Is Homosexuality feelings from a former lifestyle...

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Is Homosexuality feelings from a former lifestyle...

Post by Global_Breeze » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:10 am

Can anyone answer this question?  I often thought that the subject of someone being homosexual was nothing more then that person remembering a past life incarnation and they felt so comfortable in that "mode" of gender, that they just simply choose to connect with those feelings.  Some people try to change homosexuals into hexterosexuals, and I feel that that is totally wrong to do. I also believe that there is nothing wrong with loving another human being. God is love and love is God.  Does anyone out there have any views on this subject topic.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:42 am

NOPE....I don't think so.

Homosexual is due to a is as "Human" as you and "Me" it is only we ourself that by definition and belief make it to something with "lower status".

I agree that heterosexual behaviour is the most common between us humans, but that is not enough to stamp anyone else as "lower being"

Here our Religions have done a big "crime" against many people, because they define homosexuality as a "lust" and not as an "art of human"
Some even proclaim that they are able to cure homosexuality by belief and this again feed other peoples thought that this is not normal.

Lucky enough has many strong Homosexual people started to state their preference, and they are much more open.
This will in the long run help other and at the same time demystifying them and hopefully make religions more "accepting" of this kind.

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Post by starryskies » Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:42 am

It's an interesting question though. I mean, some things can be carried over from previous lives such as fear of water, being scared of knives etc.

It is good that homosexuality is more openly accepted now. I mean, we all have personal preferences - men, women, both - and that is just one thing that makes us different, which is a good thing. Whomever we feel attraction for is governed by our minds and hearts, not our conscious choices.

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:43 pm

Hi there,

I'm gay and has been since i can remeber,

To be honest with u I have always seen the attraction that men have for woman absolutely unnatural. This is sometimes not really well understood by other men or heterosexual males.

Something interesting is that i had a akashik reading. This supported a friend of mines view some years back. She is also in touch with the spiritual beings. She did life regression and said that most of my past lives i was female, to take the cake in one i had 8 children, no wonder i have a slight remorse or animosity to children!!

When i explain my view regarding the way in which i would look at another man, most people would be amazed, but to me totally natural.

Therefore in my opinion, your spirit has a definite inclination toward your actual sexuality in previous lives.

Another interesting approach is that when there is a fairly large family, the mother may produce a son with a lot more female genes as normal. This is done in order to assist raising the other siblings without being in competition with the mother? or having to be a physically strong person but one with a softer and more intllectual approach.

Ponder these points, but i am totally convinced that our spirits are androgonous as God, but remembers the previous sexualities.

Blessed be

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Post by Docbrown17 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:10 pm

I hope I don't sound rude, and if I do, please forgive me. I am a Christian, and as such, I have been taught that homosexuality is wrong. I don't shun homosexuals from my life. The thing about homosexuality is that, contrary to popular belief, homosexuality is not something that you are born with; it's something you choose to be. God disapproves of homosexuality, so he would not create someone to be homosexual. This is just my belief system, and I understand if you disagree with it.

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Post by Leslie » Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:05 am

This is an interesting question. I have never thought about it being part of a past life. I do not know much about past lives, but hope to research it further because I am very interested in mine. I am going to agree with starryskies though.  I feel you fall in love with who you fall in love with. For me that has nothing to do with whether they are homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, black, white, purple or green. I say this because I had never been drawn to the same sex before until my best friend. I love her with all my heart and she feels the same about me. She especially was against same sex relationships, but she came to me and things happened. Our experience made us closer. Although, my sister is a lesbian and has known since she was very young. She has tried to be with a man, but was not comfortable with that. So maybe some are born with the gene and maybe some chose.

Docbrown17, you have a right to your beleif system. Beleive me, I do not condemn you for that. As a matter of fact I respect what you have to say because that is a part of you.  :)  But, I am going to have to disagree. I don not beleive that my sister chose to be a lesbian, but has learned to accept it. She is the most honest, kind, and loving person I have ever met in my life. I do not feel God would disaprove of her. I feel he made her for a reason and a purpose just like he made you or me.

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All points taken into consideration, thank you....

Post by Global_Breeze » Tue Aug 14, 2007 5:08 am

I must say that most comments here do have some validity in them from my perspective...but I must say to the kindred spirit "docbrown17" that I can not remember God turning any of his children away and shunning them from his kingdom just because they are homosexual.  How can God love the heterosexual more than the homosexual. Are you saying that God can hate the homosexual belief system and not the homosexual? Or are you saying that God hates both? You must remember that the bible was written by "men" and was "interpreted" by what "man" said God said. Are you sure that God did not approve of "homosexuality" or was it written by "man" that he didn't approve?  What is wrong with two men or two women loving each other. Doesn't God say we are suppose to love one another.  Could you give me your thoughts on this, I'd really like to know lovingly and joyfully for my own understanding. Thanks docbrown17!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:43 am

Hi docbrown17,

I'm not offended whatsoever, let me advise you it was also my choice to shun the christian religion for the true way, understand tha we see christianity as a fanatical sect. Fortunately i was a pastor in your religion and have a good grasp of your bible.

When speaking that your bible was translated, you should actually seek the true meaning of the word. It is very clearly described as "altered". What you also should consider, when reffering to homosexuality, your bible in the same frase addressed the eating of pork!! The Greek and Jewish cabala does not have punctuation, therefore when the refferance goes something like this: You should not involve in promiscuious acts and dont indulg in the eating of unclean animals which was  kept as.... Now when placing punctuation marks in the sentance at different points totally alters the entire meaning.

