Past Lives and Spiritual Bonds?

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Post by atime2heal » Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:22 pm

mystic67 wrote: I had an experience with my child when he was born that was quite profound to me I'll share here with you.....From the moment they laid that child in my arms and I looked
into his eyes, I knew I had known this soul before. I actually heard the words being spoken in my head "everything is fine now,
I'm here" And it was a very deeply moving moment, I have another child whom I love to death, but this did not happen when
I first held her so I found it unusual.

My son and I have always had a special bond from that day forward. More special than the
one I have with my other child, it has always been as though I understand him without him ever having to speak words to me.
Our souls understand each other.  And that is a very good thing, becuase this child could not speak to me in a "normal" way for
many years. I had to depend on this deeper understanding of him and  his needs that I have always seemed to possess.
He could not communicate in a normal way becuase it was later found out that this child had autism. He has been my biggest teacher
in this life. I don't know if it was the time, the season or the lifetime relationship that was being played out here according to
your post, but I know in my heart that I agreed to travel this journey with this child and that we will both gain the lessons
we are meant to from that journey. No one will ever be able to convince me that we did not know each other before, the bond
and knowing from the first moment we "met" was just too magical. And he was right in telling me all was okay now that he was
here. The things I have opened too and the joy I have experienced, along with the pain, have changed me into a person I would
have never been without him.

Thank you for sharing your point of view with me. I say to all those who read our posts to make up your mind based on what
feels right to YOU.

Be Blessed,

Your experience mirrors mine in  a lot of ways. When I looked into my sp. needs child's eyes, I could feel her looking at my very soul & my heart would seem to jump as if she'd seen too much. She is my youngest of 4 & her bond w/ me is very unique & different than my 3 other children. I used to hold her & ask her to help me to have the peace I felt from her. It took me many years but I do now.

It is a very special gift to communicate w/ your child on a different level than the usual ones b/c of their unique challenges.  I guess it is like anyone w/ a so-called handicap, the other senses are more powerful & we get to get in on that. What a gift!

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:02 pm

in Hindu scriptures & in Bible the past life was confirmed.
then why some people r born with everything & some others the extreme?
whatever may be,i believe in the principle-energy can be transfered from one form to when we die,our pranic energy is transfered into anotherform until it takes birth in new form.
why we instantly form friendships with somebody easily?
because we knew them before hand & we communicate with them we know them more well.

“janani janma soukhyanam vardhani kula sampadam!

padavi poorva punyanam likhyate janma patrika!!

the meaning of this sloka says that present birth and its

pattern is the result of karma of previous births.

lord krishna during his discourse to arjuna in bhagawad githa has explained that one has to reap yhe fruits of his karma (dedds)-good or bad in the present life or the next, but he can never escape from them.thus on brings his prarabdha with him at the time of birth and the future course of his life is already predetermined the cycle of birth and rebirth thus continues till he attains oneness with the infinite through his pious or death, are all predestind. thus one’s existence on this earth is for some purpose and as soon as the purpose is served or in other words,the allotted duty is discharged,he leaves this world.

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Post by stormbay » Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:27 pm

As long as there is money to be made from SEC and/or past life regressions they will exist.  Rational and/or intellectual thought and discourse would then take back seat to such ideas.  

How many workshops on a particular day can you find going on Twin Souls, twin Flames, Soul mates, Soul Groups, Soul essences... making money for the presenters?

This the same with all religions, ideologies and mythologies, it's all about presenting illusions to gain money and control.

As for past lives, we should have an open but sceptical mind regarding them, there's some anecdotal evidence which could be seen to support past lives, yet no real verifiable evidence.

The thing which leaves the door open for me, is the huge difference in understanding fear and superstition between people in all societies and beliefs. If we were all born once and equal in that birth, then we would be of  same understanding and acceptance of reality. But this is not so and you can go into any society or culture and find those who are completely ignorant and non understanding of reality and others who are at the forefront of it, yet all born under the same conditions, circumstance and sociological standards. Until we can determine why this is, then the sceptical door of past lives remains open to me, as I have witnessed and been involved in bringing some of these things out in people whilst doing readings in the past. Yet I have no idea of what they represent, other than within the astral realms and their vibrational rates are compatible with the records within the astral which vibrate on a compatible levels to them.

