Teaching Reiki

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Teaching Reiki

Post by nightowl » Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:42 pm

there are many diffrent ways of teaching reiki let chat about them

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repost on my feelings

Post by nightowl » Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:00 pm

The first thing you learn in reiki every one does it’s differently and there no right or wrong way to do it. Teaching is up to the master how they want to do it.

I do think teaching on hand is the best way and it the only way I have done it. The Key word that keeps coming up is money. One side every on should be charged and the other side no one should be charger or if charger the price should be low.

Here were I take middle ground if I find some one who has very little money but they really wants to do healing work and I think they would I am very glad to teach them and Attune for free ON ALL LEVELS! The people in the free classes I done. My not have paid for there training but the work that they put in to it more then makes up for it .They want to be healers and they do the work needed plus.

On the other hand if some one comes to me and tells me they want to take my reiki classes and there doing it for nothing more then the title and the paper then I very happy to charge them and teach them.

My case when I took Reiki I paid for all of them and was very glad too. My reiki master try to lower the price on my last classes 2 and 3 because of the time and work I put in to it them but I pay her what every one eels did because her time was well worth it. So I wanted to be a healer and did not mind paying for it too. There are allot out there who really want to do healing work and don’t mine paying for the classes and that’s great too.

When I learned Reiki I had one reiki master who I took the classes from and was attuned by. But there where a lot of reiki masters who are dear friends who really helped me out learning Reiki and still do. The two that thought me the most about traditional Reiki where not reiki masters at all they where reiki level 2 for over 20 years. I was very happy to give them there Master/Teacher Attunements for free if you want to call it that I learned fare more for them then they learned from me.

The point I am trying to make is This There no Right or Wrong way to teach and EACH CACE IS DIFFERENT

Reiki Master Dave
Last edited by nightowl on Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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side effects of Reiki Attunements

Post by nightowl » Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:43 pm

Reiki Attunements do have side effects which very few people talk about and they are De -Tox and physic gifts coming out or coming on much stronger then the person is ready for at the time. Some of the common ones bad dreams, head aches which can last for days. Astral Projection, bad swats. Feel drained or pumped for a few days after the Attunement and many more. I seen many! None are that bad but they can happen and there can be more then one at a time.

I first thing I do before teaching any of my reiki classes is explain to every one that they can happen and it a very good idea to drink a lot of water over the next month to help.

The last thing I do in my Reiki classes is hand out cards with my phone NB and email address and I tell them if they have problems call me so I can help them work thought any problems which may come up. I think its part of the reiki master job to this.

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Post by tomas » Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:45 am

Hi Dave,

I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on the side effects of attunements. Not everone goes through them. The writings of Vincent Amador, James Deacon and Jason Storm all mention the fact that if folks are told they're gonna have detox, they will have detox, but if it's not brought up by the Master/Teacher or in the manuals, very few suffer from it. Usui Sensei didn't mention it and I don't believe it's a factor in Reiki in Japan, or at least it's not mentioned in the numerous translations of Reiki manuals and writings I've read. I've been studying Reiki for some time now and am about halfway finished with a book detailing the various (well over 40 at last count) modalities of Reiki, including their similiarities and differences and which I feel are legitimate as opposed to those that been devised only as a way to seperate gullible folks from hard-earned cash. I'm finding that most material on detox is of more recent origin. As far as my attunements went, when I was attuned R1, I experienced a short emotional cleansing and that was all. No 21 day detox and none after my subsequent attunements.

Psychic enhancement is interesting and can really be powerful, depending on whether/how the attunee has been using the gifts they've been given. It cetainly enhanced my empthathic and intuitive gifts, but, I was used to listening to that little voice in the back of my head. Other's may find little or no perceived enhancement, depending on whether or not they know what to look for and how to respond within themselves to what they're feeling.

On the subject on hands-on vs distance attunements, the only major difference I see is in the energy exchange. Especially if the distance attunment is a 'live' one, given at the time it is received with the student being in contact with their Master/Teacher, rather than being 'called in' at a time that fits for the student. Usui Sensei didn't give attunements as we know them. He 'attuned' his students with regular Reiju treatments to help them develop the ability to channel the energy, and Mikao Usui Sensei himself wasn't attuned by a Master, his was spontaneous after a 21 day fast. It's been generally agreed that one can self-attune also, if done in the right frame of mind and with the right amount of intent, but I don't believe that self-attunement opens the individuals abilities as much as attunement by a Master/Teacher.

As long as I mentioned Reiju above, I've found that regular self-Reiju can enhance the channelling of Reiki too. I perform mine once a week, just before a Reiki Circle/Share that I participate in every Wednesday night.



