old- souls. Everywhere?

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Post by BLACKCAT » Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:51 pm

everyone has a different idea of what an old soul is, and how they act. and since i have posted this, i can't tell u how many people have told me they're an "old soul". i still have to say that if u have to tell everyone your an old soul, chances are you're


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I've got something for ya....

Post by geminiro » Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:38 am

I believe every single one of us are old souls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of us are on our last life or next to last life..... Soon the earth will be dissolved and we will be done evolving our souls on this planet.... Why do you think the population is soooooooooo high? We are all trying to come back to evolve our souls before it's over.... This is the most negative place in the universe and it teaches us many hard lessons to help our soul's evolve..... So in my belief this planet is "hell" if there ever was one.... then we all go back home and anylize our journey in The Hall of Records and our God and Mother God takes care of the evil left in the world - those dark souls keep reincarnating until the end and then get absorbed back into the God head.... They are here for the lessons we need to learn......... Just some thoughts of my belief

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old Soul

Post by Divi » Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:40 pm

A psychic at a Psychic Fair informed me that I was an old Soul.  I didn't know what she meant exactly but had an inkling.  After reading:  http://www.michaelteachings.com/old_soul.html, (thank you), I see lots of parallels.  Other than "young Souls" I wasn't aware of the other types of Souls.  I have a philosophy of 'live and let live'.  I also have a policy of 'non-interference'.  I don't judge.  Whether something's good or bad, it's all goood.  I do try to maintain an attitude of non-attachment; I don't care for competition or material things.I'm immensely interested in metaphysics.  I have reached what some Tantrikas refer to as Samadhi...a kind of out of body experience, consciousness only, imbued with bliss, which is at our core.  I have felt the afterglow for 3 days (google Tantric Wave Ritual Kutira).  I have seen/visioned life as a hologram...everything vibrating in energy.  Sometimes I can see the big picture and how things are connected.  I have located my Twin Soul in the ethereal worlds who is not incarnated with me at this time  *:(  but he's just as real as I am!  He says we have a 'heavenly love', unconditional.  He helps me and waits for me.  I have, by way of telepathy, 'talked' to other Souls, ie. by way of thought, intention, e-motion.  I have communed with my Higher Self, that part of us that is king/queen; it's still me, but here I am my ego personality...up there/in there, I am concerned with spiritual matters.  When we pass away we become our Higher Self, so a pretty good idea to get to know this part of us better.  Bette Midler in her song, "Wind Beneath My Wings" speaks to the queen part of her.  I can decipher songs like "Stairway To Heaven", "Going To California" and "Kashmir"...all are trips to the Astral Worlds or higher consciousness/awareness.  I use the Tarot cards to learn of life lessons and the psychology of them.  I used Stichomancy as a divinitory tool to talk with my Higher Self, Twin Soul, and Guides.  It appears that Heaven and Hell are right here and it is our choices that make the difference in the world we all live in.  Metaphysically, there are many paths I can choose and they are all fascinating.  Buddha says "all paths lead to happiness" so whatever path your on, whatever you're doing is good.  I have discovered that our Souls understand the poetic in everything.  They enjoy koans/puzzles and speak to us encoded as in dreams.  Well I still have lots to learn so I'm outta here ::babbling::

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Post by Danny » Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:23 am

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Post by Brother-Minos » Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:01 pm

I have met at least three women who have told me they were Cleopatra in a past life.

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Post by Danny » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:27 pm

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Post by BLACKCAT » Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:27 am

I find it amusing that so many " old souls" are reading this post. I'm not saying I know for sure the difference between a"new soul,"verses an "old soul." I think I have an idea, but thats just my opinion.
I know I'm not an old soul. I still have a lot to learn, and thats OK with me. some people may know that their an "old soul" and some people just claim to be, but really whats the difference.? old souls are not any better or worse than young souls. a lot of people that "say" or have been "told" that there an old soul don't have a clue how to explain what it means to be one. How can you be something that you can't even describe? the truth is nobody really knows who is or isn't, for sure. you many have strong feelings and reactions to the term "old soul" is that because you are one, or you just really want to be labeled one.

I'm not putting anyone down, or saying that your not what you claim to be, like I said I don't really know. I know this for certain thou, that i have posted this topic on other boards, and it never fails that when I do, the "old souls" come pouring out of the wood work. I guess I'm being a bit mean, but really, like I said before
do you really think if you have to let everyone you meet know that your an old soul, that you really are one?
peace, to all my friends weather u be an "old" or "new" soul.
blackcat  :smt004

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Post by Mlady Raka » Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:43 am

Whether I am an old or young or inbetween soul.....I know this much....

