Time between incarnations?

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Post by jld » Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:10 pm

The human time lines would maybe just be significant as we understand time here and not as the timeless simultaneous spirit existence. I agree that we cannot fully understand this with our limited minds.

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Post by bharatmahan » Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:54 pm

Reincarnation is about the rebirth of Godly Souls in different times and ages to lead the human race from sin to purity. Please dont mix up Reincarnation with rebirth.

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Post by jld » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:52 am

Are some souls more godlike than others? maybe so...But don't we each contain a spark of the divine and are therefore godly in our own way?

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Post by bharatmahan » Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:04 pm

Yes, that's a fact, all of us indeed contain a spark of the divine, as rightly put by jld. But reincarnation is when the source of these sparks, takes on  a human form to help us realise that we have the spark in us and we have forgotten our Godly qualities and instead become savage and animal like.
Like its said in the Bhagwada Gita, Yada Yada Hey Dharmatsativa..... i.e., whenever Dharma or Righteousness is in jeopardy, God takes on the form of a human and comes to its rescue.

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Lady of Avalon
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Post by Lady of Avalon » Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:33 pm

What is your definition of re-incarnation then and re-birth?

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Post by ramases » Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:57 am

Everyone rationally thinking should be interested, why only you three?

You are fully alive with all your senses when you are living. All that is pertinent to your body, mind and soul in a layman's knowledge.

Once dead you lose only your sense of touch and taste. Others remain intact. Ofcourse not forever as time slowly ceases to move. One goes into a deep sleep kind of state in about 13 days normally, to be wokenup for the next life.

Time, hence does not have any meaning. It can be 13 days or 1000 years. Normally it is about 200 years on an average.  

Are you three satisfied?

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Post by ramases » Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:11 am

A pair of soul and mind will have repeated incarnations till karmic baggage is wipedout.

I am amused by the claim that our friend was Julius Ceasar.

It is immaterial what one was according to the saying "A LIVE DOG IS BETTER THAN A DEAD LION" :)

Try wipingout accumulated karma young man.

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Post by Nilabimini » Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:10 pm

I agree with thy soul wandering the universe while it is reflecting on it's previous life and mapping out the plan for the next. I think that the amount of time between incarnations depends on the soul. It can be a matter of months or years. Sometimes if the life your spirit has just ended was a doosey, it may be quite sometime before it reincarnates into another.

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i have memory of just that

Post by Et2012 » Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:25 am

but i will post it maybe tonight or later as it is very long to say how this all came about and im not much of a writer so to put it down so it could be readable would take some time .but i will

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my memory of it well most of it .

Post by Et2012 » Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:04 am

Well first this my experience alone and it is not a statement of fact but this is what I have experience so here goes

I have memory of before my life here and partial memory of the last one .The way it happened for me is that I always had an inclination for the spiritual and paranormal , but also had memory of being in the womb .Total darkness it sounds kind of like when you put your head in the bathtub.
But not quit, the sounds are much more faint and interior if you can imagine.

So while I was working at a mundane repetitious job I got the idea to do something fun with my time since everything was so automatic to me while I was doing my job I decided to think about my most farthest memory starting from the closest one and actually feel my consciousness of that particular time .and I was going down the rabbit hole sort of speak I remembered once again the womb but this time their was a distinct memory really unbelievable to me but as real as the womb memory it was the memory of what happened before the womb it was a memory of like if I went from being of a body made of air to a denser oxygen or like a lowering of vibration if you will and a sort of passive fear and an engulfing relaxed forgetfulness tacking over .Even do there was fear at the same time there was none for I was not alone before I fell asleep if I may say.

This prompted to search for more memory and to analyze it with rational, like is this me imagining this or am I crazy how anyone could remember this. Now I believe I am not alone and everyone can do this For me I think this happen because I was working and my mind energy or emotion that would be there normally to put a block of disbelief as to remembering further would of stop me, but since that energy was diverted in my work and that I did not expect anything in particular from it just happened.

I had a hard time talking about this it took me sometime before I told anyone and it always happened when I was under the influence of alcohol like I did not care what people would think about it then not that it mattered but the question and remarks are better avoided in my normal state but now after like a while it does not matter anymore I am ok with this for it is my experience and i do believe anybody can have it.

And further more it will be better than mine !