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Very good Point

Post by nightowl » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:45 am

The main reason for posting that was because I have not seen it talked about or in book that much or if all. That is a very good point if you tell some one this code happen they in power it to happen wow. you right is does not happen to every one but sofar for me teaching its under well under half but it does happen but thats both detox and the physic problems both.

Physic I seen a lot of different things happen here. To some one who is physic or gifted and use them this is great to some one who knows little to nothing about them it really a big deal.

To most people here Astral Projection is some thing not uncommon. But if some one does not know or under stand it and it happens to them it’s a BIG SHOCK.

I was born and empathetic and so where you a lot of my friends and family are empathetic too. To some one who is born with its and its stay with them to being adults its not a big deal at all and we learned not let things both us. One of my family she was 16 at the time I gave her reiki level1 attunement and she became empathetic or it turned on. OH BOY. She found out what every one really thought of her and she had many fights with her friends and family. She had a big fight with her bother just because he lied to her and she know it.

Has for just Detox only. I would say its happens around 10% and it all different things.


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Post by MysticWhisper » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:57 am

Sorry Tomas but I am going to have to disagree with your quote below. I was never informed or knew about the "side affects" of a Reiki attunement and I spent 2 months in agony!!!!!! Had I known I could have taken precautions and possibly had less if no side affects at all. My 2nd attunement I had about 2 weeks of side affects. Still here I had forgotten about them til they happened. My Master Attunement I had side affects for a couple of weeks but none as severe as my first attunement.

Had I been told to drink lots of water before and after an attunement, among other things, I think I would have been alright. I feel that each person reacts differently according to what "baggage" they are carrying at the time of the Attunement. But this could just be my opinion. But I did want to speak up in defense of nightowl's perceptions.

Thank you for this forum to allow us to express our opinions!
tomas wrote:Hi Dave,

I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on the side effects of attunements. Not everone goes through them. The writings of Vincent Amador, James Deacon and Jason Storm all mention the fact that if folks are told they're gonna have detox, they will have detox, but if it's not brought up by the Master/Teacher or in the manuals, very few suffer from it. Namaste!


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Post by tomas » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:42 pm

MysticWhisper wrote:Sorry Tomas but I am going to have to disagree with your quote below. I was never informed or knew about the "side affects" of a Reiki attunement and I spent 2 months in agony!!!!!! Had I known I could have taken precautions and possibly had less if no side affects at all. My 2nd attunement I had about 2 weeks of side affects. Still here I had forgotten about them til they happened. My Master Attunement I had side affects for a couple of weeks but none as severe as my first attunement.

Had I been told to drink lots of water before and after an attunement, among other things, I think I would have been alright. I feel that each person reacts differently according to what "baggage" they are carrying at the time of the Attunement. But this could just be my opinion. But I did want to speak up in defense of nightowl's perceptions.

Thank you for this forum to allow us to express our opinions!
tomas wrote:Hi Dave,

I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on the side effects of attunements. Not everone goes through them. The writings of Vincent Amador, James Deacon and Jason Storm all mention the fact that if folks are told they're gonna have detox, they will have detox, but if it's not brought up by the Master/Teacher or in the manuals, very few suffer from it. Namaste!

Hi MysticWhisper,

No need to say you're sorry because you diagree with my post. You're right about the fact that you should have been warned about detox. I should have worded my post a little differently because every attunee should be made aware of the possibility of detox and the need for lots and lots of water. The point I meant to make was that not all go through a serious detox. I've never read a manual that didn't at least mention it, and some go into great detail about what to expect. The other side of the coin is that if the M/T tells the class that they will go through it, and some don't, what then? Do those students still believe they were attuned or do they think that since they didn't go through detox perhaps the attunement didn't work? The Master/Teacher I work with takes the time to explain both sides of the issue, that some are going to have a rough 21 days, while others may feel nothing at all and that there are points in between. The students are reminded about water almost to the point of getting sick of hearing about it. I went through an emotional cleansing when I was attuned R1 and a short physical cleansing at R2, and I think the fact that I've been a water drinker for most of my life helped a great deal, IMHO.



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Post by MysticWhisper » Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:17 pm

Thank you for taking the time to address my post.

I do so agree with you on the fact that we as RM's need to address "both" sides and not tell the attunees that they will or will not have side affects. I think if you give them the facts and then state that some do and some don't, that each person is different, then there should be no misunderstanding...

So basically we are on the same page here, Tomas!

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Post by nightowl » Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:03 pm

The one thing we have not done is explain what detox is and why it happens I give the short version if some one to add on to it great.

When and attunement is done its opens up new channels for healing energy. The energy may help your body get ride of bad stuff that’s in your system already thats what a detox does. Detox is not a bad thing in fact its helps you heal your self. The problem with Detox is the Effects it has when its getting ride of the bad stuff thats why drinking a lot of water helps to flush the bad stuff out of your system.


