Could I be a healer?

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Could I be a healer?

Post by whitedaisy82 » Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:58 pm

For the past couple of years I have felt an extreme need to become a hands on healer.  I tried it on my dog one day and noticed after about 5 mins that my hands got very hot, red and tingly and almost felt like they were "asleep" with no circulation.  I was wondering if healers feel this way when they heal.  Also I had a tough life growing up and I tend to keep my hands clenched all the time.  Is that a sign that I don't want a bad influence coming into my life so i keep my hands clenched all the time?  

Also my Friends pyschic told her (out of nowhere) that I was a healer, they weren't talking about me or anything, i found that to be quite strange.  

Sorry for all the questions but I am kinda in the dark to whether I should go further. Please just give me a little advice, at least on why i clench my hands constantly.  Thank you for your time. :)

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:31 pm

hey there!
As a quick one...yip the hands certainly do become all hot and tingly, mine actually burn. :) The major thing about healing is that one must be careful to not use your own energy/life force to heal and that's a mistake many healers make.
So thats why its a good practise to meditate getting your energy from the Universe. Just try working with the energy coming from the universe through your crown and then filtering down through your body and out through your hands, in reiki, the way I was taught to get the flow going was that you imagine a ball of energy above your head (that is a mini representative of the Universal energy) breathe in the energy through your crown and then down to your solar plexis; then the energy goes back up through your heart chakra and then down through your arms and out through your hands. Don't force it.
Its like its a tap of running water and all you need to do is open it, and out it flows naturally and smoothly :)

...maybe even check out Alex Grey's work - its great for a visual rep of the energy lines in your body etc.

hands clenched all the time...well one thing is that hands are about giving and receiving, an open hand receives like in yoga you always turn your hands up facing the sky so that you can receive the Universes energy, and also gives as when you hold a persons hand you give support and care and with hands on healing etc.
I am a nail bitter when I get stressed, and I read up once that I was indirectly taking my defence away by doing biting my claws away, the claws that could protect me.
I also clench my hands, or rather close them when I am feeling too much energy, I find that the dangling fingers can sometimes create too much of an energy difference that can be a little too much at times. So I keep them closed - I feel safer. Like I'm not going to influence anything that way.

I was also told that I was a healer from another :)
Good Luck and keep posting with all your questions and thoughts!!

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about been a "hands on healer"

Post by mcarolin » Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:07 pm

Since my own experience walking thru my own "dark pain" path I can tell you and all of us, human beings, are healers... everything is inside yourself. Do not believe me, only by getting the risk of living it, you would be able to know if I'm wrong or rigth. If i'm telling you the truth or not.
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Post by ravenuriel » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:17 pm

the clenching of your hands.. that may be because you constantly flowing energy and its not something that you really use to yet.

and yes, when you are working with healing energy your hands can become warm or *hot* this is normal, if you have found that you are naturally doing this without any formal training then I would go forward with what you are looking at.. Reiki is an excellent modality for healing energy work. it gives you a system and process to work by. I myself am a Reiki Master Teacher.
now with that being said. look for someone near you to take the classes or find a well experienced Reiki master if you are going to do distant learning and training.

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Post by mystic67 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:30 pm

I would say you are probably being called into the healing arts, and you should go ahead with it. That is excellant
advice to keep your own life force energy seperate from your healing work though. I think it's very common
we start any kind of healing work to forget this. You are certainly just a vessel as was mentioned above for the
enegy of universe to pass through. Don't give your own away and end up getting sick!

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:18 am

please meditate a lot and just feel the universal energy flowing thru ur own body. this will help u.

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