As for being linked to others because of this, I feel this is just a misunderstanding of the reality and can be a sign of doubt about oneself and approach to life. As said earlier, it may well be vibrational rates which draw us together, yet those compatible vibrational rates must come from a reason, or else just coincidence. To me they are links of common unconscious understanding and not related to our consciousness outpourings, which are on most occasions just reactions according to their sociological or cultural programming.

If you feel you have a negative bond or are being influenced by some form of bond with the past, then there is only one action, change your beliefs and life approach. Bonds only occur when we want or need something from someone or situation, a truly free soul is bonded with the future and only those on the same positive path are linked to you. Investigate these things as much as you can, because if you don't, then you will have a gap in your knowledge and understanding. This gap is a fear and we see the results worldwide in mythological ideologies and beliefs being fought world wide as they desperately cling to the past and it's delusional hold upon them. Again this varies with the beliefs. Which again leads us to the question, why are some so trapped in past life and some are less trapped. I see the less trapped as hangers on hoping they can take an each way bet on the outcome. It would be nice if reincarnation was real on some dimensional level, then it would give us hope of a viewable future.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:12 pm

There is a slightly different approach by religions.  First off they exist by donation.  If someone does not like what is said, they do not have to put any thing in the collection plate.  

If you wish to attend some seminar, workshop or presentation or another, there is a fee.  The new age movement is all about how much money is being spent on your development.  Religions often give away what is being paid for in other venues.

Whether ideas or theories are valid is for the seeker to decide.  If you wish to find literature or information to confirm or deny any given idea it is always available.  Even from a single source (there is no collection more contradictory than the Bible, i.e.)

Adding a little common sense and some scientific investigation to any theory or idea would help to see its flaws as well as its good points.  There is certainly comfort to someone who feels unworthy in knowing there are many lifetimes to get it right.  But are they merely putting off for tomorrow, what could and should be done today?

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Post by stormbay » Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:41 pm

There is a slightly different approach by religions.  First off they exist by donation.  If someone does not like what is said, they do not have to put any thing in the collection plate.

Yet most of the religious followers of the world live in object poverty, whilst the elite of religions live in the lap of luxury, with exorbitant and expensive places of worship, as well as holding large amounts of wealth and assets. Plus it has been the cultural and physical genocide caused by all religions and their desire for control, which has caused 99% of the worlds problems. Don't forget tithing and how you are expected to contribute to the church in as many ways as possible, as clearly the mythical god never provides anything, except for controlling religious elite. Remember, the richest people in the world are mostly all religious, it's only really the religious slaves who actually do anything for others to overcome what their leaders have caused.

I agree, the thinking of past lives and reincarnation can tend to give people the impression they can get it together next time. But that's the same with religion and it's delusional rant of going to heaven and living a life of happiness and peace, no matter what they do in this life, as they will be forgiven if they repent. No different to past lives, in fact both pathetic ignorant cop outs which are destroying all life on this planet rapidly. Without a liveable planet, how can you reincarnate.

To me, if reincarnation is a possibility, then it may be we have to reincarnate ourselves many times in this life to enable our understanding to advance to the point  where we can dimensionally evolve. The most knowledgeable understanding and content people I have ever met, are those whose lives have encompassed many directions, changes and endeavours in life. Those who stay within one parameter, are basically trapped in the past and have little real knowledge, only hope.

I try to recreate my life as often as I possibly can and you could say, in this life I have had many previous and very different lives, recreating myself in many guises and personalities, all honestly and responsibly and with many more changes to come as I delve into the fascinating future.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:41 pm

stormbay wrote:There is a slightly different approach by religions.  First off they exist by donation.  If someone does not like what is said, they do not have to put any thing in the collection plate.

Yet most of the religious followers of the world live in object poverty, whilst the elite of religions live in the lap of luxury, with exorbitant and expensive places of worship, as well as holding large amounts of wealth and assets. Plus it has been the cultural and physical genocide caused by all religions and their desire for control, which has caused 99% of the worlds problems. Don't forget tithing and how you are expected to contribute to the church in as many ways as possible, as clearly the mythical god never provides anything, except for controlling religious elite. Remember, the richest people in the world are mostly all religious, it's only really the religious slaves who actually do anything for others to overcome what their leaders have caused.

