how can I clear blockages with reiki?

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how can I clear blockages with reiki?

Post by danny.israel » Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:15 pm

Hello :)

I'm trying to clear my blockages and since many of you probably have much experience with this I'm wondering what techniques and words you may have to offer.

During meditation I'm also experiencing a lot of pressure in the skull area. It can start around the third eye and move to my left eye around the  bone structures, sutures and such. Today it got very intense and really hurt a lot, I imagine the blockages are around the spine and building up the pressure in the head. I've also been experiencing back pains in all sorts of areas ranging from lower back to the neck.

Any ideas and contributions are very appreciated thank you very much :)

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Post by Gem » Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:28 am

Hi Danny, welcome to Mystic Board :)

Interesting question. I am not sure how much you know or understand about reiki and how to use it so it is hard to accurately answer your question. Reiki is very good at locating and helping to clear and remove blockages. Have you taken any of the levels?

You should not experience any pain or pressure as you have decribed, especially at your age, that implies that there imight possibly be an underlying physiological problem. Have you consulted your gp or doctor first, before trying to perhaps cloud the situation and symptoms with reiki?

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Re: how can I clear blockages with reiki?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:27 am

It is sad that it has become rather commonplace and growingly so since the last 15-20 years to use these 'somatic' terms and concepts borrowed from the physical malady realm into spiritual realms and modalities, by novices and 'professionals' alike!

Blockage is one such term. There are channels in the body, and openings and they get blocked at times, examples being blockage of lymph channels (elephantiasis or at the minimum, oedema), sinus channels (sinusitis == talk about pressure! This is the granddaddy of blockages!), blockade of tubes (bile duct, ureter, tubes that drain the fluid in the eye chambers and lead to glaucoma of certain types).

I realize that there are primitive concepts, that visualized energy as flowing through fine channels in the body, neural energies, pranic energies, chi etc.

I think there is a bit of confusion there! These channels are real and contain fluid that has electrolytes in it (body fluid) and such fluid is conducive to carrying electric currents and in a subtle way the so called life energies are connected to these electrical fluids and their flow.

When a physical channel which carries the carrier (electrolyte) gets physically blocked, it obstructs the flow of chi (or equivalent) or at least that is what the wisdom that has passed down been!

There is a misconception there I think propagated by the energy healers and self-prophessed teachers and suchlike!

Well you see, this life energy normally may ride on the electrolyte channels but it is not confined to or bound by those. For it is not necessarily dependent on the physical reality, even the physical reality of electrolytes flowing through the body and its micro channels!

This is a subtle concept and connects the physical and quantum reality in both of which energy exists!

Through energy healing, one attempts to bridge these two realms but if we get stuck in the models and terminologies such as "blockages" then all we do is making those really happen! And perhaps I should use the term 'occur' because that is the bad way to deal with healing energies and life energy! :-)


[quote="danny.israel"]Hello :)

I'm trying to clear my blockages and since many of you probably have much experience with this I'm wondering what techniques and words you may have to offer.

During meditation I'm also experiencing a lot of pressure in the skull area. It can start around the third eye and move to my left eye around the  bone structures, sutures and such. Today it got very intense and really hurt a lot, I imagine the blockages are around the spine and building up the pressure in the head. I've also been experiencing back pains in all sorts of areas ranging from lower back to the neck.

Any ideas and contributions are very appreciated thank you very much :)[/quote]

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:45 pm

rohiniranjan, you're very interesting. That's a good thing btw.

Terminology is a funny thing indeed.

Perhaps we should be careful of so-called wisdom passed down by those before us? Surely some truths have been passed along, but surely just as truth and wisdom have been passed to us, some have been changed or adapted to suit that of the messenger and so has become a "lesser truth" as it were; changed from what was originally intended?

