help,picking up way to much of others energy

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help,picking up way to much of others energy

Post by mialane214 » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:25 am

i've known i was an empath for a long time but less than a week ago, i realized how much of an effect i was letting other's feelings and illness have on me cuz i didn't know how or how to "protect" myself (not the best word i know).  When I start to feel other's energies now, I have been praying for whoever's energy it is and asking spirits, guides, and angels to bless them and remove it from me.  It's been working, however, after prayer, cleansing, and meditation, i have been feeling very fatigued.  More than i used to.  Someone told me that it was normal and will stop after about a week.  So I guess I'm looking for any other ways to cleanse and if possible, how to regain energy.  I plan to go to the library tomorrow to get some reiki books, any suggestions on that?  I know I've asked a lot, but if anyone has ANY advice at all, I will be sooooo grateful.   :smt015  :smt017

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Post by Rev_Vesta » Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:00 am


I have decided to start using Reiki after using other healing modalities  but I also always pick up other's feelings, illnesses etc......... so I started working with my Chakras, making sure they are completely balanced before i would start with a client.......then I would surround myself with protection light..........once session was over I would sit quietly and visulaize the excess energy being formed between my hands and then transformed into a purple ball and flickedf into the Universe for the Good of all Blessed Be!......... then I would do a Guided Meditation........ allowing myself to feel refreshed and revitalized afterwards......

Hope this is something you can try.......for yourself.....

Take care...


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Post by RoseRed » Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:21 pm

Thats really beautiful Rev Vesta. Thank you for sharing it!

Ummmm I must say that I have the same 'problem' sometimes, no matter how much of a blessing and understanding of the energy I have I do feel drained afterwards.
There are 3 things that I am going to say:
1) Could be that I am using my own energy and not the Universes - could be the same with ya.
2) One gets used to it and gets stronger - has been the case for me but if in a particulary large group, blegh.
3) Protection Protection Protection. You shouldnt ever get affected by others, only if you want to. That is the pinnacle in my honest opinion cause I have yet to reach that total at ease and in control state - at all times and in all situations. :)

hope some others will be able to mention some other things that might help.

oh! just remembered something....sepearation issues...okay what I mean by that is that us as humans believe that there is a lack...and that we can actually be drained...which is cr*p in actual fact as there is no limit to energy from the Universe. It is limitless and unboundless...we just need to change the way we think........let me go find that thread....
Heartworx wrote:Hi Vlinder,

Saying that others can steal your energy, (psychic vampires and the like) is saying that there is a finite amount of energy in your world. What this does to us is make us believe in seperation. Seperateness = protection = defense = fight = fright  = fear, which is the opposite of love.  Understand that this whole journey is a path to Oneness, this means that there is no seperation, and what this means to me (and what i have experienced) is that there is not, a finite amount of energy, energy is infinite.  Everything that we can sense and what we cannot sense is energy, even the air that we breathe in is energy.  Every time that we are feeling a negative emotion whether it be anger, fear, judgement, or any one of them, we are buying into the belief of seperateness, an illusion. And when we do that we find that we need something that we believe is outside of ourselves  to fix that problem. Whether that be food, drugs, or the somebody elses energy. So What i do when somebody wants to "steal" my energy is allow them to, because that is there choice to be-live in seperateness , it is not my choice, I live in a world of infinite energy where there is enough for all (and I find myself slipping into the illusion at times       ).  So my question to you is, what do you believe?

Heartworx ... c&start=30

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Post by Rev_Vesta » Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:33 am

For me personally.....  I always say I am the channel the vehicle for healing to take place... I bring the energy from the UNiverse through myself into teh Client and do the same... I take it from the client, through me back to the UNiverse... so I never use my own energy and never store the client's/////

Hope helps.... bremeber workw ith Higher Self........

Blessed be!


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Everyone has been so kind and helpful:)

Post by mialane214 » Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:44 pm

I am soooo grateful for everyone's suggestions and kindness.  It's so nice having other's reach out to a stranger to lend advice.  All of your suggestions have been a huge help.  The past couple nights, I've found myself trying to escape it and ignore it.  I know its a gift and that it'll take time to learn how to use it to help myself and others,  Did anyone feel this way?  I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I'm just telling myself that I don't need it and have tried giving it to the universe, almost like I'm afraid of not using the gift as much as I should.

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Post by Crow » Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:38 am

Wow Cool, love the advice. Note to self: I'm going to try remember some of these things.   Perhaps a string around the finger to remind me...I am so forgetful! :smt005 Wonderful, thrilled...perhaps I can finally figure out that channeling part!  Thanks for sharing this for all empaths who wish to do something with it.

