Holocaust reincarnation

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:32 am

I had a troubled childhood also. My slightly older brother, and my mum both have a negative view of my Dad. I was young at the time and did not develop this negative attitude toward him. I recently got back in touch with him, and have had good experience which has enriched my life. Non the less my brother and mum have a negative attitude about him, which ultimately effects their quality of life more then anything else.

When I was younger I went through much trouble and thought it sucked. Now that I have matured a bit, I can see the benefits of having gone through such trouble, as it has raised my thresh hold of what bothers me, and given me an appreciation for when things are going well.

"If we as soul goes from life to life, what do we bring with us?
Why must we stay the first 15-20 years with mom and dad each times we comes to earth?
Why must we start in first grade each time we shall go to school?"

"Why do we mistake after mistake each time we are back?...do we not remember a thing....or is the reincarnation so far apart in each life cycles that we need to learn everything from new....if so...what is the reason for reincarnation?"

Most of all what we bring with us are the deep lessons, and also the deep rooted programming. For instance say I was a conquering war lord who had much success in battle, but discovered the inevitable grief and emptiness which such a path leads to. Then I learned on the deepest possible level that war is nothing but a waste of time, energy, and life, and I am in no danger now of falling into violent patterns because it would stir deep seated grief and remind me what I learned.

Sure you get a new fresh body which is full of vitality, but at a cost. You have to develop it.

Our schooling system does not account for reincarnation any more then it accounts for gifted children. I am an old soul and I found school incredibly boring, and a huge waste of time and effort.

Yes a new body depending upon the genetics you inherit means having to make brain body connections all over, and develop skill and talent from scratch.  And yes it gets old having to do this over and over, but it sure beats having an old body.

We make mistakes because humanity is experiencing limited consciousness. Some of this is due to trauma. Humanity has experienced much trauma and it is deep within our dna from the history of it too. Thousands of years of survivalism and barbarianism has traumatized the human lineage. When one experiences trauma often they will shut off from the part of them self which experienced the trauma. This means denying a part of your self and thus losing touch with it and casting it into darkness.

This fragments souls. A fragmented soul is not all there, and thus is lacking much of it's awareness ability and wisdom. So old souls, much like old people can be can be lacking wisdom, awareness and prowess.

In short the reason a soul entering a new body must relearn, is essentially the same reason old people lack the product of that which they already learned. But also take into account the difference between body(vessel) and soul. It's like getting a new computer. Your old computer had been imprinted with your consciousness, organized programmed and so on. When you get a new computer it is blank except for the programs and organizing it comes with, but to suit your uses you must add programs, info and organize it your self. The same applies every time you get a new computer. Also the software or hardware may change when you get a new computer and this may take a period of getting you use to.

The pain of knowing your old computer which you loved so much and which you did so much with has died or become derelict may be too much. So for the sake of peace of mind you may avert or suppress such memories. Or in the case of past lives, your guides may do this for you.

"Many have a need to know what they was in past life.
What do it help in this?
If you was a king....what benefits gives it you in this life?"

Say I was a king in a past life. Then I might have learned that such a system of power does not allow the one who supposedly has much power to do a lot of good with it. Not only because power ultimately corrupts, but also because the system which creates such power is very rigid and does not allow people within the system to do much in the way of change.

For example a king conquering a corrupt kingdom can not change the corruption of the kingdom, as the people who run it can not be removed without utter chaos, and so all that can be done from such a position is switch the collection of taxes from one monarch to another.

Perhaps I know this on so deep a level because I lived it out in the past first hand.

The thing to remember is the reason we do not remember past lives is because it would compromise our peace of mind. This why monks who master the mind can remember but people who get flustered just watching the news can not.

If you had a past life that was full of joy and peace then it may be painful to remember as it reminds you how much shit their is to deal with in this life.

