searching for my past life lover

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searching for my past life lover

Post by ravendarkdreams » Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:06 am

My Name Is Rebecca Dawn Williams McLaurine, I was born in Edinburgh Scotland in the year 1308 and I am dead. yes I am now nothing more then a spirit trying to regain a part of the life I once held so dear. Trying to find those I left behind. I know they are out there somewhere, living through the lives of their host's. their living counterparts. Most will not believe any of this to be true, but I am hoping a few do. my living counter part has been kind enough to let me use her body for a time so I may set this all up. It is, I must say a lot harder then it looks. Now for those of you who have been kind enough to stop here. I am on the search for my husband. he died shortly after I did. his name was Zachary Kane McLaurine and he was also born in Edinburgh Scotland in the year 1306. I pray with this sites help I may find him.

here is a little bit of my past in hopes that it helps find my beloved Zachary

A Night To Remember

the scent of sweet roses filled the night air as I stood in the shadows of the stone archway in my family's rose garden, watching the moon as it slowly rose in the velvet night sky. I could barely be seen where I was standing because I was wearing my black floor length cloak. A light sigh slipped out from between my ruby lips as I waited for my lover to come for me. Our family's hated one another and had forbidden us to see each other, but we didn't care. We were in love and tonight we would make our family's see just much we were willing to give up to be together, with that thought running through my mind another sigh slipped thru my lips, then a smile spread across my lips as I gently placed a hand on my stomach " and you will make them all see that your father and I can not be parted ", yes I was pregnant, about 2 moons long I think. Looking down as I lightly rubbed my stomach I smiled, tonight would be a night to remember . Seconds seemed like hours as I waited, then I heard it, the sound of thunderous hooves pounding the ground. I smiled as I looked up to see him riding over the hill on his massive black horse.

The horse came to a stop right at my feet, " your late " I said as I smiled up at him, all he could see was my fiery green eyes staring up at him from under my hood. He smiled down at me " I am sorry love, I couldn't get away " his dark green eyes seemed to be alive with a fire such as I had never seem before, but I loved it non the less. His long black hair blew freely in the light breeze around his shoulder, with one single braid that came down from behind his right ear and rested on his chest. he was wearing a very nice white long sleeved dress shirt that was trimmed in black and laced down the front with black cord that was undone most of the way so I could see his smooth well built chest, a wide black belt with a life like silver wolfs head belt buckle that he wore over the shirt, his black pants were made of soft leather, gray wolf skin boots and a beautiful gray and black wolf skin cloak that was clasped together with a large silver pin that bore his family's crest in the center and knot work done around it. his right ear was sporting a gold chain earring that had a tear drop shaped blood ruby on the end of the chain. He reached his hand down" come on, lets do this once and for all and to hell with what our family's think" I smiled " yes lets" I placed my pale slender hand in his and he lifted me up off the ground and in to his arms, he then put his arms around my waist as he took up the reins. I laid my head back on his chest and closed my eyes as he turned the horse around and rode off towards the woods. A few moments later we reached a small clearing which was alight with the full moons glow. There standing near the center was a tall robed man holding a book in his hand and a staff in the other.

Zachary pulled back on the reins and slowed the horse to a stop. He then dismounted and tied the reins to a near by branch. He then reached up and placed his hands on my waist and lifted me up off the horses back and gently placed me on the ground " who's that Zachary? " I asked pointing at the man. He smiled " he is an old friend and teacher ".

He looked down at me and smiled, my fiery green eyes sparkling back at him from under my hood, I then looked down as I pushed back my hood, my long deep red hair fell down my back, the thin silver chains and green stones I wore in my hair shown brightly in the full moon light. I looked back up at him, my pale skin was flawless, my features that of a forbidden beauty, my lips looked as if they were coated in blood, my fiery green eyes outlined in black so they looked like two beautiful emeralds set in stones of onyx. I could hear Zachary stop breathing the moment I looked up at him. I smiled as I pulled free the knot on my cloak and it slid off my shoulder and on to the ground reviling my dress. It was made out of a beautiful satin looking cloth that was the color of snow, the front half the skirt was left opened so that the pale silver color under skirt showed through, the dress was cut so that it road low across the shoulders and showed off quiet a bit of cleavage, the sleeves were made long and pointed and of the same snow colored cloth that was used for the dress and trimmed in a deep green ivy stitch, the inner lining of the sleeves was done in the pale silver cloth, so that it matched the under skirt, across my bodice was a beautiful deep green strapless corset that had lovely white ivy stitching done on it, it fit tightly over the dress, the long full skirt was made so it would trail the ground."By the Gods" I heard him whisper, looking up to find him just staring at me." breath my love,,,breath " I whispered as I smiled at him and took his hand, he smiled back and squeezed mine " are you ready ? " I asked, he took a deep breath " yes my love, I am " we then turned to face the druid priest and he started the ceremony. it was a lovely ritual and when the time came in the ceremony for us to say our vows we had written to each other, we turned and faced one another again, Zachary sighed as he took both of my hands in his as he began .

