
Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Post by chickpea1979 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 10:29 am

Hi Aelis2004,

I hvae some questions regarding Reiki. I have had a few Reiki sessions and after each session, the Reiki master has said to me that there is a vey loving presence with me all the time (a guardian angel). During my last session, she took me to the upper world. What exactly does this mean? Was she trying to connect me to my spirit guide? In this session, she asked me to viualise that I was lying on a bed of white lillies, with a dove beside me. Then I saw myself dancing with the dove and a pair of hands (could not see the person) in a circle, with the lillies. What does this all mean?

I asked the Reiki master afterwards, who my guardian angel was and she said that she did not know, saying it could be an old ancestor. I love Reiki and left the session enlightened. During the course of the 2 weeks hat followed, I dreamt twice about an Aunt of mine that died last year. In the first dream she was merely standing still wearing a green suit. However, the second dream was much more vivid. In this dream, my mother and I were standing looking at a picture of my Aunts face on a wall. As we were looking, the eyes in the picture started to move (like the picture was coming alive). I then stretched out my hand towards the picture and a my Aunts hand came out of the picture and clasped mine.In the dream I felt the human hand, flesh etc. As she touched me, I immediately thought that my deceased Aunt was my guardian angel and started to cry. I then wakened up.

What does this all mean? The dream was so vivid and is really preying on my mind. Could this me by Aunt trying to communicate with me as a result of the journey that my Reiki master took me on in my last session?

I would love to hear your views on this.

Chickpea :)

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Post by aelis2004 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:25 am

Hi Chickpea,

I think this should go in the Dream Interpretation forum or the Reiki forum... Anyway, apart what you visualized, what did you feel physically? Did you feel lightheaded? did you feel as if you were wearing a crown? I often feel like this when my crown chakra is working properly, sometimes for hours at a time. You may have also been able to activate your third eye chakra, which is responsible for some very vivid imagery. I fid it easy to activate, I feel the spot in the center of my forehead grow hot, often during meditation but not exclusively, for example it often happens at night while I am falling asleep.
Some people say we have more than one gardian angel, a friend once told me I have three. I know the name of one of my spirit guides, I connected with him last February.
What was your aunt's name? Which day of the week were you born? These may me clues helpful to convey some information about your guardian angel. Yes, your aunt could be one of your guardian angels, or anyway an inspiring and guiding presence for you.
I sometimes have very vivid dreams, I often talk in my sleep as I dream to give directions or explanations, Sometimes very physical sentations are part of the dream and I wake up wondering whether it was something that really happened or if I just dreamt it - I now come to suspect some of these very physical dreams may actually be out-of-body, but have had not yet a chance to verify it.
I hope this helped somehow.... :)

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Thanks for your feedback

Post by chickpea1979 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:06 pm

Hi Aelis2004,

Thanks for getting back to me regarding my query and thanks for posting it to the Reiki forum. I am pretty new to Reiki (had my first session in January this year) but have taken to it very quickly and feel amazing tingling sensations throughout my body when having it done and churning and pulling sensations in my chakras that are being unblocked. I find it so powerful!

Anyway, I was born on a Sunday (Easter Sunday) and my Aunt's name was Jean. Why what significance do these have?

Chickpea :)

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Post by aelis2004 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:29 pm

Sunday angels are Michael, Anael, Raphael, Gabriel, Cassiel, Sachiel, Samael, Michael, Anael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Cassiel.
If you know at what time you were born, we can know which angel was on shift then........ :smt003

You can actually have 4 angels associated with you: a day angel for the week day, a month angel, a zodiac sign angel and an angel for the time you were born. And then you can have a number of spirit guides as well.

I'll look up if there is any angel with a name close to Jean... your aunt's name may be a clue to a specific angel name. I'll let you know what I can find.

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Post by DeMadre » Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:12 pm

what is chakra ive seen stuff about chakra and it made it seem as if you could enhance your physical and mental strength is this true

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