becoming a reiki master

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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becoming a reiki master

Post by doogatyee » Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:25 am

What do you think is  a good amount of time for an individual between taking level II and master level.

I start my level II training in a couple of weeks, and am in the process of starting my own Reiki practice here in my town.  I just wanted some input from those that have recieved their master level on what the spacing was between levels.
Thanks for the input.

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Re: becoming a reiki master

Post by Gem » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:00 pm

doogatyee wrote:What do you think is  a good amount of time for an individual between taking level II and master level.

I start my level II training in a couple of weeks, and am in the process of starting my own Reiki practice here in my town.  I just wanted some input from those that have recieved their master level on what the spacing was between levels.
Thanks for the input.
The most common length of time is 3 years, it used to be ten years, but nowadays people can take all 4 sections in one, online, so really it is up to the person teaching and attuning you to assess when they feel you are ready according to your skill and knowledge. I am concerned that you are already starting up your own reiki practice even before level II, you won't have any practice at treating others, yet already you are planning on charging and using reiki for commercial business? If you need to ask questions about the master level like this then really you should not be considering starting a business based on reiki for a long, long while yet.

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Post by doogatyee » Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:56 pm

I suppose I should clarify some things as I seem perhaps to eager if that is the way it is coming across.    I live in a small resort town, on an acreage, we recently built a house next door to our older smaller one, and right now it is vacant, and I love it dearly and am not ready to let it go yet until i am ready to replace it with a grander version of itself.  Every time I go back into I feel love and memories, as of now I am doing crafts in it.  I am turning one of the rooms into a Reiki room.

I also have four children ages 5, 4, 3, & 1.  my time to do anything for myself is very limited.   Once i complete my level II, it was my intention to open my reiki room up to the public, so that I can get experience working with others that aren't family or friends.  Since I won't depend on The reiki for money, I am able to offer my services free or as an exchange for other services.  

I understand  it takes time between levels and I mean no disrespect to anyone by asking the question.  I know for myself that one day i will be a reiki master, as I am always choosing to create my own path in this lifetime.  I have termendous respect for The Reiki master I am working with here in town.  I suppose I am just more curious as to what most people spaced between levels was, and then why?

Or I suppose another part to that question would be how did you know you were ready to take the next step, what events or circumstances led you to that decision.

Gem, when do you feel is an appropriate time for someone to start up a Reiki practice? (thank, by the way for the reply.)

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Post by doogatyee » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:50 pm

I suppose i might also add that my intention was to start a Reiki practice, on a very limited time as in One sesion maybe three or four nights a week after the children are in bed and their father is home to care for them. As i reread my own message I to can understand how some may view it.
I amever so grateful that I have found reiki and took the steps necessary to become attuned to it.  I know have a tool in my belt to help myself and my children if the need arises.  I wake up practising Reiki on myself and i fall asleep practising reiki on myself.   I feel very drawn at this timne to offer it to others as a way of keeping myself connected as well.
I believe in the philosophy that 'we teach what we need to learn'     Everything in my life that I feel the need to bring to others is all things I need to bring to myself.  I believe in walking your talk.  To me by offering my gift of Reiki to to others is a statement to myself and to others that I believe in Reiki, and what it can do for people.   I believe by bringing more Reiki to the public that it brings a greater awareness to Reiki as a whole, and I feel that everyone and everything can benefit from Reiki energy.
Unfortunately for me most of the recipients of the Reiki that i give, although appreciate that i offer it to them, rarely come back for a repeat, as they don't need it, as they are wild animals, That find there way to me.   I can tell people the stories of how it affects the animals and their response, but I feel most people learn best through other people's accounts or their own experience.  To bring Reiki even more out in the open and to those that need it, I would in fact need to open my own practice and have other recount their experiences to friends and family members.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:46 pm

I understand that is the terminology used in these classes but to me, a master sees himself as a master when he has lost sight of who he is in relation to all others. A master is a master in one's mind and no where else. Even "masters" are brought down to their knees.

Seek guidance within yourself. If it is your will to teach others and assist others, then so be it. You needn't open a "practice" to share who you are. If others seek you out, then let them come, but do not let your wants be their wants, for it is their path and their walk, as your path is your path and walk.

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Re: Becoming a Reiki Master

Post by oneparadise » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:56 pm

I had never even heard of Reiki the first time it was administered to me.
In a wonderful, wellness center in Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Later, the doctor would say, if there was a day's delay before I came, there would be no hope...

Past life regression, intraveneous mega doses of vitamins, laughter therapy, colonics, and other alternative medicine modalities were used.

By far, the most dramatic impact, was with Reiki. When I was being treated with Reiki, the vitamin drip would simply suspend. The reiki practitioners said they never experienced that phenomena.

After awhile, we were have a "Reiki Party" and it was my intention to find a Reiki Master and learn this magical healing treatment.

Since then, I have three Reiki Masters and am now preparing to get my Teacher's Certificate. My three daughters have been initiated.

I was introduced to Reiki in November of 1995. I received my Master initiation in October of 2006.

I live with Reiki. It has helped to deepen my meditation and helps me to provide a healing space for anyone who is open and receptive to healing.

I am thankful for Reiki.


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Post by doogatyee » Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:13 am

Sidewalk bends:
"  You needn't open a "practice" to share who you are. If others seek you out, then let them come, but do not let your wants be their wants, for it is their path and their walk, as your path is your path and walk."

Although I understand this, I don't understand this. Is that wrong in your opinion or anyone elses to open a practice for Reiki? If I open a practice and put myself out there is that not the same as them finding me?  Or do you believe that people should only find those that give Reiki though other methods.
How could I let my wants for giving reiki to people, take away from their wants of recieving Reiki if they came to me?I don't ask to practice on my friends and family , I have told them if they want it, I am here to give it.  I totally understand about not pushing people into what i think they may not need.

That was a nice story thank-you for sharing, and answering my question.


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Post by sidewalk_bends » Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:25 am

doogatyee wrote:Sidewalk bends:
"  You needn't open a "practice" to share who you are. If others seek you out, then let them come, but do not let your wants be their wants, for it is their path and their walk, as your path is your path and walk."

Although I understand this, I don't understand this. Is that wrong in your opinion or anyone elses to open a practice for Reiki? If I open a practice and put myself out there is that not the same as them finding me?  Or do you believe that people should only find those that give Reiki though other methods.
How could I let my wants for giving reiki to people, take away from their wants of recieving Reiki if they came to me?I don't ask to practice on my friends and family , I have told them if they want it, I am here to give it.  I totally understand about not pushing people into what i think they may not need.
These are just my thoughts.

I don't know what is wrong or right. I just think you should follow your heart, and not let the dream of a center/practice override who you are. It means even without a practice you can help many as you have with animals. I don't know if opening the practice is finding who you are. Only you know that.

As for your wants and another's wants, I believe you got my drift  :smt002

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Reiki Master

Post by sitara46 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:22 pm

I was taught the "old school" way of receiving reiki master, after receiving reiki II, i had to wait 6 months and give reiki to 6 people, and then write a report on each one.  

As there is a 21 day cleansing and accepting, waiting at least 2 months would be the best thing for you, so that your body has time to adjust and you have time to work with the increased energy.

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becoming a reiki master

Post by scarlet raging storm » Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:08 am

I heard a month between levels. Although I have heard some people doing it sooner.

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:59 am

it all depends on the master and the student. no timing is confirmed.

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