Finding the Real Reiki in a different way

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Finding the Real Reiki in a different way

Post by lenthomas » Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:01 pm

[b]In my every day life I spend a lot of time working with the
energy that is called REIKI [/b][u]and I have yet to hear or read anything describes what this energy really is.[/u]

What I don't intend to do is to enter into any argument as to who's Reiki is better, all I will do is to explain my approach and how I find what that connection is and how to test for it.

Reiki is something that we do not really understand. Some go close but are then diverted onto the Spiritual Path and all of its complexities and taboo’s. Reiki in its most basic form does not in any way resemble the Spiritual Path but its use does enhance your Spirituality.

So if there is such a major difference how did it all get mixed up. It got mixed up because most of those who were interested in Reiki from when Takata started teaching were very connected in the Spiritual way so it was very easy for them to relate their experiences of Reiki to their Spiritual connections, they really had no other guidelines but they were wrong.

If you go to the Bible, '1 Corinthians 12' the statements are very clear about Spiritual gifts, not every body has them and not all have the same, they are different and varied but when you speak to them, those with those gifts they expect that you have them as well, it is not true. They do the same with Reiki.

So what is Reiki? Well Reiki is only a Japanese word describing ‘Universal Life Force Energy’, different cultures have different names for this Energy; it is how you the individual make that connection that is what is important. You are not born with Reiki even though some think that they are. The “Practice of Reiki” is an attunement applied to a person by another who has certain knowledge. No special abilities just knowledge.

So what is this knowledge and how is it acquired?

Separating Reiki from Spiritual connections allows you to be more aware of the value of connecting directly to what Usui may have been shown, regardless of whether Usui did or not use symbols or whether it was Hitachi who introduced them the simple fact is that the symbols are a major part of the knowledge and an attunement.

Attunement, you ask what is that?

There are two things that I do not pass on until a person is able to absorb the knowledge and that has to do with the Attunement and they are;

1The Formula, and
2The method

So how does this Reiki really work?

I think at this point we should take a leaf out of those mysterious workings of the Spiritual Connections and just take a clear look at what and where we are about to experience.

Vibration, yes vibration, the whole of our existence is vibration. Einstein finally convinced us that the known Universe is all vibration, does this vibration exist elsewhere, Yes, we are surrounded by vibration in all of our spiritual realms we are vibration.

What has this to do with Reiki?

That is what the practice of Reiki is all about, allowing us to access that vibration wherever it may be.

So how does this happen, what is the mystery, why so much secrecy?

We will look at what really happens with the practice of Reiki.

In the majority Reiki practitioners accept that four symbols represent the core of the vibration of Reiki, others claim that many others exist, but for this discussion I am only looking at the four generally accepted symbols that are universally published, many internet sites publish them, what you should be doing is drawing them individually on paper and holding them in your hand.


To be aware of the vibration that they emit, yes they do emit vibration but then we have to accept that some people feel those vibrations in different ways and not just in the way of spiritual gifts where some have and some do not, this time it is your emotional 4th dimensional body that allows that feeling of awareness to happen or in some cases not appear to be felt.

Part of my technique is to do a blind test with people, write each of the symbol on separate pieces of paper and seal them and just ask the person to allow their awareness to experience whatever it may be. Do they all feel it the same way, No. The results are many and varied, just the same as with Spiritual Gifts, many and varied.

So what is the problem with Reiki, there is no problem with Reiki, but there is there a problem with the 'Practice of Reiki', Yes, there is a very big problem and we as practitioners are the major problem as well as the attitude of the medical profession.

It is with the Practice of Reiki where we all fail. Not being able to separate the Spiritual from the Practical, you may ask as to what I mean and I do recognise that in many different languages the translation may loose its intended meaning, yes I am well aware that many people think that they read something when in fact that is not what was said.

Let me make my point very clear, Reiki and Spiritual healing in all of it's diversities are two entirely different things and yet a person with a correct Reiki Attunement has their spiritual gifts whatever they may be and how diverse those gifts may be, they are enhanced, but always remember they are separate and different.

How do I prove that, actually the test is very simple, go to any internet site, unless you already know the symbols 'Cho-Ku-Rei & Sei Hi Kai', or more commonly described as (1) & (2), draw them on a piece of paper as '1, 2, 1', hold that piece of paper in either hand and then put that hand onto your heart, give it time, generally suggest about 15 min and just be aware of what may be happening.
What is happening, that is the question that has never really been answered by the many who have tried in the past to answer it and have failed.

Lets for a moment step into another understanding;

We have three bodies, does anybody doubt that we have a material body, a body of dense vibration, you can touch this material body, this is called our 3rd dimensional reality, then we have a psychic body, a body where all of our emotions reside, also this body of different vibration holds all of our Chakras and meridians, can you feel this body, no, not as you can feel your material body but you are aware of many of your emotions, you do feel that anger, pain and all of those other emotions, this is also where our sub-conscious and unconsciousness resides, there also may be much more in this 4th dimensional body than we can ever imagine and then we have our Spirit body the body of our mind.