I Zachary Kane McLaurine Take Thee Rebecca Dawn Williams
To Be My Wife, But Not Only On This Night Do I Take A Bride, But I Also Take A Friend, A Lover And The Future Mother Of My Children.
Rebecca,, My Only Hope Is To Make You As Happy As You Have Made Me.And I Here By Swear In Front Of This Priest And In Front Of The Eyes Of The Gods That Nothing In This World Or Any Other Will Ever Keep
Me From You, Not Even Death.
I Promise You My Love That I Will Always Find You.

by the time he had finished saying his vows, I was in tears, I had never heard him speak like this, I smiled up at him and wiped the tears off my face and took a deep breath as I started to say my vows.

I Rebecca Dawn Williams Take Thee Zachary Kane McLaurine
To Be My Husband, Protector And Father Of My Children.
You And I Came From Two Different Worlds And Yet We Still Found Love,
My Beloved Zachary, You Are The One I Use To Pray For, But Never Dared To
Hope I Would Really Find, But I Did And Now That Have You, I Will Never Leave
You, Even If We Are Parted By Death, I Will Find You.
You Are The Only One I Shall Ever Love And You Are The Only Man I Will Ever Need.

As I looked up at him, I could see a tear roll down his cheek, he then smiled at me and leaned down and kissed me on my cheek.It was now time for us to exchange our rings. He sighed lightly before continuing on.

I come today to show you just how much I love you and as symbol of that love I shall give you this ring,

he then pulled out a ring made of silver, an irish claddagh ring with a nice size dark emerald, cut in to a heart and placed between the hands.

I commit my very heart and soul to you, my love, I ask you to wear it as a reminder of the vows we will take today in front of these witnesses.On this ring, I make an oath and do swear, to love and honor you.As this ring encircles your finger from this day forward, year in and year out, so will my love forever encircle you.

Rebecca Dawn Williams, with this ring I comment myself to you; with my body I worship you, with my heart I promise to love you forever, with my soul that from now till the end of time will be one with yours.I offer you this ring as a sign of love and commitment. It will always be a symbol of the vows which have made thee my wife.

I could not stop myself anymore, the tears flowed freely as I answered him.

I accept this ring as a symbol of your love and wear it proudly as your wife.

We smiled at each other and then I looked back down as he slid it on my finger, he then looked up in to my eyes as he smiled at me, I returned his smile as I said my part.

With this ring I offer to you as a symbol of our everlasting love.You are my beloved and I come today to state my love for you and with this ringI give you my heart, my body and the very breath of my soul.

I then pulled his ring out of a small bag I had, his ring was made of silver with a detailed design a set of raven claws grasping a large oval highly polished onyx.

Zachary Kane McLaurine , I give you this ring to show you how much you mean to me. Let it remind you always, as it circles your finger, of my eternal love, surrounding you and enfolding you day and night.Just as this ring wraps endlessly around your finger, so shall my love always wrap around the very breath of your soul, may it be a reminder of the sacred words I have spoken on this day.I offer you this ring as a sign of love and commitment.It will always be a symbol of thevows which have made thee my husband.

His voice was low but full of excitement as he answered me.

I accept this ring as a symbol of your love and wear it proudly as your husband.

I looked up at him as I slid the ring on to his finger and saw him looked down at it " I will never take it off " he said in a low voice, he then looked back at me " This I swear! " by that time I had already started to cry again, he reached out his hand and brushed my tears away and leaned down and whispered in my ear "do not cry my love, for after this night, you shall have no reason to " I then smiled at him as he looked down at me and we began to speak in unison.