Knowing what you were in a past life can be beneficial or detrimental in endless ways. It's a double edged sword sand it's a subject to treat with much care, but remember dealing with past life issues can do as much good as bad. So it is a powerful thing which if used in a grounded and careful way can lead to much spiritual growth and attainment.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:20 am

Rhutobello wrote: You might believe in reincarnation if that gives you comfort.
You might believe in "anything", if that gives you comfort, because no one really know what is happening after death...it is all speculation....and that shall we respect...just like we shall respect any Religion.....but as with Religion....if you become obsessed with it...then you become blind....then you believe you own the ultimate truth...then you become the judge....and that can we never be!
In a way I liked your post Aegus, and I will in no way tell you, or anyone else that reincarnation is "wrong", because neither of us have any proof....that will we only get on Judgment Day, and then we keep it to our self.

I only ask because I can't figure out why....I can't see where mankind benefit from it and so on.

On the other hand....if we look on thing we can start to give proof on.....then we are "created" by parting of cells.....all our inherent, from ancient time stay, in our Genes/DNA, here we can read weakness and forces...here we have our blueprint on how we shall look, which follow our "family lines" and so on.....the question is....why have this if we just reincarnate?

You say that finding out what we was in our last life, might give relief in this life.......strange....we can't prove reincarnation exist, and even so we "can prove" we have lived before in such a degree that we can have benefit from it?
Is it not only our own mind that again seeking  excuse, seeking for explanations why we can't manage our living today....what if we had put in our effort to fix our problem in this life....they will still be there after our investigation of previous life.

Many believe that our life is ready made...that everything happen according to the star, that we reincarnate...that we have very little to say on how our life develop.

If this is the truth....If they really believe in this.....why is there FRUSTRATION among them.
We can't change anything, then there is no need to ask for advice in how to proceed in life, just live it and go to the next.

If we on the other hand is on earth in an evolution process, that we through evolution have raised us up from 4 legs to walk on 2.
It has been the strongest that survive, it has been the main thing to deliver ones genes to the next generation, it is the one who use his/her Brain best, who reap the greatest benefits.and so on...how do this suit in with Reincarnation?

So again...if Reincarnation makes your life better...believe in it...
If reincarnation don't makes you feel better...look elsewhere....
If you believe in science....look to Evolution.

The main thing is to find calmness, and to respect other opinion, then what you have yourself...just as with any other belief...including Religion.

But of course....it must be allowed to ask question....and that is what I do :)

And the main question must be;
If we are born by Reincarnation, why are there, and always been, an increase of souls on earth?

If it by life's start was 2 souls....and we are reincarnated....should it not still be only 2 souls? (hmm...maybe we better start with 4 souls)

If we get new souls....where do these souls comes from?

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:41 pm

There is the interesting math of it all!

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Post by waterfountain » Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:18 pm

Rhutobello wrote:
waterfountain wrote:

and i am sorry you had a troulbed childhood, i believe we become who we are based on conditioning.. you have to face your issues in order to over come them and change.
This is in General..not for you especial...and only my own thoughts about these kinds of problems.

I am Not sorry for my childhood, I don't blame anyone for what happened.

In my opinion have I got a richer Adult life, I have experienced a pain, and can by that understand others pain....I believe what happen have made me a better person, where focus are moved away from myself, where I am able to understand other.

But to go around telling those who suffer that it is sorry for them...to tell them that we understand..please go on feel the pain, has only opposite effect....it makes the one who suffer to get into an egoistic state of mind.

I have seen several cases raised toward the government, in hope for having compensation for abuses.or.lost childhood from many years back, when time was different......I can't understand them....

They might, and some have received compensation, but what have they really gained?
They have got an confirmation, that says...yes sorry for you....but then our Brain will use this confirmation to explain every down trip in life.
The Brain will make you give up, because you have been unlucky, You have got yourself an sleeping pillow.

If one on the other hand accept that people can have been ill....that people can be cruel...that people can do mistakes, and use this experience to help other, that might come in the same situation, will make you grow inside.

To also be sure that my children shall never experience something like that..to be sure to respect our partners, friends...other peoples...then you get a "bigger reward" then some money from a government...then you get LIFE EXPERIENCES...understanding...which might make you stronger person in the long turn.