J:  While I have some agreement with the rich in religions, the fact is we can not lump all together.  Many of the new thinkers coming forward in religious circles have little to any money.  As a matter of fact, they have trouble supporting the places they meet.  And we might want to consider, that the tithing had more to do with keeping their expensive buildings going than in any religious approach.

If your own thinking keeps you a slave, then change it.  I am sorry you see all religious thinking in this light.  There is a place for religion in this world just as there is a place for non-religious thinking.  

At one time, the church was so much more than what it is today.  It was the meeting place in the community long before community centres were even a thought.  They were a place for children to grow and learn just as the school had the mind, so the church had the spirit/soul.  

To say it was religions that caused all the war and abuse in the world is rather short sighted.  I don't believe Hitler had much religious training before abusing the nations he took over.

I agree, the thinking of past lives and reincarnation can tend to give people the impression they can get it together next time. But that's the same with religion and it's delusional rant of going to heaven and living a life of happiness and peace, no matter what they do in this life, as they will be forgiven if they repent. No different to past lives, in fact both pathetic ignorant cop outs which are destroying all life on this planet rapidly. Without a liveable planet, how can you reincarnate.

J:  Religion today is teaching how to live, not how to die.  It is spiritualizing the soul rather than waiting for far off times and places.  Perhaps a little open discovery of modern religion thought might show that it is not as limited as all that.  

To me, if reincarnation is a possibility, then it may be we have to reincarnate ourselves many times in this life to enable our understanding to advance to the point  where we can dimensionally evolve. The most knowledgeable understanding and content people I have ever met, are those whose lives have encompassed many directions, changes and endeavours in life. Those who stay within one parameter, are basically trapped in the past and have little real knowledge, only hope.

J: Then the premise is that the earth was meant to be disposable? As that is what you considered the problem with always coming back.  There is another option offered in religious thought - the spirit world as a progressive growing ground and lessons available without always returning to the baby stage and having to grow to rational thought.  We can continue from where we left off on the earth in spirituality.  

I try to recreate my life as often as I possibly can and you could say, in this life I have had many previous and very different lives, recreating myself in many guises and personalities, all honestly and responsibly and with many more changes to come as I delve into the fascinating future.
J:  Now this paragraph makes sense.  We have many lives in one lifetime.  We are so many things (roles) in any one lifetime.  How could we not be growing and changing all the time?  Taking conscious thought of that premise is the key.  Also taking personal responsibility for our own actions as we go is paramount to learning and growing.

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recommended book to have an understanding of past lives

Post by NAAANEE » Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:33 am

Dear friends,
I have came across a wonderful book in my life which has made me to enter into spiritual life.The book which has changed my life is-'AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI-by PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA.
In this book the great Master has given some of his experiences about past life.The interested seekers of past life,please read it & put your comments in this page & also ur life experiences either yours or the people you know.
with good wishes to all my mystic friends

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Post by firetopaz » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:56 am

It is easier to learn here in this plane of existence. There is no sense of time in the spiritual realm.  You do not feel pain there.  No sense of urgency, but if you want to move to a higher spiritual level you must improve yourself.  Which is why you chose to come here.  We are usually born in soul groups so that we might help each other through some issue.  Which is why you run  into some people you feel like you have known all your life.  You do know them..just not in this physical form.  The population is so high now because of the damage we have done to the planet...we are running out of time...not too many incarnations will be possible.  There will be a major meltdown in this world and it will be some time for this planet be capable of supporting this many people.,,,or even half this many.  Only a tiny percentage will be able to be born at a time. The wheel has been set in motion

Also there is different levels in the spiritual realm and if you lived your life badly or selfishly you will go to the level with others with your level of spiritual growth... which is why it is so important to live your life in a way that doesn't harm...and helps to heal.

This is my belief and in no way do I ask you to follow it, or even believe in it...your life is your own and I want you to do what you feel is right for        !!!!YOU!!!

I feel closer to God in the woods talking to the trees, in the garden smelling the roses , on the lawn gazing at the clouds, then I ever have in a man made about you?

