How long does it take to heal? Reiki success stories?

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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How long does it take to heal? Reiki success stories?

Post by matt22113 » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:15 am

Hi all

I have been giving myself reiki for two months everyday for an hour.

I was just wondering how long does it usually take to heal the body completely with reiki?

I have serious auto immune disorder.

Is it different for each individual?

Also does anyone have a reiki success story or a know of a book where I can read about reiki success stories?

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Post by eshan » Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:46 pm


Yes, the rate of healing in every individual is different.

Here is a link for reiki success stories:

Get well soon. :D

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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:53 pm

Dear Matt, sorry to hear of your condition. You may be misunderstanding reiki. Healing or being healed is not the same as being cured. Many people that are healed still go on and die, the healing gives them peace and contentment and allows a peaceful passing and transition. You do not say what level reiki you are but the main philisophy should be about helping others. Do you give reiki to others? That can strengthen the whole connection.

Cassie x

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Post by decentgal » Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:42 am

Dear Matt
Continue giving reiki with the faith that it will do the highest good and it will.Chronic diseases take time to be healed and cured both sometimes a year or so and in that case only you can help yourself out .I am saying this from my personal experience.

Heal others  may be for a few minutes it will also let you know how good you are as an energy channel also increases your faith and connection with reiki as Cas said .
Invoke divine light within your body .Google it .It is a powerful technique to help in balancing disroders.
Ground yourself often.

Hope to see you better soon.
love and light

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Post by cedars » Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:54 pm

Hello Matt

When you Reiki yourself imagine and visualise your whole body from your crown to your toes filled and covered with a healing light - whatever that colour is for you.

It may also help for us to know what level of Reiki you are at? Level I, II or III ?

As it has been suggested to you, it is also good if you try and give Reiki to others. You divert your mind and get rejuvenated with further energy..

Let us know please if we can help...

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Post by sanctumaanchyl » Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:41 pm

you need to clean your aura 1st inner external as well as health aura then  balance your chakra . then only any healing will work oher wise it will take time

show your kundali to a good astrologer, who can recommend you few side by side uppayes.

god bless your soul

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Post by cedars » Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:39 pm

My dear, what's astrology got to do with Reiki?
Why are there preconditions for a healing to take place? Isnt it all about intent?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:35 am

cedars wrote:My dear, what's astrology got to do with Reiki?
Why are there preconditions for a healing to take place? Isnt it all about intent?
Since I am an astrologer and have been for a few decades as well as attuned to energy healing modalities, including Reiki (formally since mid-90s) I can truthfully share that either of them are completely independent and neither is superior over the other! :-)

Healing seeks and follows wherever it sees a sincere intent to get healed and a serious plea for the same!

Modality does not matter really! GOD has created many vegetables and fruits in HIS/HER garden! And many farmers who cultivate GOD's crops, dutifully!

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Re: How long does it take to heal? Reiki success stories?

Post by yogadeb » Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:18 pm

There are other healing modalities that have a higher vibrational energy than Reiki. That is the key to a successful healing. And as a healer, you want to work on raising your vibration, and you want to focus on increasing the flow when you transfer energy. You don't want it to trinkle out of your palms , you want to blow it out in a solid wand. Three sessions for as long as I can remember has been what I have needed for healing. Ooops, sorry I guess I should of introduced myself. My name is Debi, I have been healing for about 15 yrs now. I was born to heal, and I have also been attuned for Reiki, Sekeim and I have this huge orb that comes down and raises my vibration. And I have been given my own healing modality for the sole purpose to transfer my gifts and to do it for free. I was taught by my Reiki teacher/master that when it comes to charging for her attunements, she would charge me what she had paid and now I carry on as I was taught. And to answer the question for the person who had attuned themselves. Reiki will allow for human errors and compensate for it. When you make an error that is not acceptable, you will be told. When I was learning about the symbols there was a little confusion. I was told to use a slightly different symbol than what is typically used, by my spirit guides. They were set about me using that symbol, and finally my master realized it was not an error on my part. I was being directed, so she just let it go. So listen to your inner voice and trust it. Its important to develop your intuition, it is also essential in your success as a healer.

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Re: How long does it take to heal? Reiki success stories?

Post by cedars » Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:50 pm

Talking about symbols in Reiki. Usui is said not to have used symbols.... He only used them so that his students, those who had difficulties to have a point of focus, to use them as a form of focal point. It was Hayashi who concentrated on the symbols more than Usui and, Takata being his student and the one who brought Reiki to the West, obviously emphasised on the symbols. But woth noting here, that Takata did not allow her students to take any drawings of the symbols with them after an attunement session. They were to practise in class and take back whatever was imprinted in their memories rather than the modern day manuals that a Master hands out to the students. Hence Reiki symbols have been modified, edited, transformed over time into what the students could remember. I was given the Usui Master symbol by my teacher but I could not, for the life me, connect with it. Then I read a book by a respected Reiki Teacher and Master who showed a slightly different Master symbol and when I was explained the meaning of each kanji, I 'understood' that symbol and started using it.

As for 'concentrating' on the energy to pass it on to the recipient, I am wondering if that will leave the practitioner exhaused after a healing session. The practitioner is not supposed to feel exhaused after giving healing; on the contrary, he/she should be feeling rejuvenated and energised. After all, the Reiki energy is going through him/her . However, if concentrating is going to come into the healing process or session, then that is quite an exhaustion of one's own personal energies...

