if one is to comit suicide in ths life

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Post by Samson » Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:14 pm

Prose, I Thank You so much on your thoughts and help that you have given me, but to look at what could of caused my fathers adverse behaviour against me in the past wont make a difference to me, because I look at my future which is more important to me now.

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Post by prose » Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:52 am

......you will pay for it in some way in your next life

I'm seriously sorry you feel this way, because there is no necessity for being in any way judgemental about the long-term effects of earthly behaviour.

Believe me when I say that the Spirit World is endlessly forgiving, understanding and non-judgemental.  It's only we humans who are so harsh on ourselves as to believe we must `pay' for our transgressions.

This is my last post on this topic.

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Post by Samson » Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:02 am

You just could be right in what you say about paying for it the next life, that would have to be something that I'll have to deal with when the time comes. Thank you again Prose for your help.

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Post by lizmeegan » Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:25 pm

I have read more than one place (Michael Newton's Destiny of Souls, Eckankar literature), that a lifetime is like a class. If you end the class early, you will have to repeat the same painful lesson.

All the best,  LizK

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Post by class1dave » Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:40 am

I will probably do a suicide trip soon. No way to win. The world is sicker than its ever been. Only the really screwed up are considered saints.
Been ill for too many years and I'm tired of fighting it.
Just waiting for the right time to get really ticked off and that will be it for me.

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Hard to explain..

Post by MaMilke » Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:19 pm


     It really depends in my point of view, sometimes commiting suicide can't be consider as a big wave of kharma depending on the problem, let me explain. One have been borned, one have a destiny to be made, when already achieved if people will not suffer of his dead its no problem, and actually if god have taken your life already something isn't completely done but maybe you can have the right to do it, sometimes thats what god is asking of you, sacrifice, he wants you to show him how devote are you. But if one commit suicide without completing its mission, serious circunstances may help, person may suffer of hopelessness, depresion, afraid of the future and of easy circunstances. Its said that if you achieve your mission in this life but you commit suicide and someone will suffer of loneliness this life same might happen, and its said too that if you commit suicide with something related to anything like chemistry/poison or swords-fixing/knife next life you will suffer of been knowner of such circunstanmces so you will know what you've done to yourself. And its said too that if you commit suicide because of some action that you did wrong in the past days, been ur falt of doing such thing or of small things like excessive love to material things, its your fall and you will have to face a big dark and unhelpful life. If you die naturally it depends too because its seen that been here you do have to make something happen, god didn't put you here to wait for death, so as far as you acchieve your mission and as far you help people to grow and especially and more important to yourself growing, you will have a good life next and maybe you can some day iluminate. Think that god is a hand, and lets say it has a lot of fingers, you are one, so if you get stronger, useful, and faster, wouldn't it help all the hand to move a machine or something? so, if you grow yourself more and more you will help all the system to go up.
Now thing of other thing, think you are a pyramid, as fast in your lifes that you do something greater, more a piece of it its made, so the big things you do or even the smallest things will make the pyramid finish and you will be enlighted, but do take notice, if the material you are using to it are not of great quality, in the middle of it the base won't be resistent enough, and it will break, so you will need to start again, from every mistake, every moment.
Well I hope you find it useful

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Post by Tish » Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:21 pm

In a way, I think the main point has been missed in this suicide debate.  The reason we should refrain is that if we "check out" every time the going gets tough, we are not able to progress past that point and will not be able to learn and grow.  I am not condemning any soul who is in such pain that they choose this, only they know the level of their suffering when they made the choice.  Our perspective is coming from our belief that dying is the worst thing that can happen to you.  It isn't - it's living down here that's the hard part.  I've spent plenty of time wanting to kill myself, because it hurts down here - my heart remembers "home" and I know that how it is down here is not how it should be, so whenever the pain got too much I just wanted to go home.  But I didn't because I knew how much it would hurt others here, and I also knew that they would just send me back and I would have to do it all again, go through it all again, until I learned what was being taught.

Think of your child, a toddler who you love more than anything, and want to protect from all harm.  They need to learn to walk, but learning to walk on their wobbly feet means a lot of falling down and hurting themselves.  Your heart wants to spare them the pain, but if they don't learn, they can never progress.  That's how the angels see us here - they love us but they can't spare us the pain because that's how we learn.  It's not what happens to us that hurts us most, it's the conclusions we draw from it, what we do to ourselves because of it.  All the lessons are hard, and we shouldn't condemn anyone, because in the end, we are all walking the same path.  A soul that does harm to others is a soul expressing its own pain/anger/fear.  Over all our many lifetimes, we will all have committed every wrongdoing there is, and learned, and been forgiven.  It is right to try to prevent harm, but only those who know all are in a position to judge, and down here we have neither the knowledge nor perspective to do it.