So where does this all lead us, Spiritual Healers will tell you that it is the spirit guides who do all of the healing but, I have an opinion that it was not after at least 2000 years all going in the way that God intended and so Usui was shown something different, shown symbols that have a
healing vibration. Yes as simple as that, 4 symbols that have the power to heal but where.

Again that answer is very simple, the healing takes place in the 4th dimensional body, many psychiatrists will support this statement but will then differ as to how it can happen. I do not have any answer as to how this happens I can only describe what others who through their spiritual gifts of sight report, there are people who can scan but what do they scan, most seem to just scan and then report as to what they may be aware of and this seems to be around looking for damage in the material body, what I ask is that they look into the 4th dimensional and observe the disturbances that may be in that body. When this approach is adopted the comments seem to resolve around what may be considered as either a peacefulness or a kaleidoscope of colours in different parts of the 4th dimensional body that may relate to the ability of the material body to self heal, then again these comments are only in the early stage of understanding.

So in conclusion how are we able to test this connection that we are all told happens anyway.

I do not believe that many really know how to apply these attunements, let alone understand as to what really happens, if you are a believer in the use of 'Dowsing' you are aware of those tools that may give you answers, if you work in the spiritual realm and are prepared to accept that all that you are told may not always be true and are able to lift to a higher level to obtain verification then you you may find answers that may ask you to reconsider what you may think is truth and if you are aware of Kinesiology again you have the ability to verify your beliefs as Kinesiology is alleged to connect to your unconsciouses self.

There is also another way, a physical way to check for a connection, consider this. When you are performing a healing and your hands are over the crown of the client, what are you aware of. In what direction are you aware that the energy may appear to flow, does it seem to flow down or up, its it possible that there may to be an area in the crown that may be considered to be like a pool of hot energy similar to a pool of magma, now At this stage I do not want to tell you what  you should or should not draw as a conclusion but don't tell me that you have reiki unless you know how to explain all of these different feelings, to ignore these comments is as though you do not want to know anything about the car that you are driving down the road.

Remember I am not trying or attempting to compare my Reiki to yours all I am doing is explaining this connection from my perspective if any of the tests that I am aware of seem to indicate a criticism of your Reiki then I suggest that you are not open to what is really out there.

So what is this vibration that we call Reiki and how does it apply to the application of the practice of Reiki.

Earlier I mentioned that the symbols all hold a vibration and suggested a couple of examples as to how you can become familiar with them, but what I did not say was what was happening when you wrote them down, in fact what you were doing was harmonizing with the energy, you were in fact connecting directly to that vibration. Yes you are in fact harmonizing with the energy directly into your 4th dimensional body. So why do you need an attunement.

A Reiki attunement is applied vibrations into selected Chakras and allowing you to elevate your consciousness to a higher level.

So be aware of what I have said, many techniques suggest that symbols be used and all they are doing is harmonizing, not that there is anything wrong with this technique, in fact it is something that is beneficial to the client providing that you are aware as to how to apply it and its expected benefits, they can be enormous and that is where we make the biggest mistake, not understanding what can  really be done or how to suggest their use.

Whenever anybody has come to me and they indicate that they have Reiki I always practice what I preach and check, unfortunately in the majority they do not have it and that is the biggest disappointment. No I do not as some of the published statements where some “masters” suggest that for somebody to join their group that have have to be re-attuned to their way  that is not what  an attunement is all about. Still there are many that think that they can control, we have all heard of the Grand masters.


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Post by Abhishek » Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:22 pm

thats a great post! very precise and very informative. i believe it food for thought for those that want to learn reiki. :)

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Post by rustamg » Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:56 am


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Post by theancient_dr » Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:59 pm

Greetings Lent Thomas----

you have written a most informative article above---- thank you for the time and effort that took----

As a student of philosophy-- many paths have been walked searching for answers-- and while gathering knowledge have discerned many bits of associative elements as you seem to have done.

In making comments here-- the comments are not contrary to your thoughts but, perhaps, worded differently yet in essence thought is the same.

Have been a student of the martial arts for six+ decades this incarnation--and as you pointed out---universal energy ---- may have many names, the word Ki is used in the arts---yet the character of the energy remains the same regardless of the name the Rei-ki name icludes that thing referred to as KI which is energy flow.
You as a Reiki Master understand ---when treating a client the intent of the session may be totally diverted predicated upon the clients need --- the enregy loosed flows to the area of need --- as the energy sees fit---as healers we loose the energy we are not the energy----

Within the martial arts the KI is directed, yet control of same may be thrust out from one with a noticeable effect upon the recipient---this i believe to be akin to KI in Rei-ki----universal energy

thank you again for your article---
peace and love------------the ancient

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