The rings we have both given and received here, shall now and forever be a sign of this night and the vows we have taken Let them be a symbol of the endless love we have for each other, a symbol of the strong friendship that we share,let them be a reminder that nothing in life is ever out of reach

we then turned back to face the priest once again, he said a few more words of divine meaning. Then came the time for the handfasting. The priest turned to me as I handed him a braided cord made of lovely dark green, white and light blue silk that I had made, Zachary and I then turned back to face one another again as the priest placed the cord around our joined hands and said,

You were born to be together, and together you shall be forevermore.You shall be together when the wings of death scatter your days. As you shall be together even in your silent memory. But let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heaven dance between you. Love one another. Let it be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup, drink from them and never thirst in love. Give one another of your bread, eat it and never shall your soul hunger for a true friend. Sing and dance together and be joyous in all things in life. Give your hearts And stand together through everything.

he then smiled and said " I now proclaim you husband and wife in the eyes of men and creatures, gods and goddesses of all kinds" we looked at each other as he nodded to Zachary " Kiss your bride Zachary and seal your union" Zachary then smiled and placed his hands on either side of my face, resting them lightly on my cheeks, he then leaned down kissed me more deeply and passionately then he had ever done, I slowly closed my eyes as he kissed me, the kiss was intoxicating, making my head spin and my knees weak so that he had to wrap his arm around my waist to keep me from falling, the kiss lasted for more the a few minuets and when he finally broke the kiss we found the priest had already gone, he smiled and kissed me lightly on the cheek. I looked back up at him and shivered slightly, I had just realized how cold it had gotten " are you cold love?" he asked as he gently ran his hands down my arms, I nodded as I started to kneel down and pick up my cloak, but he gently placed his hand on my arm to stop me, I looked up at him puzzled and he smiled as he pulled off his wolf skinned cloak and draped it around my shoulders, bundling me up in it, I smiled up at him as he picked me up and candled me in his arms, I wrapped one arm around his neck, laying my head lightly against his shoulder and smiled at him as he walked over to his massive black horse, he then placed me a top it and claimed on to its back, he then put his arms around me as he took up the reins, I laid my head down on his chest , listening to the sound of his heart beating and closed my eyes as we rode off in to the night.

I hadn't opened my eyes, but I knew that we had been traveling for quiet some time, then I heard Zachary slowing the horse, he then leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. " we're here love " I looked up to find he had brought us to the spot where he had asked me to marry him. I looked down at him and smiled as he helped me down, we walked to the center of the clearing and stopped, I stood in front of him with my back to him as I saw that he had a place for us set up. There was a blanket, a basket with food and a bottle of wine and a place for a fire. I looked up at him and smiled " how romantic " he smiled and picked me up in his arms and carried me over to the blanket which was made of animal skins, he then set me down, then turned to make a fire for us. The moments pasted slowly as we ate and talked about old times. Once the food was all gone and we were cuddling by the fire I sighed " what's wrong Rebecca? " he asked. I turned to look up at him as I sat up " Zachary there..there is something I wish to tell you that is not going to be easy to say "I could see the look in his eyes was a cross between worry and fear " ok, tell me " not saying anything for a few moments I looked down " I'm pregnant " I finally said in a low voice. I felt his hand on mine " pregnant? " he asked " are you sure? " I nodded slowly " and you certain it is my child? " he asked. I nodded again then looked up at find him staring at me, saying nothing more. After a few moments of this I started to get worried " Zachary?" I sighed and looked down " I understand if you wish to leave me now" a tear rolling down my cheek as I said it. I then felt his hand under my chin and lifting my head up " I would never leave you Rebecca " he then leaned in and kissed me " I shall love this child as much as I love you" he then wiped my tears away and smiled, I slowly smiled back. " do you know what it is yet? " I smiled again, he knew I had the gift of foresight " it is a son my lord" his eyes had lit up and a smile spread across his face as he started to laugh, he then jumped to his feet and with a roar of happiness he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me high in the air and started to spin me around and around till we fell over and landed back on the blanket, Zachary had landed on his back and I landed next to him, we both just stared up in to the night sky, laughing, I then set up a bit and looked down at him, he smiled, wrapping his arms around me and pulled me on top of him, we spent the next couple of moments just lost in each others eyes, I ran my fingers down his cheek as I leaned down and kissed him, he then pulled me closer to his chest and rolled me over so that he was now laying on his side next to me and I was on my back, he looked down at me as he started to traced his finger down my cheek and along my neck to my chest, I closed my eyes, losing myself within his touch, it was so gentle, my eyes remained closed as he slowly, lovingly undressed me, softly kissing my body as he did, the next several hours were spent with us intertwined in each others arms, in a very intimate and fiery embrace.

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