Different kinds of reiki?

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Re: How can something unversal can be so different? It can't be.

Post by Gem » Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:40 pm

drpavlovic wrote:Hello,
  I am a Reiki master. I saw so many odd things in your posts. First, Reiki is not a 'massage'. It is only one thing: we put our hands on the person, or our palms hower severeal centimeters over his/her body.
Second, people, don't have a stupid wish to learn as much styles of Reiki as possible. Seichim, Tibetan, Karuna Ki,..., it is all nothing but stupid. It is all in your mind. A great master, Vincend Amador, said that he had his wall full of diplomas of all kind of Reiki, but he didn't see any kind of improvement of his Reiki. How could he? It is the universal energy, which is intelligent, it heals the source of problem, not only the sympthoms. Yes, you are right, some knowledge has lost. Usui, the founder of Reiki was a Buddhist. We have only a fragment of his teaching. But, Reiki works.
 So. Do Reiki. Be Reiki. That is all. Have a strong intention, not the power of mind. In that case, the energy which works will be yours (you will be depleted), not from the extrenal source. Remember, we are nothing but a piece of wire in this process. We need only an intention to help, the rest is up to Reiki. There is no secrets.
Best wishes,
Hi and welcome to Mystic Board. :)

You make Vinnie out to be some kind of a saint or special master lol!

I totally disagree with your views. Sekhem is Ancient Egyptian, thousands of years before Usui, so should we not want to learn more? Do you really feel we can stop learning and ever know enough?

I have got the medals <g> and the diplomas and the certificates saying I am a reiki master and a master/teacher but I can never learn enough. If we think we know it all we run the risk of becoming arrogant and big headed and that is not in the spirirt of true reiki.

By the way, the Japanese don't see reiki and Usui particularly linked, his is only one way......

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Post by Gem » Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:42 pm

Killing_Smile wrote:I like the kind that gives the big shiny medal.
Then make sure that you check the small print, few nowadays have real shiny ones most are fake ;)

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Post by Killing_Smile » Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:48 pm

Gem wrote:
Killing_Smile wrote:I like the kind that gives the big shiny medal.
Then make sure that you check the small print, few nowadays have real shiny ones most are fake ;)
lmao. Thanks for the tip ;)

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Post by dhav » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:57 pm

well different flavors of reiki yes i know many.infact i have got more that 20 systems of reiki in me.i was enjoying the experience of receiving them but haven't yet mastered them.
there is a reiki yahoogroups if anyone is interested.there you can choose what kind of reiki appealing to you.all are distant attunement.there are more than 100 reiki systems there and the teachers are wonderful.

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Post by shekher » Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:12 pm

There r many types of reiki nowa days found in this world and many persons r coming forward to teach others, this wonderful healing methods.Each has their own power and outcomes. for e.g.a power connected with ocean, lightnings,angles etc.
&nbsp; &nbsp; An usui system is having some four symbols, some have no symbols and some even have more than25,?
&nbsp;Recently some people have felt that drawing of symbols or visulisation of it isnot necewssary, a simple intention can heal aperson situation or can do any thing.

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Post by Molissa » Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:35 pm

Now I want to know about the Celtic style!! &nbsp;I've studied a couple different healing modalities, and I've been told that some patterns I unwittingly use and methods I "developed" on my own (ha!) were Celtic. &nbsp;
Ego? not so much. &nbsp;I know best where to direct? &nbsp;Nope. &nbsp;I'm thinking I'm closer on the side of drawing down and letting it happen. &nbsp;That is more how it feels. &nbsp;I just had not heard/seen that description previously. &nbsp;Makes a lot of sense to me.
And I think part of the advantage of a human "healer" is some folks need that channel for lack of belief that they themselves can heal. &nbsp;I know I don't seem to work well on myself, but other healers are successful with me. &nbsp;
Great topic, Gem!