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Post by creeping_insanity » Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:12 am

well I believe that each life is teaches you something new. Its apart your your journey. I think that you would just end up living the same basic life (with different people or whatever) to finish learning your lession.

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Post by alchemaze » Sun May 13, 2007 1:53 pm

I just read a true story, based in Morrocco about some political prisoners trapped in underground cells without light for 17 years.Out of the 20 incarcerated only 5 survived,here is one quote a survivor said .

"Oh! Sudden death ,what a deliverence! A heart attack! A burst aneurysm! A massive hemorhage! A deep Coma! I had wound up hoping for an immediate end. I thought of God again,and what the Koran says about suicide:everything is in God's hands.Do not hate an evil that might be a blessing.Whoever takes his own life will go to hell and die endlessly the way he killed himself.The hanged man will hang himself forever.Whoever chooses death by fire will live eternally in flames.Whoever jumps into the sea will drown over and over.."
This Blinding Absense of Light-by Tahar Ben Jelloun.

I tend to look at all religious philosophy's,and before reading the Korans veiw in this book,beleived this attitude about suicide.
If a Death happens without conscious action then you move on,other wise,the action is repeated in the afterlife.
That said,I still feel a friend of the deceased can move the Suicide victim on,so there is hope.

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Post by adam smith » Wed May 16, 2007 3:38 pm

you will go to a place to be help and it may be in this life you need to do that so in the next you may help some who wants but at that should for the time is not their to die aleast that what I hope do to lose in the famly

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Post by WhenDovesCry666 » Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:16 pm

i don't believe in the whole going to hell for commiting suicide or that you might suffer but i think there is something you might cause maybe the other life you will live will be in pain and suffering i don't believe in religion at all and for that face do not believe in jesus or god or any type of religion but i do believe you will suffer in your next life

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Post by adam smith » Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:24 pm

if use you kill you self them you come back to learn what what you need to learn what you needed here in the fist place it could be painful in the next life as well as be you may come back more then once for what you did and kill you self

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Society and suicide

Post by salathiel » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:42 am

Hi all,
Am new here and just going through the notes on this topic it seems to me that everyone considers suicide to be an individual decision. It is an individual act yes, but no suicide is a personal tragedy. Suicide is wrong, not only because of the taking of human life, but because it is a social failure, which is why we all feel guilty about it. It is possible that there are metaphysical and spiritual consequences or aspects to it also. But I would strongly hold that suicde is never only a personal decision, based on an individuals state of mind. It is also an indictiment of the state of his/her society.

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Committing Suicide Does Not Solve Problems

Post by erkn49 » Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:13 am

Hi fellow members,

According to the teaching of the Enlightened Ones, committing suicide only leads to more suffering.

Life has many problems. No doubt about that. But since the purpose of life is to experience and learn, and become enlightened, the harder life is, and the more problems there are, the better. Believe me, there is no place to learn and experience better than in a human form. The Enlightened Ones said that the human form is hard to come by. We are advised to make full use of it to achieve the purpose of life.

Pray that we have the strength to take on any hardship and enduring any suffering. When we go through all that, we'll discover that life is reaally worth living, and all hardship and suffering is indeed meant to be good. For without suffering, how can we appreciate joy? Without evil, how can we know good?

So fellow members, enjoy. life, endure hardship and suffering. There's light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless you.

heather ellsworth
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Post by heather ellsworth » Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:24 pm

I thought about suicide off and on and whoever said here in this blog that it comes from confusion and feelings of being overwhelmed is so right....I have been there many times.  I have realized that what you are doing is thawarting your own carefully laid plan of learning specific lessons for yourself when you go the route of suicide.
We have certian vitally important reasons for making the circumstances and choices we do which are supposed to lead us to higher consciousness.  How will we ever get there if we keep wreking our own plan out of moments of despair when it all seems too much?  We are just creating a huge set back when our higher self has made a plan
for us to learn from and we refuse to face our choices.  I think suicide is stubborness or lack or awareness....

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