what reiki can heal?

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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what reiki can heal?

Post by voltec2002 » Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:52 am

c an heal kundalinisindrome?
and how

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Re: What can Reiki heal?

Post by tomas » Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:20 pm


Reiki doesn't necessarily 'heal' anything. Reiki is given for the Highest Good of whatever/whoever receives it, so therefore, it may heal, or may not heal, whichever is for the Highest Good of the recipient. Perhaps, if it's the best for a person to be healed, it will heal, but in other circunstances, it may be better for that persons Highest Good to receive other benefits. For a terminally ill person, the benefits might include a release from pain or a certain peace of mind that wasn't there before the Reiki session. Reiki practioners as a group, shouldn't be telling their clients that Reiki is going to 'heal' what ails 'em, because that practioner has no idea what the clients Highest Good may be. There's no doubt that everyone who receives Reiki benefits from it, and lots of times it is healing that they get, but not always.

I hope I didn't muddy up your thinking about Reiki, and if you'd like me to expand on what I've written, or would like some links for study, let me know either here on the forum or in a PM.


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Post by Abhishek » Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:17 pm


your point taken. however does the person in question know whats good for him/her? i am "almost" a chain smoker.... the operating word being "almost" i smoke between 20 - 30 sticks of cigs a day normally.

now i have wanted to quit smoking several times and it has never happened. i think i just dont have the will power to do it. i must also point out that i am extermely lazy person and have tried various forums of meditation... but have never been able to continue for too long.

how can reiki help me?


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What can eiki heal?/Abhishek

Post by tomas » Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:02 am

:) Interesting question, Abhishek. I'll do my best to answer it with what little knowledge I have.

Considering the fact the Reiki works for Highest Good rather than a person's wishes, the client may very well not know what would best serve their Highest Good. In many cases though, the reason will be clear, but not in all. In your case, (mine too, BTW) the will to quit smoking may be enhanced, or not, depending on the underlying causes of our addiction to nicotine and the effect quitting would have on our life as a whole. To the person standing outside the box, quitting should seem to be the best that could happen, but...

If quitting smoking wouldn't serve your Highest Good, say you became irritable or hard to get along with and it would cause a rift in your personal relationships that would be harmful to you on any level at this point in your life, your Highest Good may be better served by a strengthening of your breathing and your heart instead of the will to quit. The description I used above about a terminally ill person can teach much about Highest Good too. Nothing is in life permanent, someday we must all cross over. A person with say a terminal brain dis-ease may want to receive Reiki to help cure this dis-ease, but again, it may be their time to pass over from this life to the next, so therefore, their Highest Good would be best served by making that passing as easy, peaceful and painfree as possible.

I'm working my way through my M/T training with a local Reiki Master who does a fair number of group treatments, and I participate in them as another pair of hands, giving Reiki to her clients along with 2 other R2 practioners, with the money I'd be paid for helping going completely to my M/T attunement. I've talked to most of those clients about what they feel during a session and the effects they feel after, and everyone feels that good is being done. Most are relaxed and feel a renewed vigor in their life. Some have come looking for help in quitting an addiction like smoking and feel that the Reiki has helped them immensely. None would stop coming for Reiki because it does help them on several levels. One lady, whose husband was VERY sceptical, talked him into coming in for a treatment, a one-on-one with my Master, to see if he could feel any effect. The treatment went very well, but when the guy left he told the Master that he felt nothing, he still thought Reiki was bunk, and just a way to generate an income from gullible people. His treatment was on a Thursday afternoon, and on Monday morning, his wife called to make another appointment for him because after the weekend he seemed to understand and feel what a difference it had really made in him. I was told a few days after his second treatment that he experienced a spiritual cleansing as is often the case with new clients and new practioners.

I hope I've helped you understand a little more.


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Post by Raven » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:59 am

I totally agree with what Tomas has said. Being for the greater good, the participant doesn't always know what is for their greatest good. This could be valuable lessons that need to be learned in order to move on and reiki or any other type of healing may delay this lesson or hinder it in some way or it could speed it up. I feel sending the healing is amazing, it is the spirit guides and universe who know if it should be accepted or not. As for the smoking I attempted to quit awhile ago and became ill from quitting, on further investigation it was determined that my blood pressure which is normally low went way down even lower when I quit. So we are working to bring it up to a normal level and then will attempt to quit again under doctor supervision. Sometimes there are hidden or underlying reasons for things and it is not all will power.

