Past Lives : Can you remember a past life?

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Can you remember something from a past life?

Poll ended at Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:52 pm

I know I have a past life but thats all
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Re: Past Lives : Can you remember a past life?

Post by sdt1240 » Sun Sep 23, 2007 3:43 am

I used to have dreams when I was younger that was very odd to me. As I was in my late teens I began meeting people that could tell me that they remembered me in another life time. They remembered my name. the century, what I was doing, and what had happened to me.

The life time was in the 14th century in Venice, Italy. I was named Alanna and was taking put of my home to be with a man named Victor Visconti. My life during that time was very sad and very painful and ended in tragedy.

As time progressed, I learned that I had many life times and was contacted by a psychic (not permitted to disclose her name). She contacted me on her behalf that we were best friends in another life and she caused me to be killed by a certain man in a life around 900 AD. The man at the time is the man that killed me in the 14th century as well. He is also the man that I was married to in this life time and is just as dangerous today as he has been in many lifetimes.

I was raised up to not believe in reincarnation but to believe in dreams that I am gifted. However, I have experinced seeing windows of another's soul, telepathic communication, meeting others in real life from what I know as another life time. I fully believe in the spiritual world and reincarnation, as well as there is a another world waiting for us created by God.

Note: I will not force my religion on any one, please do not force or give any rude remarks! I believe everyone has the right and ability to chose their thoughts and beliefs as well.  

Ladymaggic wrote:I have been looking for information on past lives, and there is really very little.

I believe we have past lives...and I know that some people have had experiences that lead them to realize there was something in a visiting a place and knowing you were there before, or meeting someone for the first time and knowing they were an important part of your life somewhere.....and doing something that you knew you couldn't do and yet you just did...

Please share your experiences here..and also on my blog..


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    Re: Past Lives : Can you remember a past life?

    Post by totenkopf » Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:58 pm

    Ladymaggic wrote:I have been looking for information on past lives, and there is really very little.

    I believe we have past lives...and I know that some people have had experiences that lead them to realize there was something in a visiting a place and knowing you were there before, or meeting someone for the first time and knowing they were an important part of your life somewhere.....and doing something that you knew you couldn't do and yet you just did...

    Please share your experiences here..and also on my blog..

    Im trying to figure out who I was. I posted a thing here to try to see if anyone could help, but I guess we'll see, won't we? :\

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    Post by djberg98 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:16 pm

    I don't remember mine and never really considered it until I was babysitting my 4 yo cousin.  I was 18 at the time and she was having a really rough time with her parents.  Out of the blue she tells me she likes her other mom better.  "What other mom?" I asked her.  "The one I used to have", she replies.  I'm so confused.  I told her, "This is your only mom.  You've never had another one."  She rolled her eyes at me (she still does that) and says "No silly, the one I had before I was born this time."  It floored me because how could she possibly know any of this stuff.  She told me some stuff that I don't remember, but one thing that I'll never forget was about her mom and that she told me she died in a bus accident.  I had goosebumps.

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    I remember how I died in my last life.

    Post by usmmjenny » Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:51 am

    I was a young woman about 30 years old, blonde hair and tan skin, I had on a white bathing suit, and decided to go swimming, I believe it was in Santa Monica, no one knew I went swimming, it was warm water but it was winter time, I swam out past the waves, and a current caught me and took me way out to sea, until I couldn't see land anymore, I remember swimming and treading water forever, I was so tired that I finally just gave up and let myself drown, I remember going under water and watching the glow of the sun on the surface of the water, I seemed to be floating just below the surface until I faded away, I wasn't afraid, I was tired, and relieved to just relax and let it happen.

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    Post by Master Po » Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:26 am

    In many eastern cultures and religions reincarnation is a fact no one argues about. It is ironic in many highly developed countries if one talks abouth this he is labeled strange or gullible.

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    i believe in past life

    Post by cruella_727 » Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:30 pm

    i always believe in past life. or what we do called reincarnation. i am always fond of medieval era. like the cloths they wear and stuff like that..sometime i wonder if somewhere in my past i once belong there. and have few question if the things happening to me at the present is part of the karma on my past life. do you thing its possible?

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    One memory

    Post by Gwenavr » Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:43 pm

    I have since I was very little remembered being at Mount Rushmore and looking at it from a distance possibly up on a hill near trees with a bench near by. I have never been there and know nothing about its surroundings but would love to see it someday if only to satisfie my curiosity. I used to insist that I had been there on vacation when I was a kid and my mother would say "no we have neer been" ..
    just thought I would share
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    Post by Nekomouse » Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:28 pm

    I think that possibly I have had dreams of my past lives, but nothing that I can pin down and state for definate.

    What I do have is place premonitions. Even as a child, I would go somewhere with my family and I would say, "Mommy, I've been here before." Of course my parents always scoffed and told me it was impossible. It is true though, I know these places (some close to home, some in other cities, and some even as far as Japan where I was drawn to three years ago). It's not possible that I have seen these places before on TV or anything like that so I don't know what else to attribute it to.

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    Post by J&A_Hernandez_2007 » Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:34 pm

    I too am drawn to the Medieval Period (this is my main area of concentration in my pursuit of my history degree). I have often wondered if I had any connection with that era of history. I am fancinated by all of it, every aspect. I suppose it is possible, is it not?

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    Once you are dead you are dead

    Post by cdo » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:50 am

    Everone is entitled to their opinion of course but then thats what it is .. an opinion . As for being a fact its my understanding that fact means something is provable.. how does one " prove " that spirit dies ? And how does something that is non-physical " die " ? Just random thoughts..

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    hi friends

    Post by mystical_purusha » Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:29 pm

    well, i am also thinking about rebirth issues, lots of past life regression traning is going on, some says, human spirit cant go back to become animal, some says yes.
    another thing is ,have u guys red about akashic record, which act as super computer to store ur every action so that u can t escape from cosmic law.
    still, i am looking for right source what is true.

    every living being dies, where will be stored after death, till it takes next birth, if u guys accept rebirth, then we are all living in illusion or maya world, thinking that we man,women,good, bad all...because  soul is gender less, mind vanish along with body.
    can u guy send some info

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