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Post by stormbay » Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:06 pm

I feel closer to God in the woods talking to the trees, in the garden smelling the roses , on the lawn gazing at the clouds, then I ever have in a man made about you?
I could agree with most of your post, however as we have no idea of what lies ahead after physical death, then like all belief, hopes or feelings it's all conjecture. What you would call spiritual planes, I would categorises as dimensional realms. No, I don't feel closer to god when in the bush, as god is a mythical concept, but I do feel very close to the universal laws of controlled chaos which is derived through constant change and adaptation. I live in the bush over looking the sea and keep it as close to natural as I can, so I can enjoy and help native animals survive the despotic genocide being carried out by the ideological humans of the world against all life, so they can be right when they are completely wrong in their approach to life. How can any one be spiritual or caring, when abusing other life forms on the planet for gluttony, the pleasure of killing and destroying their habitat for greed.

You are right about the planet not being able to sustain the current population and in the future not being able to accommodate many humans, but the reality may be this planet may not be able to accommodate any humans and most of life as we know it in the next few years. The window for life is very small, only a couple of degrees change in temperature upwards is enough to close that door, a process which has already begun and well on the way to being achieved within the next 5 years.

I understand how many feel we are born into certain groups of spiritual standing, but I don't necessarily see it that way at all. I see it as we are all born according to the ideological understanding of our families and then at a certain stage of our lives, have the opportunity to question and then change that understanding. There is a time in our lives when we are faced with a choice, to take another road or to continue to walk the road we are on. Those who are truly evolving, always take another road, then another road and continue in this way throughout their lives constantly evolving. However the majority either find a road where they feel comfortable, secure and meaningful on, or they stick to the road of their forbearer's and never change.

The older I get, the more I lean towards evolving reincarnation being possibly in one life, if we are prepared to choose as many roads and changes as possible in a responsible manner. In this way we are gathering an immense amount of knowledge about many different subjects and understandings, if we just stick to one thing like god or some other form of ideology, then all we get out of life is a repeat of the past and never ever step outside our illusionary comfort zone and into the world of universal reality. We need to investigate all avenues of life and the so called spiritual and psychic realms, only in this way can we begin to understand that it is us who creates the future by what we do and think now. So to continue with a conscious understanding beyond this 3rd dimensional realm, we may have to create a mental vehicle which can survive and function in other dimensions. Rather than now, only being able to have fleeting glances and misunderstood glimpses of the dimensional realities that surround us. To achieve this, requires the linking of minds in an open and equal fashion. Sadly 99.9% of people have very closed minds and fear anyone being able to be privy to their thoughts, emotions, feelings and methodology of life out put. That's why we can't read minds, only the astral projections of the mind which are basically illusions we create to cover our reality.

There is a methodology for doing this, which can be found in a little known philosophy which only a very rare few take on. It's called Organic Alchemy, or a journey of the soul and it's requirements go far beyond what most people consider as reasonable, yet it achieves it's goals which are viewable and usable. It actually achieves what we all set out to get from life, love, trust, security, creatively, responsible freedom and dimensional evolution. If you were to read all the original writings of the worlds ideologies and mystical practises, you will find this method hidden within them all and they all give the same message, just 99.9% never ever see it through the myriad of illusionary delusions surrounding all mythology.

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Post by 3xcharm » Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:47 pm

Life is beautiful.  Just reading all the views on these two issues reincarnation and past life experience, shows God's divine wisdom.  Life would be very boring and dull if we all see the same thing, think the same thing, and experience the same thing.  

One does not have to believe in something for it to exist.  Reincarnation and past life experiences will be there whether one believes in them or not.  SpiritTalk is right about monetary motivations in many new age promotions, but they also help raise the awareness of people, and everyone has to make a living, pay bills, feed children.  

Our future is still not set in stone.  We have the free will to change it.  I have had many readings about  what I should be doing, when, how, with whom.  At the end the decision was mine and the other person's to make if we were to follow through or not.  The ultimate message of all my spiritual messages were: Have fun!  
So, just listen to yourself, you have all the answers within you.  God is within everyone of us, and if we reach out to Him, he will help us, and guide us.  Everything that happens whether it appears to be good or bad, happens for God's ultimate good, and the results at the end are always good.  Love is behind all forces even when it is denied in a person, sooner or later it will surface and will flourish.

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