charging fees for reiki

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charging fees for reiki

Post by shekher » Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:50 pm

is it necessary to charge fees for the reiki given?

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Post by Bandit81101 » Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:42 pm

I wouldn't say necessary, not much in life is "necessary" lol  But I'm sure there are rules out there for it.  

I went in once for what I was told was Reiki healing, and they charged me $50.  Best $50 I had ever spent.  Had been sick for 2 years, all the way to the Mayo Clinic.  So by that time $50 was nothing, and we were glad to pay it! :)

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Post by Molissa » Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:45 pm

I think some form of energy exchange is a good idea.  "love donation", set fee amount, bartering, something.  I think a lot of people feel they "get what they pay for" and with an exchange in mind will be more open.  Fees for a healing session aren't for the Reiki itself, but for the healer's time which is valuable.  Just my opinion...

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Re: charging fees for reiki

Post by Lady of Avalon » Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:55 pm

shekher wrote:is it necessary to charge fees for the reiki given?
Nope not necessary but many teach that it is lol, wonder why?

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Re: charging fees for reiki

Post by Molissa » Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:20 pm

Lady of Avalon wrote:
shekher wrote:is it necessary to charge fees for the reiki given?
Nope not necessary but many teach that it is lol, wonder why?
I figured the teachers say "charge fees" to help recoup $$ for all the classes and attunements we paid for....
(ok. tacky.  I'm sorry!)  I haven't yet charged for any healing treatment.  But I have accepted lunch, or a new crystal or asked to be included in prayers and such as that.  just sayin'

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Post by Gem » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:43 pm

But not all teachers do charge or believe that it is right to charge. Many teach for free so that everyone has the opportunity to give reiki to others, rather than being limited by money.

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Post by PHeleno » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:44 pm

Well, in my opinion, there are two distinct situations. There are those who deleiver themselves to the art of healing, and I think those people should charge a "fee", for that healing. Of course, we can discuss what is the fee...could be money...could be a gift...could be an invitantion to lunch, or dinner, as someone said. It does not have to be money, but I think each of these persons should know how that fee could be payed. On the other hand, there are those who give the healing, while having a certain profession. In my opinion, this kind of people should not receive a fee. Healing others can be consider as a way to balance thenselves, while working sometimes in a very boring jobs. The person who gets healed, gains a balance in him or her self, so there are two beings that, eachother, by giving and obtaining, gains a balance, even in a energetic way.



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Post by Azhar » Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:45 am

My experince is that people take it for granted ,that it is the duty of a spiritual healer to give the healing for free and sometimes even do not take it seriously and will not even come back to say thank you and if you just meet them by chance and ask they would say yes I am cured and I also took that medicine or seen such doctor,but the actual story is that they come to a spiritual healer in the end after exploring all medical help and not cured.They just try to discrdit the healer of his effort.I think any thing free is not given the true credit If they are made to pay they takeit seriously.This is what I have expereinced.I agree that one should be paid for his effort and time which is important. If a doctor charges his fee why not a spiritual healer after all he is also doctor or spiritual doctor.Though I have not charged any one but over my years of experience in this field ,I am now thinking of charging it. I have checked and have found that it is not forbbidden in Islamic traditions as the healer has a family to feed too.

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:14 pm

The exchange issue is always a touchy one but a very necessary one.
The view that a true "Healer/Giver" would never charge or expect compensation for the work.
The attitude that people only value what they pay for vs the attitude that spiritual energies are a gift from God and must in honor be free.

Dr Mikao Usui, stated that one must give some exchange to recieve full benefit and must balance any exchange of energy and that free treatment creates an unacceptable spiritual debt for the healee/person recieving information etc.

Story 1:
Usui Sensei healed in a slum for many years until discovering that many beggars preferred to remain beggars.
The meaning: Not everyone wants to be healed/recieve advice.
It is common for people to devalue themselves to the point where they will not pay for something that could help their own well being.

