My knee is better!

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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My knee is better!

Post by Catwoman148 » Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:50 am

Dear group,

I have been practicing reiki since I was twenty-five years old. I was only initiated for the first level by Yahudid Goldfarb in Oakland California. I was taught the basics, and I took off from there. When I first was initiated, I went to the store which was a block away, and I bought an avacado to eat. I held it in my hand, and the heat from my hands made it spoil before I got home. I thought wow, what is this really. I was very ill when I first was initiated, so I used it on myself. One of the main reasons I wanted to look into it, was because I would always pick up other people's stuff so bad if I laid hands on them. I was told that with Reiki, a person does not pick up their karma. I couldn't take any medicines because of the illness that I had. I was enviornmentally ill. I used Reiki to put myself to sleep. I used reiki to calm myself down. Then the first person that I used Reiki on was a woman's baby that couldn't go to the bathroom. She would bring the baby to me, and it would have a bowel movement within five minutes of the treatment. She gave me free haircuts in trade. We were both poor. I started trading Reiki for everything I could like astrology charts done etc. It was worthwhile. I read a lot about Reiki, and I have not been around other practioners for a very long time. Reiki saved my life I believe.

Anyway, I have had a fractured knee. It developed cellulitis, and it was sore for several months, and the pain was constant. I let some members here know about my physical problems which are many, but the knee was really bad. Two days later after the notification, I didn't have to wear the knee brace, and I could bend my knee. The pain level was cut down by half. Then it improved another twenty five percent the next day. Now I can do things without wanting to cry at night, and stay awake because of the pain levels. I wanted to thank everyone so much for everything.

I have been off learning some new things to help my own personal situation, and I believe it is working. I miss you over here. Some things have settled down, and I am doing better. My head is clearer. Boy have I come a long way since the first day that I arrived here with a plea for help. I love all of you. Thank you for the Reiki on the knee. I will be writing more in other places for updates on some things.

Love, Pamela

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Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:34 am

Post by SHAYUI » Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:58 am

yeah reiki is indeed very effective , even some illness which hard to be cured by medical general doctor can be easily healed by reiki as long we believe in it, allowing our body to absorbed those positive energy.

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Post by SHAYUI » Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:04 am

i myself got healed by reiki for a sickness that have plagued me since kindergarten  till the age of 11, went to many  doctor about 8 of them and have to depend on medicine but will eventually sick again, once the medicine is finish.
Btw is there any way i can practice it by internet, i wish to learnjavascript:emoticon(':smt006')

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:21 am

reiki can heal anything.

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