Life Between Lives

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Dj I.C.U.
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Life Between Lives

Post by Dj I.C.U. » Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:20 pm

By Deborah Lindemann, C.H.T.

Many have heard amazing stories shared by individuals have clinically died and yet come back to talk of their journey to the other side. One famous example of such a near death experience, or NDE, is that of Dannion Brinkley who wrote "Saved By The Light".

While NDE's often transform the experiencer's life in dramatic and positive ways, the problem is that there is only a small glimpse of life between lives. The journey at some point is interrupted and we never know the rest.

As part of an ongoing series on past life therapy, I would like to share what my clients have experienced when hypnotically regressed back from this life into spirit life. The reports are not only consistent, but inspiring and are a reminder that our life is not just an accident, or meaningless, but has reason and purpose.

Regressing back to a particular life or lives can be fascinating and valuable in helping us let go of current problems that may have begun lifetimes ago. However, regressing back to our non-physical life in the spirit world can in many cases be even more meaningful. My clients report that it helps explain how and why they made this life choice before they were born, and how it was all set up. More importantly, they learn how those they love are eternally together on this side and the other.

What my clients report in their process of "going home" again, reflects that the journey each of us makes is orderly and orchestrated with purpose by wonderful wise "beings" or "masters" who have been with each of us for a very long time. The popular image of departed souls simply floating around eternity in some type of misty non-world, is not what my clients report.

Beyond the typical NDE of moving down a tunnel towards a bright light, and being met by old friends and loved ones, my clients share that they are never alone or left to find their own way home again. There are specific steps of re-orientation to this spirit world, and accountability for their past life that they move through, which ultimately takes them to their true home. This true home is often referred to as their "soul cluster" or "soul group". Each cluster is made up of souls who are at a similar soul level, in terms of maturity. These souls have been evolving and learning in that group together since the beginning of their life experiences.

Unlike in our earthly life, clients share that there is true unity of souls there. Although each soul may be more or less evolved, everyone is treated as an equal. Competition is non-existent. Some share that they have experienced a sense of deep loneliness all their lives, and they finally connect to the reason: they were missing their spiritual family that they had left behind, yet were consciously unaware of that connection.

Regressing back to life between lives is not some frivolous escape from your present life, for my clients share that it has enriched their current lives and gives direction, hope and meaning.


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