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Post by Nadejda » Sat Jul 09, 2005 8:22 pm

Actually I think that Reiki can heal all problems because it heal person not illness. Tomas mentioned that it can heal but not always- I would like to refrase it- it can heal alwayes- but it take different time for different person- one will get healing instantlly another after a few sessions and third after a year of Reiki work. It depends on persons mind, beliefs, blokages, etc.

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Post by Abhishek » Sat Jul 09, 2005 9:24 pm

al things said and done... the fact remains that desipte my several atempts at differet forms of meditation and clases of different kinds including but not limited to self hypnosis for self improvment ... i have never felt any benefit. what am i doin wrong? or i think i should ask why am i not being able to make this a part of my day to day life (which i must confess is highly eratic... to say the least) to be able to help myself is whatever possible. in 99.99% of the cases when i am wrong i know i wrong... and i admit it to myself and voice whats wrong with me to Swetha... i am my own worst critic and a harsh one at that. but what bothers me is i cant find ways to help myself take correctional action to over come these problems. sometimes when i do ...

i think i just get demotivated or something like that and drop it mid way. or it could also be that i am just plain simple lazy and comfortable with the way i am...

again the problem here is that i would like not to give up... thats what eats me more.

i have very carefully thaught and analyzed why i smoke... and the only reason i could find was high level of nervous tension and smoking gets me to something to do with my hands and i guess this fact can also be highlighted by the fact that i am now almost 30 and still bite my nail.

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Post by rahul » Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:17 pm

another smoker on the board:)
have been trying to quit for sometime now... but just dont seem to have the will.
any suggestions?

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Post by diosa » Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:11 pm

rahul and Abhishek,

Aaahhhhhhhh, smoking. :)

A couple of things might help.

First switch to an organic type cigarette for awhile (a brand that doesn't use chemicals in the growing process, manufacturing process, or in the paper they use) There are some out there though they might not be easy to find. This will help get you off of the chemical addictions and will improve other aspects of your health. (will cut down or stop 'smoker's cough' for instance)

After you have done that (give it a couple of months) and decide it is time to stop completely avoid people who smoke (this is really important and is the primary reason I haven't been able to stop since my husband is a heavy smoker and shows no interest in quitting).

Beyond the usual things that you will read to help assist in quitting those are my reccommendations.

Good luck to both of you.

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mind set

Post by nightowl » Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:22 am

rahul wrote:another smoker on the board:)
have been trying to quit for sometime now... but just dont seem to have the will.
any suggestions?
Well if you want my advice all of you are trying far too hard to quite smoking. The words TRY,trying,MAYBE,GOING TO , I CANT. if you are going to say I am going to try to quite smoking what you are ask for is to just to try and you always be just trying.

I have a wait problem and at its worst I was close to 500 pounds one of my dear friends and teachers told me one day that I really need to start losing some wait and I told him I was trying and he just laughed at me and told me just what I told you. With that sound advice I took off 75 pound in the last 6 months and its still coming off next year I will be in the 200s.

It’s not different with smoking. I smoke and I don’t want to quite I like it but I can and have stopped for weeks at a time and went back to it when I wanted to not because I had too. You need to have the right mind step to quite. If your going to tell your self I NEED A CIGARETTE then you will need one and always NEED one. If you tell your self Smoking is going to kill me then it will. Learn to chang the way that you think can be very helpfull to any thing you do.

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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:18 am

hello Nightowl,
that was very well written. Hope Abhishek and Rahul read and can try implementing it. I will really b happy for both of them:)


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Post by Grano » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:27 pm

The most spectacular healing reiki has done to myself was healing 3 teeth that were almost dead. Any of them could have been root-treated by a doctor without a twinge of remorse.

As I received reiki those nerves began to resurrect. And THAT was a painful experience. As they began to recover they very well did what they are meant to do - and that hurt.

After 2 days of reiki treatment my teeth ceased hurting and when I went to the doc she was astonished as how quickly I had recovered. You cannot imagine how glad I was!

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:50 am

i totally agree with tomas.

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