Sensitivity to spirits/hauntings? Dying for answers! (:

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Sensitivity to spirits/hauntings? Dying for answers! (:

Post by carlymarie » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:10 am

Hey guys, I just joined, so a lot of you probably dont know me. My names Carly, im 17 and I joined the forum to get some advice on my own personal psychic experiences. Or, if they arent psychic, to find out more about how they connect.

So a bit of background. As young kid, before my teens, I never had any of these psychic experiences, though I had one paranormal experience. I was asleep, and I could have sworn I felt a hand come right up to my face and stop RIGHT before hitting me. I remember I was laying on my back with the sun right in my face, so even with my eyelids closed, there was an orange hue. Through that, I saw the shadow of the hand. Opened my eyes, nothing there.

Other than that, things were pretty normal. Then I hit my teens. I was diagnosed with PMDD, (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder), was diagnosed with depression, as well as anxiety. Why am I telling you this, you ask? Well, first off, it all started to happen right after I started getting periods. All the depression and anxiety started after the periods started. And when I would have a psychic 'experience', the feelings I would generally get were those of anxiety and sometimes depression.

Now, onto the actual experience. It doesnt happen very often, but when it does its a specific feeling I recognize anywhere. If I walk into a building that is haunted, or has some spirit hanging around, I can feel it. I get this feeling of anxiousness, right in my chest. Now, it isnt overbearing, ive never had a panic attack because of it or anything, but its not too tiny to ignore. Sometimes ill try and think about it and names or genders will pop into my mind, but I never know if theyre real or just my mind making it up because im thinking about it. There have been a few places ive been to, and would walk in and say to whoever I was with "This place is haunted." While knowing no history, and never being there before. Obviously, most of these were not completely confirmed. Though one that I was proud of was a restaurant, I walked in, said it was haunted, then about a year or two later, it was featured on one of those ghost shows.

It also happens where something tragic has happened. For example, I was dating this girl for a few months, she lives about an hour away from me. I was at her place for the weekend and we drove to her best friends house. Theres a main road you have to take to get there, next to some train tracks. I remember her telling me there were train tracks who many people have committed suicide on near her, but I didnt put the two together at the time. My mind was INVESTED in these train tracks. I couldnt look away. Nothing was there, but it was so intriguing for some reason. And low and behold, there was that anxiety feeling again. My girlfriend noticed me staring and had mentioned that these were the infamous train tracks that so many people have ended their lives on. This was only a few months ago, so definitely my most recent experience.

Ive heard before that psychic abilities need to be 'practiced' almost. Now, im not saying that I am psychic to any degree, because I have no idea. I guess thats where you guys come in. If I am, to any extent, I would love to know how to practice this and become better, or just learn more.

I apologize this turned out so long. I hope it didnt bore you too much. Thanks for reading. (:

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:59 pm

Its all about energy.  The first thing to get used to is your waking, normal state and how that feels.  Then when something 'different' happens on your senses, you will recognize that too.  Take Charge of your own sensitivities.  

To take some control, we use meditation and allow the spirit presence and work with our guide ONLY.  If you are open to every spirit that floats by, you will be overwhelmed and it will spoil any sensitivities you may have with spirit.  You can also tell your guide you are ready (or not) for anything that happens.  In that way the protection will be there till you plan to do something with it.

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ah ha!

Post by MisterMarine0 » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:03 am

So you have spotting in between cycles?  That is okay.  My ex had the same issue.  now about hauntings... fell that chill up your spine?  Maybe that is just the cat inside of you.

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Post by carlymarie » Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:17 am

spiritalk- Thank you for the advice! I know I sound like such a newbie right now, but, well I am, but could you give me some advice on coming in touch with my spirit guide? Or any links that could help me out?

MisterMarine0- LOL! No, no spotting. Im sorry, I didn't mean to put so much emphasis on that. Its just, for a long time I thought that tied into this because it tied into the emotions and depression and anxiety. It makes sense in my mind, I swear!

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Post by symulhaque » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:53 am

thanks  for your post . It  looks interesting and helpful.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:57 pm

Carly:  Because of your age and stage of life it is important to be pursuing any material/physical plans and goals.  The spirit will always be there to open and explore in the fullness of time.  

One of the things about meditation can be done at any age or stage of life.  It brings peace when you meditate with no expectation of any results.  Just pick a scene from nature and sit quiet with that in your mind.  When the mind wanders (and it will) bring it back to your scene of peace.  

Practicing meditation will help keep you at peace through all the visitations of life, on many levels.  But most importantly to sort out your future plans with a peaceful heart.  Don't jump on everything as being psychic and it will open in the fullness of time.

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