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Different methods & styles of healngs

Post by shekher » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:24 am

There r lots of things like celtic? and more but nbefore outcome of ususi method nobody was aware of other systems,the system may have developed due to the different personalities which may b suitable for a particular type.A person may not be healed by ahealer may be healed by another why? :smt018 [/b]

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Different kinds of reiki

Post by SageRose » Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:02 pm

I have been a Usui Reiki master since the mid 90's. &nbsp;I am a firm believer that we just don't make up types of Reiki. &nbsp;We don't invent different types of Tai chi, it's an oriental art and that's that. &nbsp;In fact, most of the people I know that are teaching Reiki have drifted so far off the path and added so much new age junk that I don't believe you get the same results. &nbsp;Japanese Reiki relies on the same principles as accupuncture and infact the people had knowledge of it. &nbsp;In Japan to this day it takes over 10 years to become a Reiki Master. &nbsp;I realize we need to cut that time down some but I see people taking a 3 hour class and putting up a shingle saying Reiki Master. &nbsp;If you invent your own form of healing and it truly works and has some scientific validation fine but don't call it Reiki. &nbsp;Much like being a doctor, massage therapist etc. &nbsp;There is "real" standard training for Reiki. &nbsp;Then if you add a few ideas that work, ok. &nbsp;

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Post by shekher » Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:27 am

SaqeRose is correct in identifying the issue that it takes a lot of time to be true master,just like a fresh doc. out of a college may bknown as a doc. and a practicing doc. from 20 years will also b known as doc,isn't it?This is regarding the name of a person practising an art or science.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Now what i have learnt and i believe is that main stream of energy is only one, but because they are used for different purpose they r named differently.
&nbsp; &nbsp;In case of Reiki and other healing methods similar to that and particulary from the east , all r connected with the Chi or prana whatever name given or method employed, the source is one.
&nbsp; &nbsp;New developments in every field is appreciable,developments in a good way is mostly from the west, and i believe that any method which may stand to the test of time, will survivew others will vanish, why reiki is still there and to be faithful it's ever flourishing? because it has stood to the various tests and the people has seen ,felt and heard it's wonderful results.

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different styles of Reiki

Post by SageRose » Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:14 pm

You're right Shekher about chi being chi. &nbsp;I don't want to step on anyones toes here. &nbsp;Chi can be used a lot of ways but because it is originally from an oriental culture, it's really good to learn their ways. &nbsp;As for Reiki, I personally, would like to see Reiki stay an oriental art and not mix so many "new age" things with it. &nbsp;I guess with all my years of experience in natural healing and being involved with psychic fairs doing aura photography, I just think some of the stuff people are inventing is money making (I only accept donations and do a lot of healing work for free) and I don't see a lot of experienced people. &nbsp;By the way, we do get experience from working on others, and I don't have a problem with that. &nbsp;I just get tired of seeing people take a day class and become a master with a shingle form $75.00 an hour. &nbsp;I feel that way about anything. &nbsp;A friend had a house painter who just decided he could lpaint houses, that was really a disaster. LOL! &nbsp;Blessings to everyone on the path!

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Celtic Reiki

Post by tyro » Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:15 pm

If you want I can email some stuff about Celtic Reiki that &nbsp;I came across a while back.
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Post by blacksnake » Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:27 am

reiki, it's good to know more how to use it and practice this

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Post by Solwynn » Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:08 pm

I use Celtic Reiki and I am currently working on a manual for it. I was interested for a couple of years in taking it, and I held off because of how I feel about the great dearth of "Reiki systems" out there and how I hear teachers telling people that things will make your Reiki "better". Pffft!!!

I have some rather strong opinions about Celtic Reiki, that probably don't or won't mesh well with the majority of the new age community. I do use it, I do love it, I have had some lovely experiences with it, but I don't consider it to be Reiki and I don't consider it to be based on any "Celtic healing knowledge" or "tradition", which is what the manual I received tells me. One of the nice things about it is that if you go to the various sites dedicated to Celtic Reiki and do some reading, the founder acknowledges that the system needs more input and could be expanded. Celtic Reiki masters are encouraged to do their own research into it. If anyone is interested, pm me and when I am done making my manual, I will make an email list to send out a copy of it and people can tell me what they think.


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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:35 am

there are lot type of reiki systems available.

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