choosing a Reiki teacher

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choosing a Reiki teacher

Post by TheAlchemist » Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:40 pm

when choosing a Reiki teacher what is most important to you? knowledge, experience,compassion,locale,free vs.price ?....How do you choose? Is it who you are most drawn too, a recommendation?...or do you believe the right teacher shows up when you are ready?

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Post by looking_glass » Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:56 pm

I don't believe in selecting any one person. There's a lot you can learn by talking to many people. You start to see an interesting picture form.

Besides, it seems these days that people have their "way" and seem to think that is the only way. Wen you distill it all, I feel as if all of that fades away.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:57 pm

HI looking_glass.....I agree totally when you say "it seems these days that people have their "way" and seem to think that is the only way. "...that is so true but unfortunate and based on ego ..

I have taken all my reiki training classes with different teachers for each level...the first teacher came to me through a mailer offering classes in my i would say that the teacher came to me ..... the next was a referral  ...... i sought out another for the next level....and the next came to me by a series of synchronicity ....Each teacher had different methods and ways to teach ..some I resonated with more than the others ...and each had a unique impact on me..

I was curious to see how others in the forum selected/ found their teachers

Thanks for your input...I appreciate!

Love and light to you...

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Post by looking_glass » Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:06 pm

You know what's interesting is we can all learn it different ways, and then through the other things we learn in life or through our experiences those views begin to change and somehow we find ourselves on the same page. I've found that with a lot of the things I thought I knew. Turned out I didn't know a thing. I'm still content with it though.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:54 pm

yes interesting point....I think every day there are always new things to learn ....that`s what shapes us as human beings....the more we ask questions and seek out the answers ... the more we evolve and grow...

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Should I pay or do self attunement

Post by Mystique4me2 » Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:36 am

There is a course for Reiki coming up in my area.  I would really like to go because I want to be able to help others in their own healing.  My problem is that I don't have very much money and am supporting a family of 5 (hubby (stay at home dad, teo kids, and one adult who is schizophrenic)  

I really want to be sure that if I pay it will be a good investment - I'm worried that I could have done it without paying the amount or by exchanging a service - ideally I would like to be trained, heal others for a small fee and with that money pay the teacher - does this happen at times?

I believe very strongly in Reiki plus being of Japanese descent I am eager to learn many of the Japanese healing arts in honor of my father who took his life 2 years ago.

Any comments, please...


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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:38 pm

Hi Mystique

I am wondering how your subject matter ended up under this heading.......
Anyhow, if you are asking whether you shuold pay or do self attunement....... I do not undertand the latter. How can you self attune if you are not yourself attuned?

If you are lucky enough a Master who would attune you for free (am sure there are many such people around) then I would say go for it. Am sure you will know how pay her/him back.

But my mind is puzzled re this self attunement........

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:01 pm

As for choosing a Reiki teacher, my teacher came to me when I was in a spiritual church. I have done levels I and II with her, sat in circles with her and I dare say I will do Master level with her too.
Although I meet other practioners and masters during Reiki shares, but luckily so far all have the same style of doing things. Little do I know, however, I am developing my own style and this my teacher has always encouraged.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:48 pm

I think its an intuitive art and we are guided through the process .....with each client the techniques and symbols that come will be different....there really is no set way
.....the intention to heal is most important and everything else will fall into place...

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:48 pm

yeah i'm a little bit in a piddle myself...
I met my reki master through the guy I was dating at the time, I became close friends with the master during my relationshiup and the friendship continued after we ended it.
I did my reiki | and reiki || with the same master.

I really had no clue but I started to grow and grow through my friendship with my master and one day I was finally ready to be attuned. And hence my journey into the healing world.

But the thing is that now about a year after getting attuned to the second level I just don't seem to have the same connection with my reiki master - there are just so many things that he doesn't quite understand about me. I think he gets it but then will say some statement that is just so off that I end up actually getting hurt as I just cannot believe that he could get me SO 'wrong'.
I think its because I was so 'terrible' when I started out. Just so clueless and ego orientated that its kinda stuck in his head - I don't think he can get his head around how much I've changed.

i then left the country due to circumstances (I live in Accra, Ghana at the moment with my parents - expats) and now the only major reason why I would return to my home country is to see him and hopefully be ready for my 3rd attunement.
I progressed quickly to the second level and now I'm dealing with what needs to be dealt with before I will allow myself to be attuned to master level.
I just think it is SUCH a responsibility and an honour that I want to be well worthy of it. Ag I know I am already 'worthy' but I just feel that I need to work out some of my kinks in order to truely be able to look someone in the eye and say "I am a reiki master".
Thats HUGE, MAJOR BIG deal for me.

But going back to my story - I now sit here in Ghana and wonder if my reiki master is the guy for me. I have little contact with him and didn't really leave off with a warm fuzzy feeling within me.
But i'm very loyal and I also think that me being here and then maybe returning home will be that perfect sync moment - kinda like when I am ready then I will get the o;opportunity to return to my home town.
I'm quite confused.
I do know that will be will be but i think I just wanted to put this out there...
Also maybe you guys have some advice/info that might illuminate things for me...or just for you guys to share in my story/feelings is enough :)

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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:59 pm

Red Rose,

Simple advice: go with your gut feeling.

I have become friendly with my Reiki Master and we used to see each other every week doing psychic development circles. But, gradually, things changed, people dropped out --- not her fault--- and we dont see each other as often. In a way, I am glad the regular contact has come to an end or to a temporary freeze. We needed to cool down and each go searching and finding our own identities. I feel I should have my third level with her as well, simply because I 'feel' I have had a journey with her and she is a good practitioner and a Reiki master. I do Reiki share nearer to home and I have not developed a connection with that Master in order to do my Level III with her. It is just a feeling one gets. Who knows? I may meet another Master and I might decide to get attuned with her/him.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:22 am

Rose red just a suggestion...but perhaps you may be led to another master for the next level....someone who understands you as you are now... not as you once were. ...If an opportunity arises to learn from someone else....accept doing so you won`t be dis loyal to your former teacher you will be expanding your horizons...

("I just feel that I need to work out some of my kinks in order to truely be able to look someone in the eye and say "I am a reiki master". ")

We all have kinks...just because we are reiki masters doesn`t mean we have life all figured out ...calm waters with no ripples....the interesting thing is that the clients that are drawn to us also serve to give us profound insights about ourselves....often the things we seek to heal are parallel to our own experiences...

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Post by RoseRed » Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:43 pm

Thank you SO much guys!
that really has put my heart at ease...i'm actually excited how this all pans out...if its going to be someone new or yeah...:)

And thank you Alchemist for saying that...cause i was getting to the point as we do when one uncovers one layer and see's that there are many more to uncover and I was getting stressed if I was ever going to be ready...and after I read this there was a movie on...really cheesy but there was this one part that fitted so perfectly into this.
The scenario:
Kung Fu guy is on his last level and then he becomes a master, the teacher tells him to go find the next teacher, the Master that will take him the final level. And so the young guy goes on a wild goose chase and finds out that the the Master does not exist.
He returns home to his teacher and gets upset with him telling him why did you send me on this stupid task?
The teacher just looked up and smiled saying, you already know who the Master is....the young guy looks at the teacher blankly and so the teacher are the Master.
Now find him.

I'm now using that as a little bit of a get me to start accepting the fact that I am that person already...I just need to find her. Accept it...kinda thing...

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Post by TheAlchemist » Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:22 am

Peace my friend!...may you find all the treasures that await you on your path! :)

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:29 am

hi all,
before looking for a master in reiki, just see their experience in handling various cases. this will help u in long run.

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