After the memory of before the womb the memory of being glad to be alive hit me as i investigated more .Glad to be alive as if i did not believe that I could or that life was there after death cause where I was it was not earth or some physical place .There is no word for it ,I think the Buddhist call it the bardo like in between life’s .what was special of the memory they all had a vivid quality to them yet one particular aspect  was there Blindness I could not see my surroundings but I could feel them my body felt like a body of air where one could not distinguish where it ends it was like at a certain point it meshes up with everything i also felt being moved from place to place be some benevolent force .

Now is the kicker this is what I remember to this day and it has not changed!!

I am in front of what fells like the most beautiful entity I have ever felt ,and forgive me but to say that is what it felt like is an injustice for it truly was !
I said to it "please note that it is not the me who is writhing but the me of my memory sorry I just had to say it "Are you God?
And it replied in a soft voice that when it spoke and I could actually feel it in my solar plexus and hear from afar at the same time it said some people call me that.
In Aw I said I want to be like you!!
Its answer was "you are me” and as it answered I could feel being hugged or gently grabbed
after this my nightmare began as I was there a vision appeared to me or in me of a white male fat speaking American  who was beating senselessly a person of color he was in his mind doing it for god in his mind the person of color was a slave and from the devil like against god behind him was another me screaming to stop it screaming at this person beating the person of color with a whip I saw the other person fell on his hands knees and an ethereal replica of his head just shake in disbelief of the treatment he was being subdued to and it hit me that that person was me in my former life .at that point the vision stop and I screamed and felt this sinking sensation that was just hell to experience all the while this is happening the entity in front of me does not judge me it has this unconditional love that is unaffected unmovable and it makes it harder for me to bear . The feeling that all this love and this is what I have to show for a life of hate and pain and no spiritual connection whatsoever .it yelled at me not in a mean way but in a way that was kind and did not want me to put myself in the pain that I was going true
It told me that the persons that I hated in that life is him
It said 'you don’t want to hurt me?"
And no I don’t want to
At that moment I felt that I didn’t belong to this place there was to much love here and I have dishonored that and that if I ever came back I would be back as a black person to never ever inflict it on another or experience this pain again. To never fall for hate of another .
and I left this entity who did not mind me leaving it looked like he was not worried not a bit it never is but really this time it sounded like it was deja vue for it

At this point I felt I was going on my own this time out of my volition and will as far as I can get from this place where I don’t belong. I did  not go to any place in particular for I have no eyes to see but in a state of mind where I denied my existence or attachment to all of this and me for that matter if I where to try to attain this state now it would take years of practice… decades for I did  this as second nature I forgot me and the me who was forgetting and the me who was forgetting the me who was forgetting and so on like a mirror in front of a mirror the forgetting just continuously happen until I realized I was always conscious behind it all and decided to give it another shot at life or this experience to undo my wrongs .

So I went back to the entity and said I want to return
It responded like great and made me meet who was supposed to be my brother and told me that I had another person to meet now this one I don’t know I cant say but I think it’s a soul sister or the sister I had before or a family member on a soul level but until that time I was speaking English when I met her I was speaking French and she was ecstatic about going back not like me who felt bad about my previous existence she was delighted! She told me who she would be but that is like muffled I can know that she speaks about it but what exactly I don’t know she said why are you blind and I said I don’t know .

After this I remember the entity telling me it is time to go and that I would be helped by another the entity who helped me  my impression of him was compassion like you never felt emanating from him before I left, I asked him why I was blind his answer was so I wont feel lonely and Wright before the moment of departure I felt like  I would fail again and that it wasn’t the first time this happened to me .
At that moment I felt our minds becoming sort of one like he felt and scan or probed my fears and said don’t worry you will be good then he said are you ready and I said yes.
What I forgot to mention is that my voice was that of a young individual with like a angelic filter if you could imagined one.

Witch brings me back to my first memory the one about having a body of air which become denser and denser until I fall asleep into forgetfulness.

So yeah to me I do believe and to be honest with you I know but I just don’t know how this knowing can help cause it is not something verifiable you just know I wont scream on roof tops it wont change a thing some things must be discovered within and this is one of them I believe none of us really come from here .and there no sin but in the mind life here its not a prison its an experience witch allow us to create just that experience and the most beautiful one is love witch incidentally the entity told me that all I had to do was just that love and its no surprise to me now there was love all around there unconditional not a peep of a judgment for a person hateful racist evil not one thought just love you can imagine that it felt like falling from mount Everest of love to the pit of hell this realization to me. But nobody nowhere was found to judge me or tell me I was a bad person none.

