Many think that they have the answers BUT, what is Reiki really

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Many think that they have the answers BUT, what is Reiki really

Post by lenthomas » Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:17 am

What really is Reiki?

When I was first introduced to Reiki, I had no understanding as to what it really was.

Now six years later I am convinced as to what Reiki really is. It is my observation that no field (except politics) is more rampant with charlatans, ego gratifiers, power-status seekers, controllers, space cadets, etc., than the field of psychic and holistic healing, and as to what it really is I know that very few people understand anything about it!

Yes the concept comes out of Japan, a Buddhist Monk, Mikao Usui is accredited with introducing Reiki but before we go any further we should understand what we already have.

In the Bible Paul makes a statement about spiritual gifts. THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE CORINTHIANS. CHAPTER XII. Spiritual Gifts.
1-3. Spiritual gifts. The supernatural gifts bestowed in the early body by the Spirit. These were especially needful, before the early body had the New Testament as a guide, and in the inauguration of Christianity. 4-6. There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. The especial gifts of the Spirit imparted to fit members for various duties, these are various in their manifestations, but all proceed from the same Spirit. 5. Differences of ministrations; of ministries or offices, but all are in the service of the same Lord. 6. Diversities of workings. The inward workings of the Spirit are not always the same, but it is God, one God, the same God, who causes them all. 7-11. But the manifestation of the Spirit, etc. However varied these manifestations, all are for the profit of the whole body. No gift of the Spirit is for the benefit of the recipient. 8. To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom. The ability to reveal divine truth, such as possessed by the apostles.
To another, the word of knowledge. The aptitude to teach unerringly what had been revealed to the apostles and prophets. 9. To another, faith. Not that faith which comes by hearing, but that faith which carried miraculous power. 10. To another, prophecy. The prophet was one who, under divine impulse, spoke words given by the Holy Spirit.To another, discerning of spirits. The power of reading hearts and determining whether men spoke by the divine spirit, or some other impulse.
To another, divers kinds of tongues. He who spoke with tongues, spoke languages that he had never learned. Sometimes their utterances were not understood by the audience. Hence another gift was the interpretation of tongues, the ability to explain the meaning of those who spoke with tongues. There are named here nine gifts, all supernatural, imparted by the same spirit, which distributes them according to its own will. 12-20. The body is not one member, but many. The unity of these diverse gifts, all given by the same Spirit, is illustrated by the human body, which has many members and organs with different offices, but all parts of one body. No member could claim that it was not of the body because it is not the eye, the ear, or some other organ. Each is a part, each necessary, each set where God pleased, and all taken together make up the body. So also is Christ. The spiritual body of Christ, the church. Teachers. Men gifted by the spirit to teach in the church. Miracles. Those who had the power to work miracles. Gifts of healing. One division of miraculous powers granted.
Now all of these gifts in one way or another we all have.
Now, so what is Reiki. Before we explain what it is and how it works we must understand  something about the construction of a human body;