Maybe when we focus too much on methodologies and terminologies and the details of how we think things work, we lose our intent, and thus we forget what is maybe most important in the end?

danny.israel, honestly i know nothing of reiki, but what I try doing is imagining a pure white light or pure unconditional love and healing coming from the Source/God/Allah flowing through me from the top of my head down to my toes. As it flows through me, I imagine it pushing out all of the negative energy and refreshing me and rejuvinating me. I haven't felt any pain or other maladies doing that. If anything I could feel something sinking away from my body as it were. What ever works for you though? Intent from within the heart?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:58 pm

Compliment accepted graciously particularly since it is coming from someone nearly half my age! Unlike 'some' I show my real age ;-)

I think the problem was created by some individuals who though effective energy channels and healers etc insist on mixing up body and energy as if the two exist in the same realm, same dimension! Hence they use somatic metaphors and see the energy as  something that needs to remain confined by space and time.

If we think about it, really there is no distance healing or attenuation! In the realm of ENERGY, there is no space or time. One of the best way this has been described in the Seth books, channeled by Jane Roberts!


[quote="sidewalk_bends"]rohiniranjan, you're very interesting. That's a good thing btw.

Terminology is a funny thing indeed.

Perhaps we should be careful of so-called wisdom passed down by those before us? Surely some truths have been passed along, but surely just as truth and wisdom have been passed to us, some have been changed or adapted to suit that of the messenger and so has become a "lesser truth" as it were; changed from what was originally intended?

Maybe when we focus too much on methodologies and terminologies and the details of how we [i]think[/i] things work, we lose our intent, and thus we forget what is maybe most important in the end?

danny.israel, honestly i know nothing of reiki, but what I try doing is imagining a pure white light or pure unconditional love and healing coming from the Source/God/Allah flowing through me from the top of my head down to my toes. As it flows through me, I imagine it pushing out all of the negative energy and refreshing me and rejuvinating me. I haven't felt any pain or other maladies doing that. If anything I could feel something sinking away from my body as it were. What ever works for you though? Intent from within the heart?[/quote]

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Post by Gem » Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:51 am

If we think about it, really there is no distance healing or attenuation! In the realm of ENERGY, there is no space or time.
Have you looked at quantum healing?

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Post by ligit » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:02 pm

1st of all it would be best if you state the type of Reiki you are attuned with, this way the appropriete teacher will be able to assist you...secondly if you feel that it is your chakras that are blocked it would be best to post into the chakra forum and finally if you're not attuned to any Reiki would be best to ask/request for the teachers of this forum to heal you which will help to clear blockages

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:42 am

dear Danny,
leave all things aside. if u have taken attunation of reiki - 1 or 2 then just call reiki n request it to clear all ur bloackages. it will help. even if u r not attuned to reiki system u bath daily with saline water for 7 days continuously. this will clear all bloackages.

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danny.israel _ blockades

Post by white electric dog » Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:17 pm

hy danny,

personally I and some of people I know have similar body sensations as you have mentoned, and believe me, I know how discomfort they might be. I have visited many "ususal" doctors, and spend some time for trying figure out what is wrong, why do I feel like that. fortunately, I was told about vipassana meditation. I gave a try. sat at the 10 day course. the most importand thing I have found for me was the experience of  "how the mind and attention efects your body sences". I have found that disbalanced mind and attention makes the most of uncomfort. after two years of practice I feel better. sometimes I still have some biger or smaller experiences like "blocades" but in general senses have changed significantlly and they do not dissapoint me so any more. also I became more aware of myself :) I have never had reiki done to me but I strongly believe that healers can help you. also I believe in vipassana technique, actualy I have experienced how strong it is.

I think if you will getin to daily practice of meditation -  you can promote your own calm, wisdom and intuitions who can also help to solve blocades problem and enjoy many other benefits of it ;)  

you can find about vipassana at:


sincerely yours

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Post by The Killah29 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:37 am

Well, i have had no training in reiki before, but i somehow have ganed the ability to physically pull the headaches out of my head by just pinching just before my third eye and then pulling.  It feels like my sinuses are being pulled out.  which feels cool.

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