I am IMMORTAL on this plane of existence, until my work here is finished....then I will be going back home to face the music....LOL

love and rainbows


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Post by mysticdoubts » Wed Apr 04, 2007 3:35 pm

BLACKCAT wrote:I find it amusing that so many " old souls" are reading this post. I'm not saying I know for sure the difference between a"new soul,"verses an "old soul." I think I have an idea, but thats just my opinion.
I know I'm not an old soul. I still have a lot to learn, and thats OK with me. some people may know that their an "old soul" and some people just claim to be, but really whats the difference.? old souls are not any better or worse than young souls. a lot of people that "say" or have been "told" that there an old soul don't have a clue how to explain what it means to be one. How can you be something that you can't even describe? the truth is nobody really knows who is or isn't, for sure. you many have strong feelings and reactions to the term "old soul" is that because you are one, or you just really want to be labeled one.

I'm not putting anyone down, or saying that your not what you claim to be, like I said I don't really know. I know this for certain thou, that i have posted this topic on other boards, and it never fails that when I do, the "old souls" come pouring out of the wood work. I guess I'm being a bit mean, but really, like I said before
do you really think if you have to let everyone you meet know that your an old soul, that you really are one?
peace, to all my friends weather u be an "old" or "new" soul.
blackcat  :smt004
This OLD SOUL/NEW SOUL concept is quite intriguing really.... einstein believed energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change from one form to another.  A soul is a speck of energy... does it mean souls are created every minute from another form of energy, or the same number of souls have existed from time immemorial.. i belong to a sect in India whose proponent answered  many challenging questions in his own unique way,  which religions world over have tried to address and addressed uniquely...

Among those questions one is "if all souls were equal to begin with, why was one soul put in a circumstance causing it to commit a sin?" If its free will that causes souls to commit sin, it naturally means that some souls were less evolved to have chosen the path of sin.

To this our revered Guru explained, souls are not created anew and the number of souls that exist today always existed, but they were all not equal at the spiritual level. So from the start some souls were less evolved than others else the cycle of karma can never be explained.

Again to imagine that each amoeba has a soul or ants each have a soul would make the soul theory SEEM so farfetched...

Hmm wish god could just announce from the skytop this mystery of creation. :smt017

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:30 am

Dear Radha,

It is interesting that as I was coming to the forum to respond to this thread, I find myself nearly scooped by your posting! :-)
Then again, it is reassuring that I am not the only one barking this tune in the jungle where when a tree falls, it is not NOISE because no one was there to hear it fall!

I have had big problem with this linear SOUL concept always.

If there were unitary souls then how do we explain the growing human population documented over decades to acquire the extra soul units? Unless billions of souls were in the waiting for human population to grow to current numbers! In which case the current population was anticipated by God and even decreed by HIM/HER/IT and the extra souls pre-pared to meet the future need! Praise the LORD!

Or as an innovative priest once told me: All these extinct species are being born as humans! Which then makes one wonder if the extinct species are perhaps getting a better deal (yes yes, HUMAN ARROGANCE!) or the even more sinister angle: Are these humans who are fighting against extinction of species, really members of these species reborn as humans? Think that in terms of what would opressed cohorts be reborn as and the implication is mind-bending or at least mind-boggling!

The bottom-line is: Would all this imaginative calisthenics make a difference? Or would we continue to have humans suffering hunger, disease, wars, famines, poverty and ABUSE, while we cry over matters distant ...

Charity begins at home, we were taught in school ...

What does it mean?


[quote="mysticdoubts"]This OLD SOUL/NEW SOUL concept is quite intriguing really.... einstein believed energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change from one form to another.  A soul is a speck of energy... does it mean souls are created every minute from another form of energy, or the same number of souls have existed from time immemorial.. i belong to a sect in India whose proponent answered  many challenging questions in his own unique way,  which religions world over have tried to address and addressed uniquely...

Among those questions one is "if all souls were equal to begin with, why was one soul put in a circumstance causing it to commit a sin?" If its free will that causes souls to commit sin, it naturally means that some souls were less evolved to have chosen the path of sin.

To this our revered Guru explained, souls are not created anew and the number of souls that exist today always existed, but they were all not equal at the spiritual level. So from the start some souls were less evolved than others else the cycle of karma can never be explained.

Again to imagine that each amoeba has a soul or ants each have a soul would make the soul theory SEEM so farfetched...

Hmm wish god could just announce from the skytop this mystery of creation. :smt017[/quote]

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:35 am


Why does *this* not feel like home?