My penny's worth as a Reiki Master/Teacher :)
Last edited by cedars on Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How long does it take to heal? Reiki success stories?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:49 am

There are other healing modalities that have a higher vibrational energy than Reiki.
So are you saying that if other healing modalities have a higher vibrational energy than Reiki (something which I do not believe for one moment is the case), then these other healing modalities would necessarily always be better or more effective at healing, than Reiki could ever hope to be?

The life force, life energy, prana, chi, ki etc is already at the highest vibrational frequency which our minds and physical bodies can safely cope with.

It is all the same vibratory frequency.

Also I have always thought that concentrating or forcing the healing energy to flow is the exact opposite of what we should be doing.

Which is relaxing, getting our own egos temporarily out of the way, and allowing the energy to flow freely and naturally to where it is most needed, directed and regulated by the body's own healing intelligence.

In attempting to heal another person, we are healed ourselves.

This in no way contradicts my theory that there is no actual direct transfer of energy happening at all, between the "facilitator" and the "recipient"

The old term for a person using their own energy to try to temporarily save and support another person through a crisis, often leaving themselves completely exhausted as a result, was magnetic healing (which BTW has nothing to do with magnets).

I also think that we can get too tied up with trying to interpret the meaning of endless symbols.

Like the ego, they can often get in the way of what is really important.


Brian :)

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A peace offering

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:45 am

To Yogadeb,

Firstly, I wanted to sincerely welcome you to our community.

Secondly I am grateful that you have offered to share your knowledge of Reiki with us.

During our discussions about Reiki you may be feeling by now as though the value of your knowledge is being questioned, or even worse that you are being personally attacked for having an opinion which differs from what other members believe is true.

This was never our intention. :smt009

I am hoping that we can continue to have a healthy debate or discussion about Reiki as well as about the other energy healing modalities on Mystic Board, without having to agree about everything.

I believe that deep down we all want to do what is in the best interests of the person being healed, and that therefore we should focus more upon the things we have in common with each other (our love of healing), instead of emphasizing our many differences and trying to convert everybody's opinions to our own.

There is I feel more than enough room and ample good feelings between each of us on MB for a wide range of different beliefs, opinions, theories and practical energy healing techniques to coexist in harmony with each other.

Can we all temporarily put aside our egos long enough to have a healthy and mutually beneficial debate or discussion about energy healing, with the main focus always being kept strong and constant upon the needs of those whom we claim to have come here to help?

Yours in Spirit,

Brian :smt109

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Re: How long does it take to heal? Reiki success stories?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:33 am

Success story? Eh?? Hmmm...!

I am an M.D. so must have taken Hippocrates and his teachings seriously, in East and West?

During my pre-final clinical exam, early 1970s, I approached the exam-patient and we talked human to human. Made him laugh and he shared like a child would whose trust an elder gained?

The Senior residents came around later on and asked me if I paid him any money, since he was the most difficult case on the ward?

That was 1973, I got the faint inkling that tugged at my soul, back then?

Mid-90s I found Reiki or perhaps Reiki found me? Kid was suffering from recurrent ear infections and antibiotic after another, for few years -- within a week or two at most, the ailing kid came out of his misery? Not bragging, but just feeling blessed and humble?

The other day I heard that a diabetic friend began to get those horrid neuropathic twitches in the middle of night? She remembered her Reiki training and healed her twitching left foot with her healing right foot? Within seconds she could return back to sleep.

You see, Horatio, there are many *things* that exist between Heaven and Earth, and realities as well and that is why we have this Mystic Forum...?

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Re: How long does it take to heal? Reiki success stories?

Post by yogadeb » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:17 pm

I can only speak for myself and my methods of healing. I have been doing it this way since I was a little girl, before reiki was established here in America and before the existence of internet. I only heal for one's goodest good and my results have been positive. I am here just to inform others not to argue or defend or contribute to anything that isn't going to be positive or purposeful.

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Re: How long does it take to heal? Reiki success stories?

Post by yogadeb » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:55 pm

I started career as an Engineer in Aerospace, I would of never thought to do what I do now if it weren't for an experience I had in college. I had a lady walk up to me and ask me for help. And I said, "Sure, what can I help you with?" She said she passed by me and could feel the intensity of my energy. She had cancer and had a chemo treatment that had depleted her energy. Along with her chemo she was receiving Reiki but she didn't think she was going to make it through the day. We both stopped in front of a classroom and she said this is my class. And I said mine too. It wasn't until that day that I had ever transferred life force energy. I had been writing many journals about how I would find injured animals, and plants not doing very well. And there was no question of my mental state because when you are involved building weapons of mass destruction, you are thoroughly evaluated before you are hired as a employee. I am almost 60, and have had many years of life experience. I have had a busy life and have no time to make things up. I am an ordained minister and extremely spiritual. So with all this said, hope knowing all this will help to relax some of the negativity I feel right now. I would like to see that the healers that were attuned can unite with the healers that were born with the gift. And I have dropped out of several forums because I have been accused of having a ego, or feel like that and that, when that is not even the case. I have gotten a second chance in life, and very grateful because of it. I am here solely, to open ones mind to the possibilities. We all have different purposes in our lives, I am not here to judge.

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