Neck and SHoulder PAin

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Neck and SHoulder PAin

Post by moonwarrior20 » Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:02 am

I am new to posting so here goes.
I suffered RSI in 1993 when I returned to work after maternity leave. The problem started about 1 month after I returned. I went to the Dr who in turn sent me to a Physio who in turn gave me workers compensation. I was working as well as getting the treatments from both practitioners paid for by my employer. Well the problem never really got fixed and I am not the type of person to take pain killers unless I am rolling in pain. My question is can Reiki or any other natural treatment help me as I am now after all these years suffering again, and with my son turning 16 in January next year I am having to return to the workforce and I feel this should have been fixed a long time ago. Any suggestions I would be so grateful.
Blessed Be

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Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Chakra work....

Post by Rev_Vesta » Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:30 am

Yes Reiki would be wonderful for your shoulder pain, but any type of Spiritual healing could be recommended......
You do need to find a Reiki practicioner in your area or there may be someone who can send by distance healing too......
Hope this helps..........There are Chakra points in your shouldes and a Reiki Practicioner would concentrate on that area with both hands on your shouldes, but they may also be able to assist your body holistically..... they look at all your body and look at the cause not just the symptoms......get right down to the nitty gritty.......

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Post by tiger_tiger » Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:35 pm

Hi moonwarrior20!

Sorry to hear your neck & shoulder pain. I suffered also neck and shoulder pain, my neck was stiffed like a metal bar. After some research on the web, I found chiropractic solution to pain as well as my high blood pressure problem.

They offer video about how C1 (or atlas) sublaxation can be reversed.
Believe me it's the real deal, permanent cure is instant, in 5 minutes you feel the difference. I'm still pro-healing status, it contists of laser and some massage therapy. On the other hand my HBP dropped to 120/80, even below sometimes.

I do also REIKI myself, it helps for relaxation mainly. If interested offers I, II and Mastery attunement for free, so that you can do reiki for yourself.

Anyway, good luck on your healing journey.

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Post by tiger_tiger » Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:12 pm


Special chiropractic adjustment lowers blood pressure among hypertensive patients with misaligned C-1 vertebrae.

March 14, 2007

A Chicago-area study of 50 individuals with a misaligned Atlas vertebra (located high in the neck) and high blood pressure showed that after a one-time specialized chiropractic adjustment, blood pressure decreased significantly. The decrease was equal to taking two blood-pressure drugs at once. The results are published in the online March 2 issue of the Journal of Human Hypertension.

According to lead author George Bakris, MD, director of the hypertension center at the University of Chicago Medical Center, unlike other vertebrae, which interlock one to the next, the Atlas (also known as C-1) relies solely upon soft tissue (muscles and ligaments) to maintain alignment; therefore is uniquely vulnerable to displacement. Displacement of C-1 can occur without pain and thus, often goes undetected and untreated.

A small cadre of chiropractic specialists have foregone typical "full-spine manipulations," limiting their practice to precise, delicate manual alignment of a single vertebra, C-1. These practitioners make up the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).

Patients were referred to a Chicago NUCCA practitioner, Marshall Dickholtz Sr., DC, for cervical assessment that included: paracervical skin temperature determination; postural analysis; pre-alignment craniocervical X-rays; and supine leg-length check. (A misaligned Atlas results in leg-length disparities, apparent when comparing heel positions while the patient lies in a supine position. When the patient is instructed to turn his/her head to the left or right, the heel-position disparity changes. Heels that appear parallel to one another or that don't change on head-turning signal that the Atlas is not misaligned.)

Those with high blood pressure and misaligned C-1 were enrolled in the study. Data from the assessment were used by the chiropractor to plan the alignment. Half of the patients received a carefully tailor-made adjustment based on their results. Half received a "sham intervention," which was designed to be indistinguishable to the patient from an authentic alignment, possible only because of the delicacy of the procedure.

Participants were fully assessed again after the alignment as well as at the end of eight weeks.

The authors say the improvement in blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic readings) following the correction of Atlas misalignment is similar to that seen by giving patients two different blood pressure-lowering drugs simultaneously. The reduction in blood pressure continued into the eighth week. There was no significant change in participants' heart rate.

