Meeting people who were once with me in the past

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Meeting people who were once with me in the past

Post by creeping_insanity » Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:22 am

I find it strange that little things will trigger my past life memories. My first memorie was when I was 4 about being a wise witch in a castle. Then I rememberd being in Ireland when I was about 6. then when I was about 15 I kind of remembered being a gypsie. Well in the last 3 years I have been meeting people that trigger more mimories. This lady that works at a mystics shop in my small town is one of them. She was my elder when I was a gypsie in spain. It was one of the very early clans, but I don't remember the name. I finally confrunted her about it because she always takes a deep interest in me. She smiled and talked to me about it. Why would I be meeting these people in such a small town and why at my young age, am I lucky enough for these things to happen to me? My memories, and such are really hitting me.

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Post by Nicole » Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:34 pm

When I meet ppl for the first time.. We seem to know each other.. Kinda creepy at times... I have eye contact with others mostly and know what one is thinking... But yes I do run into alot of ppl from my past lives. we all do...  Some say, do I know you~? I know you from somewhere, but where~? And they name work places, States, ppl they know and see if I know them... I can go anywhere and someone will say to me.. Hay don't I know you~? LOL I giggle and say Maybe~!! I don't know...LOL

Then I will go think about it when I'm alone and wonder and wonder...LOL
I might have dreams about them after, then I put 2 and 2 together... Drives me

I don't even have to meet the person in r/w I know for a fact even on line I know a person....LOL
Now that is like... OMG~!!! Laughing... Bugs me, cause I wanna say something so bad and can't........
Just can't is all... LOL

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Post by calibandita » Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:57 am

"Behind every good man is a woman rolling her eyes!!"  

great quote!!

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Post by TaurusGemini429 » Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:47 am

I had a past life regression therapy session on Sunday for the first time ever.  I definately would like to be able to get deeper into meditation.  I bought Brian Weiss' book with the cd to help and also use crystals to help.

I can just *tell* when I've known someone before, though...

I just wonder what I did to my ex boyfriend in a past life that was so wrong... and why he just won't go away ...from my heart or my life!

I made a new friend recently.  I believe I have been friends with him before.  If not then he is an old soul or he has been in a soul group of mine that I have not seen in a long time or don't meet in this incarnation very often.

Lately these discoveries have been so exciting and I have been doing tarot readings for people that have been extremely accurate too!

I realized today as well that I have definately been an asian woman who had her feet bound ceremonially in a lifetime.  It makes sense now why learning that in history was so awe-inspiring at a time when history was my least favorite subject.

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Post by Caomhin » Thu May 03, 2007 6:59 pm

I'm not sure if I've met anyone from a past life, per se, but there are certain persons/personality types that resonate with me; some much more than others. One woman who joined the company I worked for I immediately resonated with her and she me. She's attractive and single but it wasn't that. I looked upon her and still do look upon her as "my little sister" and I think of her without giving so much as a thought as family. When she has issues with whatever boyfriend she calls.

Others are usually guys who have very similar something about their personality or personna. I can't describe it, but we are eerily similar in some respects and we all look upon each other as brothers.

Past life relations? Who knows.

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