by yesterday. Psychic development is a process which lasts for a lifetime. It may happen over many different lifetimes. What development or progress happens in each lifetime is never wasted, for it is built upon in later ones.

You are on the right forum for asking these questions, but try to ask a maximum of two per posting, and leave some time between thinking about what you have been told by us and posting your next questions. In some cases you might be given a task to do, to help you learn to use your gift more reliably. Only when you have completed the task should you return and update us about what happened under the same thread as the one in which the task was given.

Effective psychic development requires having the gift and regular practice using it, as well as incredible patience and endurance. Many people who begin this never finish it, because that person's ego takes over from them wanting to use their gifts to help people, and egos are often anything but patient.


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thank you eot

Post by kaz22 » Sat May 04, 2013 2:51 pm

thank you very much for this info i will try my very best to learn what i meant was when i light candulls the flams dances and i dont tend to think of my self beening an angel but i have meny people say that i am like an angel, i do what i can for people this i have i done all my life i can heal people to i have so much energy at times and feeling others pain and sadness but its not just from people animals and over living thing to i know i have a long journy a head of me and i thank you all for what u are all going fo me to thank you

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 05, 2013 2:08 am


The dancing candle flame phenomenon is thought to be either another example of you moving something with the power of your own mind (psychokinesis), or during seances where there is a physical medium present it can be seen as sign that there are spiritual presences or entities in the room, which are attempting to communicate with the living.

Apparently the energy required to influence or control the burning gasses above the candle from the other side are very small, leaving the maximum amount of psychic energy over for the actual communication.

It can be used simply to get our attention, or as the spirit's calling card as if to say "hello I am here and I want to talk to someone."

Some meditation methods use the candle flame as a focus, and I have also heard of a a circle of candles being placed around the bed of someone who is trying to have an OOBE (Out Of Body Experience), as the theory goes that the departing spiritual body will cause the flames to either flicker or go out in response.

Lighted candles are often used in magical ceremonies, as a form of protection or purification.

Candles seem to have a very wide number of possible applications, in psychic and spiritual activities?

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thankyou eot

Post by kaz22 » Sun May 05, 2013 8:45 am

thank you eot

you've help me alot with all this thanks :)

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