It does get better.  With practice you are able to remember...
Not sure if you are the type of empath who takes the feelings on as your own.  This was my biggest problem.  This is when I go and notice that I am all out of wack.  The better we learn to know our own ques we are better able to re-balance ourselves.  Yesterday I was crazier than the mad hatter!  Overload of the readings.
Empathy+Vison= a bit of confussion.  First step I found was to seperate.  Sometimes when we get that feeling of being really angry or really sad and someone asks what is wrong, we replie I don't know kind of thing happening.  That is one clue. Sometimes it can be a trigger deep within due to time of year or certain events.  I had to learn slowly the differance what is my past from my feelings from others.  Oh boy! It took so many years. I thought I was a crazy loon. Well, I am sorta.  Sounds like you are having problems with the release.  What happens when we hold in our inner feelings?  Do they fester and become physical aliments?  I see this happens when I am stressed or sad.  Although I thought I released I am still drained.  Oh yeah I forgot to balance myself. lol  Do you ever experience that too?

Stop-try to find some time for yourself
Re-Think-analize the feelings you are experiencing, find the root.  Cause and sourse. Is it yours or anothers? And those whys if you are able.
Balance- If you are sad do something that lifts you. If you are scared do something that brings courage.  Basicly the opposites.
Release- Let it go. Find anyway that helps you personaly. What works for me may not work for another. So if you need to hop on on foot while screaming I love chocolate!  Seeing that balanced energy now leave your all means do it.  

Did you smile?  I do love chocolate....YUM!  Take care, what a blessing you have.  

Key is understanding self.  Hope this helps.

Safe Journey

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:40 am

BAH HA HA HA HA HAAAAA HA H AA!!! LOLROF!!!! Crow! That was brilliant!!! heeheee *grin*
But so darn true! If it works it works! hahaha! No matter how strange it may seem.

I also completly agree with you on your steps, thats what i had to do too...I think I mentioned it somewhere else on the board.

A huge part of dealing with all this is recognizing if its yours or anothers, most of the time, as a root, it comes from you I believe. Its like if you have reason to be angry or upset then when you come into contact with someone/something that is feeling like that you get a resonance, almost like a symbiosis reaction.
So if you just say to yourself - like a check - do I have reason to feel like this? or Is this Mine? And if it comes to you that you do/that it is yours, then you can release it right then and there on the spot.
If you really really don't have a reason to feel that way then you know its from someone else and you then do what works for you, if that is sending them a blessing then so be it.

Its all quite daunting - you just gotta shift through it all now and def take some time out in the day for yourself just to settle yourself. So that you always know How you are feeling at all times. Takes alot of responsibility.

Oh and yes - I used to wish every single day that the gift would be taken away. For months. Now. I couldn't live any other way and each day is a miracle! Wonderful and beautiful.
Good Luck and keep us updated!

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Post by ravenuriel » Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:03 am


another thing you can do to break that connection is clap your hands breaking the connection.
or place your hands together (palms together) and then rub them seeing that the connection is cut.

If you decide to learn Reiki you will learn about the velvet flame and this ALWAYS helpful and personally I think everyone should know Reiki.
I am a Reiki Master in USUI and Karuna methods.
If you have any questions about Reiki just ask.


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Post by mystic67 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:27 pm

I am going to agree that for me, protection is most important. Surrounding your self with white light and asking that
all negative energies be kept at bay and not enter your personal space. That has been the most helpful for me.
But there are still times when I get overloaded. I haven't found a way to decrease that when it happens, and sometimes
it's not when I expected so I didn't prepare well for it. I try to just get away if I start to feel kinda sick from it.
Also I find if I have a cold or something like that I'm more likely to get the overwhelmed feeling.

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:36 am

ravenuriel wrote:another thing you can do to break that connection is clap your hands breaking the connection.
or place your hands together (palms together) and then rub them seeing that the connection is cut.
You know that is very similar to what I know lately i'm finding there are a whole load of things that I do that help me out when I feel overwhelmed and it all depends on the situation. I couldn't even tell what to use in what situation as I just react now a good in my case I will sometimes click my fingers and I find the connection is also broken. When there is a serious load of energy making its way towards me and I'm somewhere I can't talk into the air or make a sound otherwise I will seem rather crazy or its just not appropriate, then I do the bringing the palms together thing, works really really well.

Yeah mystic, sometimes you can do all these things and I also get overwhelmed, then I also do the same just get out of there. Usually I kinda know when it might be more difficult 'out there', if I haven't slept well or been eating well or exercising etc, if I've watched to much t.v etc etc
But funny enough whenever I'm sick...I'm completely shut off - I don't sense half the amount I usually do and I don't know if thats cause I feel so ill I actually don't care or my protection barrier goes up a notch..who knows but at least its my silver lining for when I do get sick :)

ravenuriel, I'm reiki || at the moment, I'm just not settled enough to make the next step (usui), and a question: is the velvet flame the same as the indigo breath? That you get attuned to when you reach master??? Or is it something different?

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Post by ravenuriel » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:47 am

Hello again Rose Red..

to your question about the velvet. as I call it.. others call it violet.. flame  it is different than the indigo breath..
the flame is where you throw junk .. you do not want or need.. and it is sent back to the universe to be recycled into positive energy.. I also use the flame when working on
someone and I find blockages.. or an illness.. I pull them out and burn them in the flame. I find it to be very useful.

the breath is an attunement method.

Love and Light


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