Balls of light?

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Balls of light?

Post by gennysmum » Wed May 06, 2015 6:45 pm

Im not sure if this is in the wrong spot, but does anyone have any hints as to why I am seeing balls of light? These balls have always been either navy, black, white or red but the other day I saw orange.
I first began noticing about four years ago after I started a regular meditation practice focusing on the aura and chakras. The balls are a little smaller than an orange and seem rather distant even if right in front of me. I don't know what this is, Im curious if anyone else has any ideas.
Just an FYI, I do not attribute this to low blood sugar, being tired or anything physical. I have seen spots while in those situations and these are not the same.

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Re: Balls of light?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed May 06, 2015 7:54 pm

gennysmum wrote:Im not sure if this is in the wrong spot, but does anyone have any hints as to why I am seeing balls of light? These balls have always been either navy, black, white or red but the other day I saw orange.
I first began noticing about four years ago after I started a regular meditation practice focusing on the aura and chakras. The balls are a little smaller than an orange and seem rather distant even if right in front of me. I don't know what this is, Im curious if anyone else has any ideas.
Just an FYI, I do not attribute this to low blood sugar, being tired or anything physical. I have seen spots while in those situations and these are not the same.
How do you physically during the time when you see these? I am not saying that something physical is causing these, but possibly the reverse! Any shift in the colour of these or do these stay the same colour at a given time during a given experience?

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Post by gennysmum » Wed May 06, 2015 8:38 pm

Its interesting because I have not noticed a pattern as to when I'll see them. Usually, I am going about my day as usual when one will pop out at me. The colors range from blue, red, orange, black, and white.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed May 06, 2015 10:52 pm

gennysmum wrote:Its interesting because I have not noticed a pattern as to when I'll see them. Usually, I am going about my day as usual when one will pop out at me. The colors range from blue, red, orange, black, and white.
So, you see those with eyes fully open? I was assuming that you see those when you close your eyes, as during meditation or when resting, etc. How long do those last?

Very fascinating!

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Post by gennysmum » Thu May 07, 2015 2:38 am

Thanks for all your replies, Rohiniranjan! I really wasn't expecting it.
But yes, I only see the balls while I am awake and for a few seconds. They don't bother me, Im just curious of any opinions. I've seen an eye doctor and my eyes are fine, have you ever heard of this before?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 23, 2015 2:07 am

have you ever heard of this before?
I have heard of this same thing happening many times to other people, and during the early 1980s when I was running a home psychic development group it happened to me on several occasions.

The balls of light which I saw were always in my peripheral field of vision.

If I looked straight at them, they immediately disappeared.

They were almost always blue in colour (varies from person to person).

The most popular theory at present to explain the balls is that they are an accumulation like a storage battery of psychic energy (either your own or of another person living with you), or that they are a lead up or precursor to a spirit fully manifesting or materializing on our physical plane of existence.

Whatever they do turn out to be there is nothing wrong with your brain or eyes in a medical sense, you are not simply imagining them, and you are not making them up to impress us.

But they do suggest that when you are just waking up that the filters in your brain which normally stop you from sensing these psychic energies (using the senses of your spiritual body), are temporarily suspended or disabled.

Did you get any feelings associated with the appearance of the balls (fear, peace etc)?

Did you feel as though a spirit person might have been standing there?

Did you have any strange dreams or apparent spirit dream visitations, before seeing the balls while you were waking up?

Don't worry about them,

EoT  :smt060

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Post by gennysmum » Sun May 24, 2015 2:49 am

Hi EoT. Thank you for your response and I do appreciate any input on this. These lights first appeared to me almost immediately after a meditation about five years ago. I took a break from meditation (and everything, really) for about a year, and once I started back I saw the lights. I was a little scared but more curious, and after not finding any answers I just took it as part of the background and ignored it. I didn't have much faith in my abilities to recognize energy back then either.

I am interested in your idea of a spirit trying to materialize as I have been wondering this myself lately. The lights have been almost non-existent since I started this thread. Since I have not seen the lights I have instead had several negative physical experiences every day. I am wondering why this is happening and how to make it stop. I did a house cleansing about a week ago and everything settled down for a couple of days but has since picked back up.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 24, 2015 11:13 pm

Have you ever tried to remember where you put something, and spent many anxious hours carefully examining what events lead up to when you last saw it in a frustrating attempt to gets some clues as to where the missing object is most likely to be? Then after almost driving yourself to the point of exhaustion something else gets your attention, and the focus of your mind is no longer on whatever you have lost?

This is because our psychic senses and experiences and our instincts work and are filtered through our unconscious mind. When we spend a lot of time using our conscious mind to analyze, calculate and make assumptions/guesses about where the object is, the much more subtle/weak unconscious signals are effectively drowned out by the large amount of mental static which fills our waking conscious.

And since our fears and worries are also largely experienced through our unconscious, between our worrying and all our logical thinking, the chances of the much weaker psychic signals reaching us so that we can become aware of them and act upon them are not very good. But almost as soon as we temporarily stop worrying ourselves sick about the lost object and stop continually thinking about it, the answers often almost instantly appear in our minds, as if by magic.

I believe that much the same thing is happening with you seeing and then not seeing the balls of light.  By starting this thread you started thinking more about the balls of light, which is is a left brain conscious function. When you were just waking up, the focus had not yet shifted completely from your dreams (unconscious) to your waking reality (conscious).

