Do you guys do past life readings?

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Number of past Lives

Post by MangoMom » Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:46 pm

Hi Gem, thanks for your comment, it is usually 8 or 9, that is the average that I have seen, but some souls choose to come back many times, you are right there can be as many as 100, but when you experience a lifetime here on earth, your spirt takes much time to digest the experiences and information and lessons learned.  You've heard the saying "In God's time not ours"  Time passes differently on the other side, it could take an entity 100 years in our time to digest the information, but on the other side that could be a very short time.  Does this explanation make sense?  Have a wonderful day.

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Post by coolchic101 » Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:40 am

I do past life readings but I can't read myself (don't know why). I will need the following from you to do a reading:

-your gender
-your date of birth (month, day, year)

*I have read success in reading people online and I haven't ever met them. I have also read my sister's past life. Things that people haven't told me, I have picked up. On average, I have picked up on at least 1 past life per person. If I pick up on traumatic past lives, think of this as a learning experience and understand why you are what you are.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:36 pm

Angelique wrote:Although I understand why you would want to know or have an idea of who you were in a past life, been there - done that, for myself I have found that when you are older it doesn't matter who you were prior to this lifetime. What your former self may or may not have done 50 years ago or 1200 years ago is not as important as you may think. This is the life you are living now, this is the life that counts and this is the life where your actions or inactions count. That is my humble opinion and what I have concluded - and if anyone disagrees with me, that's okay, you're entitled to your opinion, but this is what I believe. My Maker did not create me to suffer and He wants me to be happy - He gave me free will and obviously I made decisions to come back as many times as I did, I made a decision that I needed to learn and learn I did.

I have been told I am a very old soul, I have been told by every psychic, even though I already knew it, I don't belong here but I chose to come back (already knew that too) for some stupid reason.. which I know why I came back and it isn't so stupid..  but never again. Once I am done here in this body I have no intentions of coming back. I love this place, love the people, but I'm tired of it and I know there are bigger and better things for me, wherever that may be. In fact, any numerology done on me any way you use my name, formal birth name, nickname, married formal name, short name, etc... my karmic debt, karmic past always comes up zero! I also come up with 33's, and 11's.

The bottom line is this and you need to ask yourself these questions:

What if you were a horrible person in another life? You can't go back to the past and change that. That was a different time, a different body, different consciousness; same soul, different consciousness - they're completely separate. In fact, it's like saying you are personally responsible for another persons actions and you aren't, you are only responsible for your own. That person does not exist anymore, nor will they ever.

A lot of people do not believe in reincarnation, or are unaware of it. So what is the point of doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results if you don't understand why or you are unaware? That is not what God wants for you. I use the term God, but the bottom line is, no matter who it is you worship He is one in the same - unless of course you worship Satan, and yes, he exists too. MHO.

Gem is correct and very wise when she advises you if you choose to do a past life regression, do it with someone who is experienced and can handle it. Some people, not all.. just some can't handle it. The reason I say this is if I go back I am never an observer, a third person, I am re-experiencing portions of that lifetime - that includes what I was feeling at that particular moment. That snapshot can feel very real, and that reality for some can be very frightening depending on the snippet you fall into. It's better to be safe, in a controlled environment where someone knows what they are doing and is able to pull you out should you choose to go this route.

If you would like to get just an "idea" and a feeling without experiencing all of what I stated in the paragraph above, I would recommend a simple exercise: grab a picture of yourself, sit some place quietly without distractions and stare at the center of the picture. Try not to blink too often and yes, you will notice things will look like you're looking at a negative of a picture, in fact in your peripheral vision everything will look like it is turning into a negative. You will be tempted to look away as things in the picture and things around you begin to distort themselves. Try and focus on the center of the picture and don't fight the distortions taking place, let them happen. Eventually, the face on the picture, in fact if there are several faces they may disappear or change, as will the background, clothing you are wearing, etc... When this happens try to keep in mind to get a "sense" of that person, their life and their experiences. Lastly, I have a thing about mirrors... I would not recommend using a mirror for this.
well said. :smt003

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Tarot cards of course!

Post by sk33t9392 » Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:43 pm

I do a tarot spread which talks about past lives.

Said the last life I had, I was discontent with my life.  Unhappy with my work and material possessions and very unhappy.

Ironically, my attitude with that carried on into my childhood.  I'm starting to gain happiness back but the attitude of my last spirit, whoever I was, carried on with me into this life.  I'm guessing the reason why I never committed suicide is because I need to aim and reach for happiness and not repeat the same miserable life as previous.  That I need to enjoy what I have and learn to love everything.