"The mechanism as to why this improvement in blood pressure occurs is unknown and cannot be determined by this study," the authors wrote. "The data presented, however, raise a number of important questions including: a) How does misalignment of C1 affect hypertension?; and b) If there is a cause and effect relationship between C1 misalignment and hypertension, is malposition of C1 an additional risk factor for the development of hypertension?"

A larger trial involving multiple practitioners is being planned.

Authors: G. Bakris, Director, Hypertension Center, Univ. of Chicago Medical Center; M. Dickholtz Sr., Chiropractic Health Center, Chicago, IL; P. M. Meyer, Hypertension Center, Rush Univ. Med. Center; G. Kravitz, Hypertension Center, Rush Univ. Med. Center; E. Avery, Hypertension Center, Rush Univ. Med. Center; M. Miller, Barrington Family Medical Clinic, Barrington, IL; J. Brown, Barrington Family Medical Clinic, Barrington, IL; C. Woodfield, Atlas Research Foundation, Barrington, IL, B. Bell, Barrington Family Medical Clinic, Barrington, IL.

This trial was an investigator-initiated study funded by the ATLAS Research Foundation and the NIH K25, HL68139-01A1 who supported Meyer's effort.

The University of Chicago Medical Center
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850 E. 58th Street, Room 106, MC6063
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone (773) 702-6241 Fax (773) 702-3171

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Post by tiger_tiger » Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:21 pm

Hope you don't feel bugging by me.
Below article is very very interesting.
It explains why 99% of people have C1 vertabrae misaligned, even don't know the reason.

Reversing the Curse
by Jean-Claude Koven

More than 99 percent of the population is still subject to an ancient curse that was deliberately cast to make slaves of the human race. For the first time, the deadly effects of this genetic tampering can be permanently reversed. I first heard of the Anunnaki some twenty years ago when I read The Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin. His book, the product of extensive research into Sumerian tablets and other ancient writings, describes the Anunnaki as the inhabitants of Nibiru, a planet that circles the sun in a 3,600-year elliptical orbit opposite in direction to all the other planets in our solar system. It is not easily seen, the story goes, because its orbital plane deviates considerably from ours and only passes through our rotational plane once every thirty-six centuries. The myth of creation related by Stichin says: "Soon after our solar system began to form, a planet thrust from another solar system passed near ours, was attracted inward, collided with a planet called Tiamat, broke her up to create Earth and the asteroid belt, and itself was captured into a great orbit around our sun to become the planet Nibiru. It was so 'Earthlike' that the Seed of Life, begun there, was transferred to Earth during the collision." Eons passed as life evolved on both Earth and Nibiru. In time the Anunnaki faced the prospect of extinction as they discovered Nibiru was slowly losing its air supply; the only solution was through an elaborate process involving the dispersal of great quantities of gold into their failing atmosphere.

When Nibiruian technology evolved sufficiently to allow space travel, the Anunnaki came to Earth, where they discovered vast stores of the gold they desperately needed.

After an extended period of successful mining operations on Earth, the mine workers brought from Nibiru rebelled, and the Anunnaki rulers on Earth decide to replace their own laborers with native Earth life. Their initial attempt was unsuccessful, so they resorted to genetic engineering to splice the native Homo erectus genes with the more complex Nibiruian genes. After several attempts, the Anunnaki succeeded in creating a hybrid species ideally suited to their needs--the one we now call Homo sapiens. The myth goes on to relate the trials and tribulations that arose as a consequence of interbreeding and uncontrollable population growth. War broke out, and a decision was made to rid the planet of the new species through massive floods. From there, Sitchin's saga parallels many of the Bible stories that he claims are adaptations of earlier Sumerian writings. It all makes for a compelling story--especially with Sitchin's extensive supporting documentation. I assumed, however, that if Nibiru and the Anunnaki were real, it was surely in some parallel universe and the "facts" were to be taken far more metaphorically than literally. That is, until six weeks ago when the impossible happened and the margins separating the two parallel universes started to fade. In late March of 2006, shortly before delivering a talk at the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo in San Diego, I was introduced to Ranan Shahar, the founder of the New Dawn Clinic in Los Angeles. He had recently returned from a course in Switzerland concerning a process called Atlasprofilax that realigns the topmost spinal vertebrae, called C1 or the atlas. This curious part of our anatomy, exhibiting little resemblance to all the other vertebrae, fittingly received its name from Atlas, the Titan in Greek mythology who supported the Earth on his shoulders. According to Shahar and the Atlasprofilax literature, the C1 of virtually in every single human is dislocated (luxated in chiropractic terms), causing an energy blockage in the spinal column along with a host of physical and mental disturbances. Astonishingly, I was told that the luxation is always in the same direction--statistically impossible if this displacement was simply the result of physical trauma. Although it was just a half hour before I was scheduled to speak, I accepted Shahar's invitation to experience the process for myself. Sure enough, despite all my previous metaphysical practices, countless Rolfing sessions, deep tissue work, and chiropractic adjustments, I was among the 99.9 percent of humanity with a significantly luxated atlas. The treatment involved the massaging (including the use of a pulsating probe) of the soft tissue surrounding the C1 vertebra. Apparently only one fifteen-minute treatment is necessary, and if properly performed, it lasts a lifetime. Despite being told about the nature of the process, I had completely underestimated its effect. Imagine standing in a dry river bed just below a dam as it is being demolished.