So in summary when your unconscious mind is in the ascendant and you are relaxed state and are not really thinking much about anything, the much more vague psychic signals can get through easily. But intensive thinking, worrying and making wild theories about anything keeps you firmly planted in your conscious mind, and its mental static drowns out or overpowers anything weaker. Making the task of you picking up on the psychic signals virtually impossible.

Unless you have other very good evidence that there is a spirit presence in your house, I feel that much of these so called negative energies are in reality your own doubts and fears being reflected back to you.

Your doubts about your abilities to recognise psychic energies (so what else could this ball of light be), your fears about what else it could be including that you are hallucinating, losing your sanity, are being haunted by an evil spirit or these are the first symptoms of a serious eye disease which will eventually make you go blind. And will you be able to deal with whatever it turns out to be? Can it hurt you or your family?

Burning white sage (smudging, throwing open the curtains and opening the windows and allowing fresh air and sunlight to enter each room or having a party and having a good time with those people whom you like and love will certainly do no harm, and will help to reduce your worries, clear your mind of negative mental static and raise your spirits. If you have strong religious faith then having a minister or priest bless your home (not an exorcism) may also help you to find increased inner peace and harmony.

But to really break the cycle of too much thinking and too much fear causing you to think and be frightened even more than you were before may take much more time and effort on your part, and you may in some more extreme cases need outside help from a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychic advisor, medium, counselor to begin to make major progress in this direction.

Combine all these positive measures with going back to using your favourite meditation method on a daily basis, and you will I think be pleasantly surprised by the ability of your mind to spontaneously heal itself of many of these worries and doubts and to re-balance and recalibrate everything for you, so that things are put back in their proper perspective.

Meditation also has a grounding effect, which often means that to enhance or restore our psychic abilities including those by which we sense psychic energies, we must take a short break now and then from all psychic activities, go outside, take deep breaths and do something which can help us get back in contact with nature.

Smell the flowers and get your hands dirty. Be near to running water. Pat your dog or care for your chickens. Run for the sheer pleasure of it, dance, exercise, go to your favourite restaurant. Any physical activity which gives you a temporary rest or holiday from your worries and thoughts, and makes you feel better about yourself, and makes you feel healthier is just the ticket.

Try some or all of the above measures for 30 consecutive days, then report to me back here under this thread, as to your results.

Above all be true to yourself and learn to value and respect yourself more (self love), in spite of your common human failings and mistakes. The only people who never make any mistakes (which we are supposed to learn valuable lessons from) are also those who will never achieve anything which is important to them.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt059

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Post by gennysmum » Wed May 27, 2015 2:23 pm

While I am beginning to accept that I may be causing all the chaos, I still don't understand how I could create some of it. In my home I have seen shadows, a couple of apparitions, I hear voices and banging. The other night when I woke feeling like I was on fire, as I was praying I heard a low grunt come from next to me. Things like this make me believe that something is in my house. But I do agree with you, when I am not thinking of anything that is when all of this starts. However, if I am thinking of my day and reflecting then I will have some sort of weird thing happen and if I am thinking of something that doesn't matter then I am left alone.

But yes, I will continue meditation and burning sage.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu May 28, 2015 11:49 pm

While I am beginning to accept that I may be causing all the chaos, I still don't understand how I could create some of it.
But that is the whole problem. To be responsible for or cause these things to happen or to create any of it, you must be able to consciously control these psychic abilities.

But since your abilities are completely unconscious and spontaneous, they are by definition not under your conscious control to turn on or off.
In my home I have seen shadows, a couple of apparitions, I hear voices and banging. The other night when I woke feeling like I was on fire, as I was praying I heard a low grunt come from next to me. Things like this make me believe that something is in my house.
I referred in your other posting to the possibility that a separate entity could also be present in your home, and be intentionally or unintentionally tapping into your energies.

I always prefer to first eliminate as much as possible the chance that something paranormal or mediumistic is happening, but this new information of yours is making it increasingly difficult for me to ignore the possibility of a spiritual visitor that I am sure that you do not want to consider ie that you and your daughter may not be alone in your home after all.

Balls of coloured light are one thing, but apparitions, grunting and banging sounds are something else. This is definitely beginning to make me more hesitant to completely rule out a paranormal explanation.

The measures I have suggested will help whether or not a separate entity is involved, but if it does turn out that you have a spiritual visitor in your home, you will in addition to these measures require the services of a trained medium in your local area (not an exorcist), who should be able to fully sort this situation out for you.

BTW if you were able to consciously control these abilities and tried to turn them off or continue to suppress them indefinitely, there is a very good chance that this could make things much worse than they already are. So please do not feel guilty or inadequate for not being able to consciously control them.

Usually you will need to  learn to re-channel the energies into something less disruptive to the feelings of you being safe in your own home. If a spirit is present, and this has not yet been firmly established one way or the other, this re-channeling will starve it of the energies which it needs to stay in your house, or even to manifest on the physical plane.

Please keep me updated about any future developments which give you more reason to suspect that there really is an entity present. We need to find the right balance between you on one hand being careful, and on the other hand becoming so fearful and paranoiac about this that you might do something which you could quickly live to regret doing.

Paranormal events often feed off your fears, but increased knowledge and the two of us working together as a united team are I believe your greatest weapon against uncontrolled fear and chaos.


EoT :smt060

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