But Nothing of this can happen before we are able to forgive...to go on with our life....not stay in the swamp.....because the one who once hurt you, don't experience anything of this..he/she don't suffer from this...only You who still carry it in your heart, do the real suffering, and this is valid for every quarrel in life....big or small....fix it....and you yourself benefit from it!

"Pride might often be a two edged sword, where both edges might hurt You"

He's off free living his life, I got no money from this and most of my family doesn't even know what happened to me.. but that's irrelevant.. Most women/men that seek justice don't do it for material compensation, it's to put their abusers in jail where they belong, hold them accountable and send a clear message it's NOT ok what you did to me. If we don't hold the accountable they will never grow either.

Yes those are your own thoughts as I dont know that many of the rape and sexual abuse victims in my support group & psychologist would agree with you. In my personal opinion trauma does more damage then good & there are other ways to attain growth rather than exp pain.

You don't seem to be understanding that I am still dealing with the aftermath today, i.e. illness, insomnia, anxiety, etc.. these all stem from the abuse and I don't have control over illness. I can't just make it go away when there is no cure for it yet other than work through the trauma that caused it.

I tried to repress the memory and move on & let it go, it manifested in the most horrible ways. ..  Grief, pain etc, your feelings need to be dealt with is what I've learned and that's exactly what I'm doing.. it's ok for me to be upset, angry, hurt by what happened.. that's how i feel.. Anyways  I'm at a very senstive point right now & in healing process.. am a bit offended by the insenstive implication that I'm just holding onto this. I know well enough that things like this just don't go away..  I don't want to have to explain myself for having these feelings when they are justified so I would appreciate staying on reincarnation.
Last edited by waterfountain on Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:24 pm

Try to read my opening statement in bold...
Rhutobello wrote:
This is in General..not for you especial...and only my own thoughts about these kinds of problems.

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Post by waterfountain » Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:30 pm

I believe I addressed that with "yes those are your own thoughts"...

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:32 pm

waterfountain wrote:

You don't seem to be understanding that I am still dealing with the aftermath today, i.e. illness, insomnia, anxiety, etc.. these all stem from the abuse and I don't have control over illness. I can't just make it go away when there is no cure for it yet other than work through the trauma that caused it.

 I don't want to have to explain myself for having these feelings when they are justified so I would appreciate staying on reincarnation.

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Post by waterfountain » Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:36 pm

I used the personal issue I was dealing with to give you an example & was refring back to your intial response following mine.... . I thought there was an overall lack of understanding with BOTH of your posts following my response.. even though one was "general" it was still on the topic of childhood trauma. I understand those are your thoughts based on your understanding, but I didn't agree with them so I responded. why can't I share my thoughts on what you posted?   

No one wants to hold onto something like this, the whole purpose of going through the healing process is to be able to acknowledge it as what it is and not let it dictate our lives any further, heal the aftermath and bring resolution so this cycle doesnt keep repeating in our lives.... I felt it was insenstive for you or at least the way it came across to me to say that we just need to let it go/get over it,  when that's not possible, getting sexually abused or anything else is not something you just wake up and get over..  glossing over issues and just forgeting them don't make them go away.. that grief and those feelings will manifest in other ways until they are dealt with. These events took place in childhood where we couldn't process them, thus the body, mind etc which was still in development was damaged.. The issue needs to revisited and healed, resolved in order to truly ever move on if one can.

with that being said I know what you meant intially and that you were coming from a place of attempting to help based on what understanding you have, I was just hurt by the let it go comment, bc I know that's not how it works..  hopefully you understand what I'm saying now..

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:34 pm

And now a personalty response to you....

I am sure you have had a child abuse, which is sad...but which is done, and can never be undone whatever you do....even if you travel 1000 years back or 1000 years forward....it is there.

You have only 2 choices....to carry it with you....to state it so often that your brain know you suffer....to make everyone understand that you are special...that what happen to you have never happen to other, and we must understand you need a lot of time to work this through.

The result is given....
You become a lonely person,a bitter person, with a negative attitude, that other will avoid.

You have then the second option, to work toward release of the pain.