That's about as close as I can come to describing what occurred. The "old me" was ripped away in a torrent of freely flowing energy, and I could all but see myself emerging from my personal chrysalis. Within minutes, the flood modulated into a steady flow, and I received a distinct message telling me that I had broken through a blockage deliberately engineered into the human genome.

While I enjoy a good story every now and again, this one begged for independent corroboration. A few days later I called my friend Wynn Free, author of The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, who teams with Terry Brown in channeling an evolved extraterrestrial intelligence called the Elohim. When he responded several days later with a message from the Elohim, my information was confirmed: the luxated C1 was deliberately engineered into the Homo sapiens coding by the Anunnaki in order to render their native pool of mining slaves more docile, programmable, and controllable. This mechanism has remained in the human genetic makeup ever since, and I suspect it is well known to those who understand how best to exploit such things. The story is apparently acknowledged by the Atlasprofilax practitioners in the United States (see ( for a listing of both of them). Synchronistically, Theodor Haene, the only person in America other than Shahar trained in the process, happened to come to our home a week and a half ago for a visit (forget calculating the odds of that happening; the universe has never been required to play by man's rules).

At first Haene was reluctant to speak beyond the biomechanical aspects of the process. But when I shared my story with him, he turned in amazement and smiled. Although realigning one's atlas seems a good and necessary process, it does not come without a price. Who knows what darkness is amassed behind our dam walls? Once the energy bursts free, both the physical and emotional bodies have considerable catching up to do. While my spiritual body soared, and my emotional body quickly adjusted to the new game at hand, my physical body is just beginning to find its footing within this higher vibratory state. Ten days after the treatment, I experienced a severe spasm under my left shoulder that lasted for seventy-two hours. Within weeks I needed the work of a healer to help clear considerable blockages in my digestive tracts, and even as I write these words, I am recovering from an onset of sinus and chest infections that is cleansing years of accumulated debris. I am told that Atlasprofilax (currently offered in ten countries) is not the only process available for realigning the C1 vertebra. Apparently some network chiropractors, doctors employing the Blair Upper Cervical Technique, and possibly other therapists and shamans are skilled in the business of reversing the effects of this ancient curse. Both Haene and Shahar are open to sharing their work and are willing to train as many practitioners as possible. I support the spread of any knowledge that frees the human race. This is the time of awakening, when each of us is being challenged to emerge from the false comfort of our hiding place in the still, dark waters behind our dam. Albert Einstein once said, "No problem can ever be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." If we are to put an end to the insanity that has a death grip on our collective sensibilities, then we all need to move to a higher level of consciousness before it is too late.

Copyright (c) 2006 by Jean-Claude Koven. All Rights Reserved. This article is copyrighted, but you have permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper copyright and credit line are included.

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:33 pm

You do need to find a Reiki practicioner in your area or there may be someone who can send by distance healing too......
Hope this helps........ if a reiki healer gives reiki on ur affected part with flame color and then with white color then u can be cured rapidly.

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