"Let us create man to our image and according to our likeness." You may read it in the Bible. God said "Let us create man ..." - to whom was this said?  Of course, it was ‘said’ (expressed) to the Archangelic orders.  They are the Lords of the Elements. It is through the elements the new entity as a human being was created (by the Lords of the Elements).
We have three bodies. Paul revealed that in his letters. Many other great ones spoke about these three bodies. The gross material body, the so-called psychical body, and the spirit (noetical) body. They all speak about these three bodies. Confucius did in "The Law", Buddha did also.  You can find it in all the mystical systems. As a Soul we are dressed with these bodies. So, these Holy Archangels of the Elements start creating the atoms with which they will build our bodies, dressing the Idea of Man with Total Wisdom. First, they create the spirit body. Then, in it, they create the so-called psychical body and, in the spirit and psychical bodies, they create the physical atoms then building the material body. That means, you become material, with a material body, and you get a psychical body (the body of your emotions) and a spirit body (the mind body), the body of your thoughts.
With this understanding comes the knowledge that within the psychic body we hold all of our dis ease remembering that all of what we are is vibration.
How do we live in these bodies?
Reality for everybody is his material body.  We live in the material plane (in our material body).  The material plane is of the three dimensions.  Who doubts that he has a material body?  Everybody knows that he has a material body, moving about with it and doing many, many things. But we are much much more than just a material body vibrating at a low dense level.  One should get what is most necessary for his life, to live his life in the material world, in the material body, in a better way. In knowing the Truth which will liberate you from all kinds of illusions, pain, sorrow, and despair. 
We also have a psychical body (to express ourselves emotionally)  We live in the psychical plane in our psychical body.  The psychical body is not like the material body. Life there is much easier. It is your thought in the psychical plane makes forms and conditions. The psychical plane is of four dimensions. It is difficult to explain more about the psychical plane. Yet, the psychical plane is a place one can live and enjoy more easily, and feel happy - if he wants to. That is if he is not under the burden of his own strong emotions, weaknesses and hatreds.  Unless you become the masters of your psychical body (your emotions) you cannot use it in the Astral after you go to sleep. That's the body you use in what we call the psychical plane. Within this psychic body reside all of our Chakras (energy centres), meridians and, unless you know what it is and how to use it, you'll never become self-conscious in it.
We also have a spirit body to express ourselves as thoughts and logic, reason.  Mind again vibrating but this time at still higher vibrations maintaining our spirit body which has a similar human form as the psychical and material bodies. We live in the spiritual planes in our spirit body. This spiritual plane is of five dimensions. It is the mind world. There is more light. Much more light.  A fellow passing from the psychical to the spiritual plane will see it as more light.  The Spiritual body is bright and brilliant - indestructible.
So, all those bodies are connected and - one body is influencing the other. Now, everyone of you at this moment, in what you call the common everyday self-consciousness, are living at the same time in three bodies - in a material body, in a psychical body, and in a  spiritual body. Yet, how active are they? And who are you living in these bodies now?
So what has this all to do with Reiki?
All of these bodies of ours are in essence vibrations, vibrations at different levels.
Usui was shown four symbols that allowed him to unlock the mysteries of the Universal Life consciousness and to live within his three bodies, to be able to cross within the dimensions and vibrations to so live.
To understand how this can happen we have to become familiar with the psychical body, the vibration of that body and through the cleansing and balancing of that body to remove  dis ease that affects our material body.
Each of the symbols shown to Usui hold vibrations, not the same vibration but all different that will suit their particular tasks to work within the psychic body.
The first holds the keys to the Universe, the second access the unconsciousness of the Universe, the third unlocks time while the fourth unlocks the all, the whole of what is, in other words ‘The Master Symbol’.
So are we now able to define Reiki. To make a statement explaining the meaning of the word or the idea.
How do we explain the complexity of Reiki in that, how does it really work?
To understand that again we have to look at the psychic body and the vibrations of the symbols. Reiki as a word is not as we in the west understand language. In its originating language the construction of words may describe expression or experience, Reiki cannot be completely explained in any western language constructed in phonetics, the word Reiki is really an expression of experience. So how can we relate to that experience?
The psychical body and the vibrations that are the basis of that body. We have allowed ego to develop because as with Chakras, meridians and nadias, ego resides in our psychical body and the difficulty that we have is how to relieve all of the tensions, angers, anxieties, blockages and such that we have allowed to take up residence in this body
Now it is the time to look at how Reiki Healing is achieved!
Lets consider the basics of what we already know! Vibration is everything. The Reiki Symbols hold vibrations. Chakras hold vibrations and vibrations are energy. Psychologist would attempt in counseling sessions to bring forward to the conscious mind many of the problems that effect us, by doing that they give back strength and energy to the dis ease that effects us and so continue with imbalance within our three bodies.
Reiki vibration on the other hand does not bring back strength and energy to the dis ease but addresses those problems in the psychic body and removes them, releases them from all of our bodies. These problems of dis ease can be described as though they are all in an upturned funnel and the blockages choke the throat of that funnel and thus forming a blockage, the task is to clear that blockage and any other program that may be linked to that blockage, once cleared the energy then flows.
As already stated a psychologist will attempt to bring to the clients consciousness the knowledge of the problem that is causing the blockage whereas with Reiki a therapist will do no more than place their hands upon the client and allow the vibrational energy to remove the blockage and any other linked blockage. As with all therapy there is more to the techniques than a basic explanation allows for.
There is much denial as to the effects and the results when Reiki is used. Because of the lack of objective evidence for its theories or its results, and the mystical language and metaphor employed by its adherents, the scientific establishment considers Reiki to be nothing more than a placebo. Many scientists, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, health professionals and others dispute the effectiveness of Reiki, stating that there is no proof or evidence that a mechanism for Reiki energy exists, nor proof that healing beyond that expected from the placebo effect can be achieved by it.
Doctors, academics, and consumer advocates have expressed concern when patients with serious diseases such as cancer choose Reiki solely as a means of treatment over trained doctors. In some cases people reject conventional medicine completely and solely practice Reiki, and this is deemed as a highly untrustworthy and potentially dangerous practice even with the dedicated Reiki professional. While it is understandable for patients to seek non-mainstream remedies when conventional options seem ineffective or untrustworthy, many doctors say that Reiki, like many other forms of alternative medicine, is simply exploiting the fear and hope of people with serious illnesses for money while offering only a placebo effect. The response from Reiki practitioners is that Reiki is a reliable and effective treatment that is being unfairly dismissed by conservative Western scientific research. Some Reiki teachers and practitioners advocate a complementary approach to conventional medicine - holding it as the most prudent and responsible to combine the treating any illness.
Opposition from religious groups. There are various religious groups opposing Reiki. Orthodox Christians identify Reiki as demonic. The Unification Church cautions its adherents to avoid Reiki on the grounds that Reiki involves channeling the energy of evil spirits. Some individuals and groups (like Dominicans from the Roman Catholic Church) actively advise believers against it.
Internal controversies and claims of Secret teachings are rife within the Reiki community but that should not stop people using the energy even if they only, and this unfortunately happens with the majority of practitioners, harmonise with the energy. It will only be when the conventional medicial profession is prepared to support the concept of Reiki will proper standards be established.
Who should be the benificiaries of these energies, the medicial profession by denying their existance or those in the greatest need.
For further information contact len Thomas
Email or phone 02 9553 6299


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Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:15 am

Post by tomas » Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:49 am

I have edited out my thoughts...

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