Hope its readable for I am not  a writer and took me some time anyway like it or not as long as it readable your opinion is your own and you have every Wright o make one as do I .

For me I am plagued by negativity I think it has to do with hmm a past life.
But I strive to conquer it but it’s so easy to be conquered be it . but I will never give up .to me it’s the only game in town .there’s no 7 or 10 count you and I according to what I believe we will be here until we decide to go elsewhere until we decide to wake up from the dream that this is all there is and to embrace the we that is always standing in the shadow of  our consciousness till we decide the what we are living right now is just a construct of the society we were born in a social program influenced by our creativity and that the real us is beyond that when we can do this I do believe the same way I described me falling into unconsciousness the opposite will occur we will be able to take our bodies witch feel pretty heavy now and have this body sense go from dense to light out of our own volition .

Ascension so of speak and that’s when a new game begins

Peace ET2012

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Re: my memory of it well most of it .

Post by looking_glass » Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:17 pm

Et2012 wrote:Well first this my experience alone and it is not a statement of fact but this is what I have experience so here goes

I have memory of before my life here and partial memory of the last one .The way it happened for me is that I always had an inclination for the spiritual and paranormal , but also had memory of being in the womb .Total darkness it sounds kind of like when you put your head in the bathtub.
But not quit, the sounds are much more faint and interior if you can imagine.

So while I was working at a mundane repetitious job I got the idea to do something fun with my time since everything was so automatic to me while I was doing my job I decided to think about my most farthest memory starting from the closest one and actually feel my consciousness of that particular time .and I was going down the rabbit hole sort of speak I remembered once again the womb but this time their was a distinct memory really unbelievable to me but as real as the womb memory it was the memory of what happened before the womb it was a memory of like if I went from being of a body made of air to a denser oxygen or like a lowering of vibration if you will and a sort of passive fear and an engulfing relaxed forgetfulness tacking over .Even do there was fear at the same time there was none for I was not alone before I fell asleep if I may say.

This prompted to search for more memory and to analyze it with rational, like is this me imagining this or am I crazy how anyone could remember this. Now I believe I am not alone and everyone can do this For me I think this happen because I was working and my mind energy or emotion that would be there normally to put a block of disbelief as to remembering further would of stop me, but since that energy was diverted in my work and that I did not expect anything in particular from it just happened.

I had a hard time talking about this it took me sometime before I told anyone and it always happened when I was under the influence of alcohol like I did not care what people would think about it then not that it mattered but the question and remarks are better avoided in my normal state but now after like a while it does not matter anymore I am ok with this for it is my experience and i do believe anybody can have it.

And further more it will be better than mine !

After the memory of before the womb the memory of being glad to be alive hit me as i investigated more .Glad to be alive as if i did not believe that I could or that life was there after death cause where I was it was not earth or some physical place .There is no word for it ,I think the Buddhist call it the bardo like in between life’s .what was special of the memory they all had a vivid quality to them yet one particular aspect  was there Blindness I could not see my surroundings but I could feel them my body felt like a body of air where one could not distinguish where it ends it was like at a certain point it meshes up with everything i also felt being moved from place to place be some benevolent force .

Now is the kicker this is what I remember to this day and it has not changed!!

I am in front of what fells like the most beautiful entity I have ever felt ,and forgive me but to say that is what it felt like is an injustice for it truly was !
I said to it "please note that it is not the me who is writhing but the me of my memory sorry I just had to say it "Are you God?
And it replied in a soft voice that when it spoke and I could actually feel it in my solar plexus and hear from afar at the same time it said some people call me that.
In Aw I said I want to be like you!!
Its answer was "you are me” and as it answered I could feel being hugged or gently grabbed
after this my nightmare began as I was there a vision appeared to me or in me of a white male fat speaking American  who was beating senselessly a person of color he was in his mind doing it for god in his mind the person of color was a slave and from the devil like against god behind him was another me screaming to stop it screaming at this person beating the person of color with a whip I saw the other person fell on his hands knees and an ethereal replica of his head just shake in disbelief of the treatment he was being subdued to and it hit me that that person was me in my former life .at that point the vision stop and I screamed and felt this sinking sensation that was just hell to experience all the while this is happening the entity in front of me does not judge me it has this unconditional love that is unaffected unmovable and it makes it harder for me to bear . The feeling that all this love and this is what I have to show for a life of hate and pain and no spiritual connection whatsoever .it yelled at me not in a mean way but in a way that was kind and did not want me to put myself in the pain that I was going true
It told me that the persons that I hated in that life is him
It said 'you don’t want to hurt me?"
And no I don’t want to
At that moment I felt that I didn’t belong to this place there was to much love here and I have dishonored that and that if I ever came back I would be back as a black person to never ever inflict it on another or experience this pain again. To never fall for hate of another .
and I left this entity who did not mind me leaving it looked like he was not worried not a bit it never is but really this time it sounded like it was deja vue for it

