How do you find out about past lives?

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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How do you find out about past lives?

Post by mom2ericha60 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:24 am

I don't have the money to get hypnotized and wonder how a person can go about learning about past lives/life?

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How to

Post by AlexandraWilliams » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:00 am

If you are interested in past life regression, all you have to do is consider your fears and interests. Your fears can represent bad experiences from past lives, and your interests could represent positive experiences from past lives. For instance, if there are certain types of movies or books you have enjoyed since you were a small child, then perhaps you were once in a similar situation and setting as the characters in those stories.

Meditation and aromatherapy really help with past life regression. Sit down, relax, and take some deep breaths. Breathe through your stomach. Light some aromatherapy candles or incense such as vanilla, cherry blossoms, myrrh, frankincense, dragon’s blood, juniper, or pine. Repeat to yourself “I am recalling a time in the past when I have walked on earth in another form.” If any images, words, or thoughts come to mind, don’t ignore them or fight them, no matter how irrelevant they may seem. You might also find that listening to past life regression CDs can be helpful during your meditation sessions.

Once you are finished, write down everything you remember and see if it makes any sense to you. Don’t worry if it doesn’t – it will in time as you continue meditating. Soon, you will be able to connect dots and remember your past.

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Post by fruffle » Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:28 pm

There are past life regression therapists who have put stuff together to help you be able to do this yourself... the first that comes to mind for me is Brian Weiss.  This book may be of help:
A CD is included that goes beyond meditation and visualization exercises. It contains the actual regression techniques Dr. Weiss uses with his patients.
I also have a book here in my hand by Michael Newton, called "Life Between Lives; Hypnotherapy for spirtual regression"  and in it he "reveals his step-by-step methods".  I haven't gotten to read it yet but just reading the titles to the chapters makes me excited lol.  It says it's a "groundbreaking guidebook, designed for both hypnosis professionals and the general public"  

I'd definitely find some stuff to read if you can't pay someone to do it for you :)

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