To understand that you aren't alone to experience bad thing in life, to understand that if you ever will find happiness, then you have to start working with yourself, and to be open for help by other.
You have to stop saying, writing or whatever, about this abuse, because the way I understand it, it happened years ago, and if you state it again and again, your Brain swamp it up, and let you never forget it.
If you need retribution...put it in motion by the police...let them take care of it.....but start to save yourself...and that can only be achieved if you really want to put it behind you.

I am sure there is professional help for you, but in the end...only you can save yourself from YOU....you must be willing to work with them....you must not talk it away with babbling about past lives or future lives...do it now...in this life, the reason for the deed comes not from you, but from one who have problems, who also might need treatment.

It all stay inside yourself....you must only have a willingness to take back your life....and that can only be achieved by you active working for letting it go.

You might feel I am a bit cruel to you...maybe I am....but it is for your own good...because from what I have read of your postings, I get a picture of a person who kindle old injustice....who tell they want to get rid of it....but who show the opposite by always putting it ahead, in order to understand other thing, that has nothing to do with the deed itself, and by that prolong own suffering!

And hopefully you also understand what I am telling you....I have No Benefit whatsoever from this post....You might...Your choice!

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Post by waterfountain » Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:05 pm

... I clearly stated I am seeking help and I don't know where this is coming from....  if i want to discuss it after years of silence, it's my choice.. talking about only helps.. I am focused on healing it. I posted here in response to the topic of reincarnation bc I was curious about Holocaust etc.. The others had mentioned their issues and the possiblity of them stemming from past lives, so I briefly mentioned a few of my own and that i felt drawn to this event in history for whatver reason out of  curiousty.. I didn't intend on speaking about my abuse or past until you brought it up & even with that I never stated what happened to me.. only that I was seeking help.. that was it..  I don't think anyone here is babbling on about past lives to avoid dealing with present issues, if you actually read what I said I clearly wrote I was seeking help.

I asked you several times to stop discussing this as I'm extremely sensitive as I'm going through the healing process & am aware of how much work it takes (I have done the work alone & with help) .. but you failed to respect that as well.

I don't think your cruel.. I think you are ignorant of basic psychology & can't seem to accept an opposing but educated view. either that or we are misunderstanding eath other.. you think I'm talking about just to complain and thinking by focusing on the issue I am being negative.. However I talk acknowledge it happened and talk about it with those that that can assist to heal it. You make think you mean well and say things with that intent, but I found some of your comments hurtful and offensive which I addressed already. I didn't post in this thread seeking advice on what to do with it, I was just asking a simple question. And now I'm telling you I don't want to discuss this further, so please respect my wish and stop.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:51 pm

I must admit I find this a disgusting thread.

There is a voyeuristic quality to some humans and the holocaust, and usually either they themselves have suffered abuse or they are abusers. There is a lot of sense in what Rhutobello is saying, you should seek professional help offline and not listen to nonsense about being reincarnated holocaust victims. As Spiritalk says we have already made peace and sent thousands of spirits into the light and they do not then come back to discuss their experiences here or write a book about it, they are healed, forgiven and have moved on.

Rhutobello has shown nothing but respect and compassion, you are hurting, and so you do the only thing you can do you,  blame someone else because of your past. That is only natural and that is what you need to seek help on. Forget about re-incarnation, you need to fix this life first.

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Post by waterfountain » Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:32 pm

wow ok.. can you read? he responded to my post  about reincarnation with an irrelevant answer criticzing me for asking about it and telling me to worry about now when i was just asking a question about HOW THEY KNEW WHO THEY WERE IN THEIR PAST LIVES, i never thought i was one i clearly wrote that i wanted to know how they found out who they were in their past lives.. that was it.. he started to get into my past after i mentioned issues in this life bc that was the topic of the thread and how i should handle it not knowing anything about me.. i didn't ask for help or advice, i told him i apprecited his thoughts and input
& understood the concept however as I know how the process works as I'm going through it and it's different.. all i asked was how they know who they were i never claimed to be a victim or to dwell on that, so stop making assumptions and attacking me.. ridiculous


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