Any experience with child who talks openly about seeing "ghosts"

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Broken peace
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Any experience with child who talks openly about seeing "ghosts"

Post by Broken peace » Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:54 pm

My youngest child (turned 4 in June) has been mentioning his "monster" friends for about a year now. He just out of the blue started talking about this "ghosts" that are in his room every night. My kids share a room right now while we are building a house and he has said they each have someone sleeping with them. In an effort to support him and not try to sway his discernment I just ask a lot of questions. I have asked him what he looks like, what his name is, if he talks to him, etc. he just says he is nice and that he doesn't talk.
There has been a few times more towards the beginning of this starting where he has looked in our yard and said " see that boy right there" and I tell him that I don't but ask him to describe him which he did very well.
Most days he talks about how his "monster friend" sleeps with him And he has become increasingly afraid to go into rooms by now alone. For example; if I tell him to go grab his bathing suit out of his room he will respond by telling me he is scared and asks me to come with him.
I was just wondering if anyone else had had experience with a child Delong with this?
I would love to hear any advice or insight you have on this.


Broken peace
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Post by Broken peace » Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:01 pm

I meant anyone dealing with It I have no idea how to go back and edit my original post yet. :-)

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Post by ellep » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:18 am

Hi! My 3 1/2 year old son sees ghosts. Well, I believe so. He actually calls this one "echo" and says that he usually sees him in the bathroom. He first described him as blue, brown and white. Now he is only white, with no facial features, feet etc. He also says that he does not talk to him and when I ask my son what this "echo" does when he sees him... my son will walk around in a circle really fast. Interesting! A few weeks ago my son and I were playing in his room and he looked over at the wall and asked echo if he wanted to play too. I sometimes feel a presence at night, a psychic had told me that she feels my grandfather has visited us and that he often sits in the white rocking chair in my bedroom. Echo could also be one of my sons spirit guides, I do not know for sure. It is very interesting, though! I talk openly with him about it and I always remind him not to be afraid and that if he is he can ask God for protection, remind your son that they can not hurt him.

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Post by ellep » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:20 am

ALSO I recommend using sage throughout your house and a prayer/ritual of your preference, the sage is suppose to rid of negative spirits.

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Post by BHunter » Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:35 am

Young children can often see auras and spirits, mainly because their consciousness hasn't been smothered by social conformity, so you should believe him and dont put him on meds, please. First things first, not all entities are evil, some are just confused, lost and lonely and are looking for someone to talk to. Some entities on the other hand are evil, malevolent, and crafty, and those are what we commonly refer to as demons. Yes, they exist. By doing nothing you take the risk of possession or oppression by a demon so I would suggest contacting a church or a local spiritualist/mystic/median. Demons can destroy your kids mind, one almost drove me insane before I learned to defeat it, and as your child is very young he cant fight this battle alone like I did.

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Post by mnrjpf99 » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:18 pm

I also believe he is seeing someone. Can you get any history on your home to find out if anyone died there or close by? Sorry I don't mean to freak you out but it mite give you some answers.

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Post by summercandy » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:20 pm

Apparently my Mother just recently opened up to me about how I, as a child, would often talk about my "ghost" friends. When I was about 7 I apparently got mad at her telling her she scared away all my "ghost" friends, because I wasn't able to see my friends anymore. I do recall having people speak to me until I was about 13, but I do not remember seeing anyone when I was younger. Children are more prone to seeing spirits than adults, but most children do grow out of it (like I did)

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:29 pm

BHunter wrote:Young children can often see auras and spirits, mainly because their consciousness hasn't been smothered by social conformity, so you should believe him and dont put him on meds, please. First things first, not all entities are evil, some are just confused, lost and lonely and are looking for someone to talk to. .
I agree, all children are open, until they are led to believe that ghosts etc don't exist, my son (5yrs old) was terrified to go in his room, wouldn't sleep, etc, turned out it was a little girl spirit who was stuck, and she was jealous, we used sage to 'smudge" the house, and concentrated on sending her to the light, we spoke outloud to her and asked her calmly to leave (with help from our spirit guides,) and it must of worked as I felt her leave with comfort of family.  I sense spirits and receive their messages, but when assisting a lost spirit to go to the light (always go via your spirit guides, ask them to assist guide them home.) never doubt a child, as they are more open that we are.

Love and light

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