Why this oft-sounded need expressed "to return back to home?"

How can one be loyal to 'there' when one was sent and is "HERE"?


quote="Mlady Raka"]Whether I am an old or young or inbetween soul.....I know this much....

I am IMMORTAL on this plane of existence, until my work here is finished....then I will be going back home to face the music....LOL

love and rainbows


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:42 am


Your sign-off referring to Rainbows made me go and read something I wrote a while ago, which I offer/inflict on the forum, if I may:


Rainbows make my heart so sad
I know that'll make you wonder why
I try to see the beautiful sight
All I remember are clouds so dark
that wiped the virgin blue off the sky
that squelched the golden sun away,
brought this lightning bright and harsh
that burned a gaping hole in my heart.
And the torrents that washed the fields away
that tore the bridge that joined those two
and yet they call it a symbol of love
Can this really be Cupid's bow?
I wish my heart could sing with joy
I wish I could dance with the rest of you
as you sing its glory bright
and wrapped in its magnificient colors
you feel your souls rising in hope
as children look up in curious glee
my heart just sinks and sobs its tears
I love the sight of a rainbow bright
But can I forget the storm in its past?
19JUL1993 6:18P (I quit smoking on July 16th after 19 years!)

[quote="Mlady Raka"]Whether I am an old or young or inbetween soul.....I know this much....

I am IMMORTAL on this plane of existence, until my work here is finished....then I will be going back home to face the music....LOL

love and rainbows


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Post by Brother-Minos » Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:57 am

I have had big problem with this linear SOUL concept always.

Me too, and when I heard that the next dalai lama is discovered while the current one still lives, it confused me, they are the same person living at the same time!

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Post by Mlady Raka » Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:07 am

Dearest Rohiniranjan,

Yours is a very enquiring mind and that is wonderful....  You are also asking questions whose answers may have meanings on very many different levels.

I will start with your last question first...

Why do I always refer to rainbows?

Rainbows are always found at the end of a storm...giving that wonderful Divine promise that everything has it's time and place, and that even Darkness and Despair must come to an end at the prescribed time....  

Storms bring chaos, and out of the chaos new creation appears.  Without the Storm, where will the nourishing rain come from which the parching earth so craves for?  Yes it does come with thunder and lighting, impressive powers reminding me that even the Storm was sent by Creator and should not be judged....  

We need storms in our lives, or else we will become complacent and blaze about what life really is.  The dynamics of learning and teaching will stop because there will be no need for it, since their applications will be useless....  Life will stop and only existence will be a reality.  All static... all in a state of neutrality.  Renewal will stop because nothing will need replacing....and man will probably spend eternity in boredom and all creation will be in a state of limbo.

So the Storm is needed...but as fearful as it appears, as much damage as it causes....the Rainbow comes after to show the bridge between Darkness and the Light that follows.  All wisdom is germinated in darkness....Like the seed is hidden in the ground, and the first fat raindrop pounds on it...waking it up...while we experience the Storm on the surface...so the seed accepts the water, begins to swell and change and starts to push toward the surface...toward the Light which is there to warm and embrace it...and when it finally does... the Rainbow is there to welcome it into the beauty of Life itself...

In the end the Storm is neither bad nor evil...it is just a Storm....and a rotation made by the Divine Wheel which turns the Great Work of Creativity....under the instruction and supervision of the Creator Himself....and the Rainbow marks the end of it's cycle...

A rainbow is also not really a bow but a complete Circle of Light dispersed in all it's magnificent colours.....  Half of this circle is not observed with the eye, but brushes gently against the soil now wet with rain after the storm...  These colours all represent different vibrations of Light and therefore (for me), restores balance between the skies and the earth...bringing all back into harmony while reassuring the life forms on earth that there is a Great Control behind all this....  

Bear in mind that no rainbow can appear unless the Sun shines its rays on the droplets of water in the air...and therefore for me...every human being should be a rainbow, a reflection of the Light of Creator, in all it's splendour, colours and vibrations....to bring healing and hope to this Dark and Injured Planet.

Your second question is this:

Why does *this* not feel like home?

Why this oft-sounded need expressed "to return back to home?"

How can one be loyal to 'there' when one was sent and is "HERE"?

All I can say is that this is a personal matter, but know that the Divine Love of Creator permeates the whole Cosmos and the Multiverse.  Being loyal to Creator, is being loyal to ALL His Creation.....

love and rainbows


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Post by Mlady Raka » Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:12 am

One thing more...

You should never forget the Storm that came before the Rainbow....because the Storm was your exam....the Rainbow your Graduation....

love and rainbows


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