At this point I felt I was going on my own this time out of my volition and will as far as I can get from this place where I don’t belong. I did  not go to any place in particular for I have no eyes to see but in a state of mind where I denied my existence or attachment to all of this and me for that matter if I where to try to attain this state now it would take years of practice… decades for I did  this as second nature I forgot me and the me who was forgetting and the me who was forgetting the me who was forgetting and so on like a mirror in front of a mirror the forgetting just continuously happen until I realized I was always conscious behind it all and decided to give it another shot at life or this experience to undo my wrongs .

So I went back to the entity and said I want to return
It responded like great and made me meet who was supposed to be my brother and told me that I had another person to meet now this one I don’t know I cant say but I think it’s a soul sister or the sister I had before or a family member on a soul level but until that time I was speaking English when I met her I was speaking French and she was ecstatic about going back not like me who felt bad about my previous existence she was delighted! She told me who she would be but that is like muffled I can know that she speaks about it but what exactly I don’t know she said why are you blind and I said I don’t know .

After this I remember the entity telling me it is time to go and that I would be helped by another the entity who helped me  my impression of him was compassion like you never felt emanating from him before I left, I asked him why I was blind his answer was so I wont feel lonely and Wright before the moment of departure I felt like  I would fail again and that it wasn’t the first time this happened to me .
At that moment I felt our minds becoming sort of one like he felt and scan or probed my fears and said don’t worry you will be good then he said are you ready and I said yes.
What I forgot to mention is that my voice was that of a young individual with like a angelic filter if you could imagined one.

Witch brings me back to my first memory the one about having a body of air which become denser and denser until I fall asleep into forgetfulness.

So yeah to me I do believe and to be honest with you I know but I just don’t know how this knowing can help cause it is not something verifiable you just know I wont scream on roof tops it wont change a thing some things must be discovered within and this is one of them I believe none of us really come from here .and there no sin but in the mind life here its not a prison its an experience witch allow us to create just that experience and the most beautiful one is love witch incidentally the entity told me that all I had to do was just that love and its no surprise to me now there was love all around there unconditional not a peep of a judgment for a person hateful racist evil not one thought just love you can imagine that it felt like falling from mount Everest of love to the pit of hell this realization to me. But nobody nowhere was found to judge me or tell me I was a bad person none.

Hope its readable for I am not  a writer and took me some time anyway like it or not as long as it readable your opinion is your own and you have every Wright o make one as do I .

For me I am plagued by negativity I think it has to do with hmm a past life.
But I strive to conquer it but it’s so easy to be conquered be it . but I will never give up .to me it’s the only game in town .there’s no 7 or 10 count you and I according to what I believe we will be here until we decide to go elsewhere until we decide to wake up from the dream that this is all there is and to embrace the we that is always standing in the shadow of  our consciousness till we decide the what we are living right now is just a construct of the society we were born in a social program influenced by our creativity and that the real us is beyond that when we can do this I do believe the same way I described me falling into unconsciousness the opposite will occur we will be able to take our bodies witch feel pretty heavy now and have this body sense go from dense to light out of our own volition .

Ascension so of speak and that’s when a new game begins

Peace ET2012
This was absolutely beautiful and it touched me very deeply. Thank you. We'll meet again.

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to looking_glass

Post by Et2012 » Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:26 pm

thank you for reading !