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Re: detox

Post by tomas » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:07 pm

Drinking water not only helps your body get rid of nasties during detox but serves other purposes too. Reiki is a form of energy and water facilitates the movement of energy, so in effect, drinking water before you treat will boost your ability to connect to and channell Reiki. When you have enough water in your system it's easier to ground and release excess energy back to Mother Earth, which in turn makes it easier for you to center yourself. The act of washing your hands before a treatment is also a grounding excersize and helps you to connect and channell. I use my showers as a grounding and centering ritual too, envisioning the running water as washing away excess energy as it flows. I not tried this yet (I keep forgetting to do it) but several friends Reiki their showers and say it's a very interesting experience.

If the above wasn't enough reason to drink water, here are more reasons. When trying to lose weight, drinking cold water will help keep the munchies away plus, you'll burn a few calories as your body warms the cold water to body temp before processing it and I know it's not a lot of calories but it's still calories. Your body loses water constantly just through breathing alone. When you don't drink enough to process and remove toxins and excess materials, your body will remove the needed amount from your cells, and this can result in fatigue, headache, loss of concentration and a general sense of just not feeling right. Some of that water is what helps pad our joints, our organs and our brain! A person loses an average of 5 pints of water a day that has to come from somewhere, so be sure to get your 8 - 10 glasses a day. More if you're outside in hot weather or are pregnant.

There is such a thing as drinking too much water resulting in 'water intoxication' which can cause swelling of the brain and serious long lasting consequences or even death. If you're thirsty because of physical exertion in warm weather, a sports drink rather than huge amounts of water will help prevent this from occuring.



*edit to add* Since drinking water is an aid to eliminating body waste, it can also aid in eliminating other 'annoyances', simply by using the phrase "jeez, I gotta go really bad" and immediatly headin' for the restroom to get away from a useless or boring conversation thereby eliminating a certain amount of 'brain pollution'.

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Post by MysticWhisper » Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:18 am

Loved your *edit to add*, Tomas *giggle*

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Post by nightowl » Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:49 am

The one thing we have not done is explain what detox is and why it happens I give the short version if some one to add on to it great.

When and attunement is done its opens up new channels for healing energy. The energy may help your body get ride of bad stuff that’s in your system already thats what a detox does. Detox is not a bad thing in fact its helps you heal your self. The problem with Detox is the Effects it has when its getting ride of the bad stuff thats why drinking a lot of water helps to flush the bad stuff out of your system.


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Post by tomas » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:22 am

Dave's got the idea of detox spelled out pretty well, and I'd like to go a step further. Detox is helpful in healing us both physically and emotionally. For Reiki people, it's important to be well ourselves so we can heal others. That's the reason so much emphasis is put on self-treatment, especially after your R1 attunement. It's not only to get you used to 'feeling' the energy, and getting used to working with it, but also to help you do the very best you can as a healer. We can't heal other's if we're not well ourselves, and that goes for both the physical realm and the emotional.

Emotional detox is an area that that can bring about very profound changes in a persons life, lifestyle and sense of self. The detox combined with making a serious effort to live one's life by Usui-Sensei's precepts can help one drop excess emotional baggage like a hot potato. It may hard on the ego and the psyche for a time but in the long run it's a good thing for us as a whole. The reduction in stress levels is good for our heart and state of mind. It's good for those around us because we become calmer beings who aren't as prone to anger or retaliation for a supposed wrong. It allows us to work through and drop karmic baggage left from previous turns of the wheel. It can even improve our sleep by helping us deal with the demons we all face in the dark of night when we close our eyes. This isn't going to make us perfect beings by any means, we are still human, but it does give us easily attainable goals to work toward. The poem below, titled simply "Me" resonated with me big time when I read it, 'cause I'm about as far from perfect as one can get, the author is Birrell Walsh, who posted it at GrassRootsReiki. Posted with permission per GRR's rules.

Prone to depressions
about real transgressions
the grey beard man
stands as best he can

And begs the sun
to take what he has done
when he has sinned

and begs the wind
to make him free
to pass energy,

then gives it all
to the waterfall
and turns again,

joins other men
judges what goes by
with a kinder eye

and - the best of it -
wryly laughs a bit.


I get goosebumps as big as hen's eggs every time I read it because it is so true.



*edit to add content*

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Post by tomas » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:34 am

MysticWhisper wrote:Loved your *edit to add*, Tomas *giggle*
And it really does work well. Nobody likes wet shoes. Eeewwwwww!!! :smt040



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Reiki training in Bay Area?

Post by spider » Sat Aug 06, 2005 1:07 am

Any recommendations for Reiki training in Bay Area?

Peace to all,

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