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:24 am

I am new to this board and I must say, after reading this particular thread, I can see why I will love it here. You all have given me a lot of information to sort through and I'm excited at the prospect.

To angelique: You definately have a good soul and I can see you are here to enlighten and educate. I agree with some of what you said, but question some others. That is for me to decipher, but thank you for your insight.

I do believe that we must learn from the past so as not to make the same mistakes. Whether it be in our personal lives, politics, societal mistakes etc. WE should look to the past to see what we may change NOW. It's intriguing to at least believe that we may be able to right a wrong we committed lifetimes ago, just by being better today.

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Post by Angelique » Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:36 am

Hi Amethyst-Jen,

And welcome to mystic board. :)

I'm not sure if the last paragraph you wrote was in relation to what I had written, so I'll clarify what I had written previously to clear up any misunderstandings just in case.

Although I personally believe in reincarnation, I do not believe that God whom I believe in intended for me to suffer for previous lifetimes I cannot remember for any injustices I may have been a party to. What I do believe in, is evolving and closer to I guess what I would call perfection. That perfection of course is my own perception just as everyone else has theirs; which would include making the most of this lifetime, doing the best I can and then some, rising above instead of stooping below other peoples levels, being aware and compassionate, lending a helping hand etc... Much along the lines of what Mango Mom describes, although what she expresses is more fluid and eloquent.

If you question anything, whether it be me or what anyone else states, that's good!! It's good to take in all the facts, all of the opinions, even some of the far out things that don't add up and arrive at your own conclusions and you have every right to change your mind down the road too ;) When you do that, then you know it's your own opinion, it belongs to you and not someone else's being shoved down your throat. :)

Enjoy yourself here.. there are so many pages and topics to read it's mind boggling. And it's a great group of people... but don't let them know I said that ;)

Be well and be safe,


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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:16 pm

Thank you Angelique.  My last paragraph wasn't so much in response to you, but more of my two-cents on what had been discussed about past lives.  I think, as some others have said, to me learning about my past lives is more for the entertainment value.  I just think it would be interesting to see who I was in those other lives. It's not going to change who I am now, or what I do in my life, but it would be interesting nonetheless.

I do think you are right about God not wanting us to suffer.  I do ask, would we be suffering our past just by acknowledging it?  I know, as you've said, that in order to see it sometimes you have to relive it.  Maybe that's what you mean by suffer?

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Post by Angelique » Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:38 pm

Amethyst-Jen wrote:I do think you are right about God not wanting us to suffer.  I do ask, would we be suffering our past just by acknowledging it?
Hi Amethyst-Jen :)

I guess that's all a matter of perception? I see no harm in knowing who you were in another life, but I was trying to say was I certainly wouldn't let it dictate this one because this is the life that counts. ;)
Amethyst-Jen wrote:I know, as you've said, that in order to see it sometimes you have to relive it.  Maybe that's what you mean by suffer?
As for my comment early on about reliving it, that has been strictly from my own personal experience and each person's experience being brought back is different. By no means did I suffer during my regressions, in fact it was nice. But I've heard from some people that did not have a pleasurable experience which is why I suggested having someone around who is experienced in past life regression.

What I did mean about suffering was (and I'll use an extreme), what if you were Adolf Hitler in your last life? There isn't a heck of a lot you can do about that in this one... you can't change what has already happened.  Feeling terrible for what you did in that past life I think would be normal, but carrying that heavy burden along with the guilt for the rest of this life I don't see how that can be productive... How can you live in the present if you're stuck in the past? Especially when it's no longer your physical past. That's suffering, being unable to change something you no longer have control of and possibly torturing yourself in this life for it. But that's my own personal opinion... it doesn't have to be anyone else's. I could expand on this, but then my response will get too long... and it already is. ;)

I hope this answered some of your questions on my take on things. :)

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:40 pm

Angelique wrote:I hope this answered some of your questions on my take on things. :)
It absolutely did, thank you!  I have a much better understanding of where you are coming from and I completely agree. Thank you for clarifying. Sometimes, it takes me some extra explainations (its the blonde in my hair) before I catch on.  :smt002

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new and learning

Post by Songstress » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:57 pm

I found this thread very interesting.  I've wanted someone to walk me through my past lives for years, just never found someone to do it.  This thread gave me a lot of insight.  Personally I think by doing a regression I will learn more about myself.

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Post by CuriousK » Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:23 am

hnmm this is so interesting. I've always been curious about my past life, but afraid to find out. Can the experience be fullfilling or  more of a scary experience?

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