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Post by ec » Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:01 am

Well, I have always believed that I've been here before... ever since I was a kid I just sort of knew... That said I've just started doing drun voyages (shamanic trances in which you are supposed to see your past lives.... or at least past events so that you can heal yourself of them) Now I have recieved presents and gifts and healings that I am utterly grateful for and I have bo doubt that the work we do is hugely important.... However..... can anyone help me with my doubts about the past lives.... you see they seem too close together...do you think these visions could simply be lesson to learn... for example i've seen a young man who died in a war... but a recent war probably the first world war...being buried and being Horrified hthat he had to leave his loved ones behind... at the same time an old lady in either Ireland or Scotland or England who had a linen petticoat with lace on .... so that can't be that old either, she loved in an old stone building on a hill.... quite a lonely place.. and she had lost her daughter and husband. I've also seen an African woman who lost her son... and she had a house made of mud with rooms and modernish clothes on... all on the same theme of loss of a loved one but surely I can't have been all these people i think they must overlap in time!!!! I have also seen indiginous people in log cabins and polynesian tribespeople too and native indians... that part seems feasible... but what to make of these recent incarnations and also the fact that there are sooooo many more people on earth than ever before... they are not reincarnations... how does that work.... I don't want to cast doubt...as I said I'm sure I've been here before but I would like to learn more.
Ec  xxxxxx

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recycling of sorts?

Post by Copper » Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:37 am

What about the idea that we will spend the time in between human incarnations replacing what we've consumed, or are about to consume, in the next life? If you had to live the life of every chicken,cow, carrot, or cucumber you've eaten this time around, that could fill in the gaps? Yes, there are more humans on the planet than ever before, but there is certainly a deficiency in other things natural  - less resources, trees, wild animals, etc. Human behavior so greatly resembles bacteria - overpopulation and the poisoning of its own environs.

And that idea is based on the supposition that humans are the highest form - I disagree. If it weren't for the navy sonar, being a whale would be pretty great.

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Answer from ancient texts &c

Post by Vinay Jha » Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:42 am

Let me try to answer Swetha's questions ( "what about the time between 2 incarnations? where is the soul at that point? and how many incarnations can a person have?
for that matter,,,how would u define ur soul?").

Although the full life-span of a human being is 120 lunar years of 360 lunar days each (basis of Vimshottari dashā system) according to Vedic Jyotisha, which is equal to 116.4 solar years (cf. Chhāndogya Upanishada in which full life-span is said to be of 116 years), average life-span of a being is 84 years. Some persons meet akāla-mrityu (untimely death). They wander in lower worlds according to their dominant wishes, like ghosts &c.

A spirit is in Yamaloka during two births. Gap between two births is not constant. Some persons have to visit Heaven and Hell as well before they can be sent to Earth. But some persons are sent to Earth directly. According to Saga Parāshara, if Sun or Mars resides in 6/7/8th houses, then a person is reborn in martyaloka (ie, into this world as a human). But if Mercury or Saturn resides there or lord of 12th house is with Sun then the Spirit is destined to Hell. If Venus or Moon resides there, then 2nd class Heaven is deserved, and those with Jupiter deserve first class Heaven. Rāhi and Ketu do not matter in this reckoning. If  6/7/8th houses are empty, then the outcome depends upon the lord of Khara Dreshkāna.

A person has infinite number of births according to Gitā. During one Kalpa of 4320 million years, a person has 50 million births encompassing 4200 million years. Thus, there is an interregnum of 120 million years for 50 million births, which means that on an average a Spirit has to reside out of this world for 2.4 years before it is reborn.  The cycle of 4200 million years is known as Drikpakshiya Kalpa (Kalpa means Creation) and the cycle of 4320 million years is known as Saurpakshiya Kalpa according to Suryasiddhāntic commentators.

There are four definitions of a soul, three are real and fourth is imaginary. As per imaginary definition, the soul thinks itself to be body. That is why it thinks itself to be body during dreams. After death, such an ignorant soul thinks itself to be body and is possessed with all sorts of physical desires. As a result, it gets rebirth into some body which befits its dominant set of instincts+desires. Remaining three self-definitions of soul give enlightenment and emancipation from the cycle of birth and death. This is the upanishadic line of thought.

Referencing above statements will require time. Mathematics of Drikpakshiya versus Saurpakshiya Kalpas was published, but is out of print now ; its author did not distribute that book beyond a few hundred persons. Its mathematics is highly intricate.


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