Another example of the misinterpretation of the bible is when jc said "I have not come to replace the law but fulfill it." The law was given in the old testament, how can you claim a sinless life just be dropping to you knees and praying when it suits you? Another matter to consider is the fact that you beleive in the "last judgement" What is the purpose of the judgement if all your sins are forgiven already!!

Now in the true sense if you continue interpriting the bible, it also clearly says that you should not consult fortune tellers and people practising divination, wiches etc. The reason for this is because we are totally in contact with the spiritworld and the Gods, which your religion absolutely condemn as well as those practising it. We were even burnt at the stake for that. If you have any insight in the Knights templar, a "christian" orginisation, you must know that they were also burnt at the stake, yet being christians and only getting themselves in the power of possitive confession and crusades of which the modern day christians participate (the lighting of candles, conjuring "god" binding your "satan" and this is pure magick.

Many of the christian holidays or holy days are in fact pagan days, the christians also attracted these days, participate in the symbolism "Easter eggs" etc.

Please don't think i'm being rude or nasty, this is unfortunately the way things are.

Do yourself a favor and read the books of Zacharia sichen and also the earth chronicles. All of what is written there can actually be proved to exist or have existed!

Our way is not merely to beleive and to be indoctrinated to beleive merely what we are told, the christians beleive, "Me as apiritual leader will interpret and crossrefer to whatever in whichever way i want, and condemn all others to hell because they don't beleive in my way" I think this is truly clear that the bible can also be interprited as a book of challenges and a manual for genicide!!

I'm sure i will be stormed from all sides, please remember i am not questioning your faith, to you its perfect, you still beleive in good and bad, doing good unto others, so that your days may be increased"

You need to also remember that God is androgenous as we are all in spirit, I therefore think it's viscious to then judge people according to your religious scripts.

Blessed be

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Hi Payewacker...what a read!!!!!

Post by Global_Breeze » Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:13 am

I am thinking, I am learning and I am motivated to further research...thank you for this enlightenment!!!!!

Linda Marie.

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Re: Is Homosexuality feelings from a former lifestyle...

Post by totenkopf » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:01 pm

Global_Breeze wrote:Can anyone answer this question?  I often thought that the subject of someone being homosexual was nothing more then that person remembering a past life incarnation and they felt so comfortable in that "mode" of gender, that they just simply choose to connect with those feelings.  Some people try to change homosexuals into hexterosexuals, and I feel that that is totally wrong to do. I also believe that there is nothing wrong with loving another human being. God is love and love is God.  Does anyone out there have any views on this subject topic.
funny thing, I also thought so. I mean, scientifically I suppose it wouldn't be, but to me science is nothing. I believe in the power of emotions, and I think that if someone loved to be whatever they were in a past life, and were now born into the opposite of such a thing, then they would choose to connect with those feelings in order to confort themselves and reconnect, I suppose. That, at least, is what I believe....


Post by Tyrinaniel » Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:11 am

Docbrown17 wrote:I hope I don't sound rude, and if I do, please forgive me. I am a Christian, and as such, I have been taught that homosexuality is wrong. I don't shun homosexuals from my life. The thing about homosexuality is that, contrary to popular belief, homosexuality is not something that you are born with; it's something you choose to be. God disapproves of homosexuality, so he would not create someone to be homosexual. This is just my belief system, and I understand if you disagree with it.
I'm a christian also, and I personally don't agree with homosexuality, though I understand that others are entitled to their own beliefs, due to free will, and therefore I would never, ever put someone down because of what they believe in.  If they choose that, fine.  Just as long as none try to flirt with me, I'm fine!!! LOL.  I've had some friends who were gay/les, but they never once bothered me.  They knew that I didn't believe in that, and didn't try to impose on me.  And I treated them the same way.  So I understand where you're coming from.  We all have the freedom to choose! :)

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Post by lexie1234 » Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:24 am

i'm a christian too  however i don't  disagree with homosexuality, or  going to fortune tellers or anything like that.

every one has there own opinions, and personally it could just be possible that homosexuality feelings a due from a former lifestyle.

anything is possible i guess.




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Post by webweaver » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:23 am

I personally believe that homosexuality is something that one is born with although it can also be a learned preference.  I was raised in the christian realm and after years of struggling with transgenderism from my earliest childhood memories on and never seeing a answer from the christian god had to re-evaluate things.  I have found out that I was in a past life a woman and am searching this out farther.  One thing is the truth will set you free and I believe this is the key to be truthful with oneself and with others and non judgmental as to do so would be the opposite of the teachings of the christian way.

When a baby is in its first couple of weeks the brain gets a wash male or female and then again at I think twelve months gets a wash for the body male or female.  These do not always match and I believe in many cases that you have a mixture and this gives one the code for sexual preference as well as for a preference for a mate.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:23 am

I agree with those who say you love who you love, regardless of what gender the two of you happen to be.  You'll fall in love with someone for who they are and how they make you feel, not whether or not they have a Y chromosome.

Love conquers all, as they say.

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Hey (Again)

Post by britishfish » Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:34 am

I am gay, and a wiccan. I was taught that difference is good and makes the world. My past lives have all been female except for one. I really think that it is a combination of genes, your chosen path, and past lives. All of this comes together to decide. I am open of ridicule so if you disagree I don't hate you. I have nothing wrong with others beliefs.

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