Story 2:
A woman went for free reiki treatments, she really needed the treatments.She offered to pay for it, yet the Master declined saying he would rather she 'paid' him in her own way. (No not sexual favours!!! hahahaha!) She stopped going for treatments after awhile. The master bumped into her one day and asked,"Why did you stop coming for treatments? You really could've benefited from it!"
Her reply was that she felt like she owed the master something. She hated owing anyone and hated being in 'debt' to someone, she felt she didn't have any skills to offer in return.

It is VERY important that no one feels abused or used. I also feel that it is not fair to castigate someone as being 'greedy' if they want a fair payment for the time and energy and work they do.
I also wonder why so many people feel that their own health, happiness and spiritual evolution is not worth a modest cost for a session or treatment...

The tradition of exchange is a valid one, we all return to the Universe, we recieve what we send out. Exchange can be any use of the energies for the universal good.
The issue gives us the opportunity to clarify our own understanding of our own values and needs, and encourages us all to become clear on how we feel about it, rather than accepting as an absolute anyone elses unexamined opinions.

Kinda comes down to, "I'll do it for free, if you'll pay for my rent, car repairs, food etc"

I really don't think it has to be money, it can be a really awesome conversation sharing views, it can be a tarot reading, a healing, a cd with awesome music on it, a drawing, a service, it can even be a cake! Whatever! Just something in return..
Unfortunately in this world money is an exchange of value...

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Post by looking_glass » Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:24 pm

If the intent is in what a person is receiving, then perhaps it's time to ask oneself if one's heart is in it. Just because energy and healing is sent does not mean that a person is healed. People often wonder why multiple sessions are needed or why the healing fades over time. Could it be one's intent was not pure when sending the healing? Could it be one's motive was for gain, whether money, a gift, noteriety or some other favor? Afterall, one cannot give what is not theirs to give in the first place. Healing belongs to all? Pain, suffering, joy and happiness belong to all?

People speak about the time spent, and the monies recouped for lessons, and to this one must ask, "For the greater good, or my own good?" Can love be bought? And if it is for one's own good, then maybe it is time to look inward, instead of wanting to be a hero or someone's savior, for none can be a savior to any, for we are all One.

Sustain me, that I may use my heart to overcome.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:25 am

I believe that one should charge a fee for healing....if you are basically saying that your healing is not worth is ok to accept money for your time and expertise...and your services are worthy of payment.... also remember the client is responsible for his or her own healing...not the healer...if the client is receptive to healing he or she will be healed...if the client  consciously or sub consciously is blocking the healing than the healing wont take is up to the client to accept the healing you are offering...if they are willing to pay money for your services..they will be more likely to accept the healing.    :smt054

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Post by apoi » Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:28 am

I like the way we choose to justify's all rubbish sometimes.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:20 pm

i believe that the most important thing is intention....for example...if you donate money to charity with good intent and later find out that your money was doesn`t matter because you gave with good intent....the same goes for healing....if you intend to heal and your healing is not accepted...this also doesn`t long as your intentions were good the end result good or bad should not matter. it`s not about being justified...

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Post by looking_glass » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:04 pm

Alchemist, your two responses seem in opposition to each other. If it is the intent that matters, then no monetary or material exchange can justify helping another person out of the sheer will of your heart? Unless your mind needs convincing..

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Post by TheAlchemist » Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:26 pm

thank you for your response looking_glass..
i dont see the opposition between intent and money...they are separate matters....when i give a healing i intend to heal...when i give money i intend to help a cause...if the person i intend to heal is not opened to receive for whatever reason doesn`t is ok because my intention came from love and light....if i give money to help a cause and the money is is ok...because my intention came from love and light.....after i give...its not up to me what happens next....its the intention that counts...if i give a beggar $10 and they in turn buy whiskey with it...its out of my hands...but my intention for giving the $10 would be to help a fellow human being and thats what is important....i believe the original question was is it ok to charge money for reiki...and my answer is still is an energy of exhange...there is absolutely nothing wrong with exchanging money for services rendered...when i give healings i intend to heal...its not about the money...but the money serves as an energy exchange....and both healer and client have given and received an even exchange...and neither is feeling they have given or taken too much...I hope that makes sense...

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