if one is to comit suicide in ths life

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if one is to comit suicide in ths life

Post by Deborah » Sun Aug 13, 2006 1:06 am

where do they go into the next life?

same place same country ?

is there a way to know  
1. if u die naturallly what life will u lead next?
2. if you commit suicide what life will u lead next?

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Post by swetha » Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:36 am

i feel noone has a right to commit suicide::(
maybe u will suffer for it in ur next birth..

but then if the circumstances force u..then??

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Post by Nicole » Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:59 am

I have a few friends that did that... One not to long ago. he was around when I got my angel cards read to me.... He just kept showing my reader how he did it.. nothing more.. Didn't say much, new I was upset. but he just was rambling on about how he killed him self... He was married had 2 children, and had a job. He said it was to much.... There was stories his wife cheated on him~? maybe maybe not. I didn't know her... I seen her at his wake... I did not see love in her.. She was wandering who I was. I went and sat with his mother and sister. I grow up with him and his sister. there mother my mother was best friends..

I'm still waiting to hear from one other.. I think about him all the time. It hurts so much what he did... I told him he needed to smarten up. I seen things going to happen if he didn't change his ways... I just know I miss him and I loved my friend alot....

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Post by Greyfox » Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:31 pm

Suicide is a touchy subject.  Checking out early when one has responsibilities on this plane to meet--family, business, whatever--at best is grossly irresponsible.  Still, it is one's choice.

After you "die"--and death is only a window or a horizon, not a reality--how and when you reincarnate is still a matter of choice.

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not to confuse

Post by Deborah » Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:47 am

Ok IM getting messages that ppl think I want to comite yikes im a cowards and ..no way anyway i was just wondering ...

what happens - I was brought up catholic u go to hell for this in this religion ..what other believes are there .. do u run wildly looking for space .. what happens if u r reincarnated what level what place to u get ..

I dont understand is all.................NO I DO NOT WANT TO KILL MYSELF!!

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:56 am

Maybe not, but if you get PM because you post such a question and you not spesefic say you have no intend to do it, then it show that people care for you.
I would be more scarred if none PM*s came, then we had to be a cold scociety :)
(Take into account your other post about your frustrations too)

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Post by Nicole » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:18 pm

Oh gosh hun, I never thought you was...lol I knew what you was asking... I was just saying what I see and don't see when I get my angel cards read.. And I see them also.. It's just one I never see..   :smt022

I really don't know.. I just like chatting...lol

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Post by Greyfox » Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:44 pm

^I have heard many seekers of the Light refer to themselves as "recovering Catholics," meaning that they realize the damage that was done to them by Catholicism.  Christianity in general is a religion of fear and denial.  They postulate a spiteful, arbitrary , micromanaging deity, one which demands sacrifice and inflicts horrid punishments for seemingly small actions.

Still, they seem to be making some small progress--such as when Pope John Paul II stated that there is no Hell-that what we call Hell is a state of mind we create when we cut ourselves off from God.

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Post by BLACKCAT » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:33 pm

hello all,

well here's my take on it. my mom went to see a physic years ago. the reading was for her,  but the lady mentioned my brother and i, she said that my mother and i had been together in two former lives. the orient & the old west. my brother was in one with us also. she also said that every life i ever lived i had died by my own hand. and that she hoped i figured it out in this one.

when i was younger i can't tell u how many times i tried to kill myself, the thought has been with me for as long as i can remember. suicide was always an option, if it ever got to hard here, i could leave, the thought of suicide seemed so natural to me. now i know that "normal' people don't think like this. did i bring this with me from all the other times?

well, it's kinda neat to know that i finally learned one of my life lesson's. the last time i tried to kill myself i took like 300 sleeping pills, i stopped my heart. the moments i spent in the darkness of where ever i went to, were life altering to say the least. i can't explain what happened, but i have never tried to kill myself again. and never will. who knows how many times we have to keep doing something before we get it. this lady said in all my past lives i had done the same thing. :smt021  i wonder how many that was.

so the very first question that was posted, i answer yes. you do come back, not in the same time or place. but if there is unfinished business with someone your lives will come together again. i guess my mom was my sister in one life. and i think we were friends in the other. it was over ten years  ago i can't remember  exactly what my mom told me.

so it doesn't matter what you do. if think the solution is ending it all. just know your not ending it all. your just creating more things to take care of in your next go around.

respects to all friends and ppl i don't know of course.
blackcat :smt101

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Post by Sophe » Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:50 am

I agree alot with Blackcat...if you choose to commit suicide in this lifetime...you will have the same life lessons that will be need to dealt with your next lifetime.

It is my understanding that you choose your own plan for your next lifetime, thru your actions, words and thoughts. For instance this may sound really strange but The Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, his whole mission in his life is to get people motivated and passionate about those critters that we would think twice about being passionate about.  Although we see his death as very tragic...I am very sure that he would of chose to end his life in a similiar fashion but maybe he would appreciated a little bit more time, but if he had more time I don't know if it would of made as much of an impact on getting people motivated.  All in all, he did what he was suppose to do in this lifetime and now he is moving on to do the next thing he set out to do.

Anyway sorry about the tangent.

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Post by swetha » Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:24 pm

i agree blackcat....as Abhi says what ever goes around will come back to the starting point! so we better be careful about what we do this life..else we make our next lives more difficult for ourselves!

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:40 pm

Something as debilitating and harmful as suicide would not be a consciuous choice, even if you did believe your life was designed.  Suicide comes from a confused and overwhelmed mind.  When we are confused and our spirit leaves the body, it can wander for along time trying to figure out it has died.  (This is other place that 'stuck' spirit can come from).  When the suicide arrives in spirit, they will have to judge themselves and complete their responsibilities no matter what...so nothing changes by miraculous events (such as the act of death).

We all arrive in spirit realms (the 7 spheres) exactly where our spirituality and learning spiritual things has fitted us to occupy.  The suicide had more lessons and chose to make the decision to die at their own mindset, rather than play out a life.  There is progression in spirit and lessons of spirituality to learn and grow through.  Not all learning is done on the earth plane...so for those of us who doubt reincarnation as an answer to life's problems....we acknowledge the growth potential of EVERY soul...even the suicide.  It is just a matter of them clearing up the confused mind.

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Suicide and reincarnation

Post by prose » Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:04 am

This is a seriously interesting subject for me, as I've had on & off deep depression accompanied by suicidal tendencies for a lot of my life, and am now coming out of it due to some really deep clearing and emotional/spiritual work.  Much of the reasons for my depression have been seated in my heredity - not in the genetic makeup, but the emotional patterns of belief and resultant behaviour which has been present for many generations, particularly in the female line.

I am also `sensitive' to the dead and detect them sometimes - if they wish me to, that is.  I have many relatives (incl. parents and one sibling) who are dead.  What I receive from them is quite specific about the subject of suicide and reincarnation.

1. There is no judgement about suicide on `the other side'.  The judgement is here on earth, and comes from our institutional beliefs about what is the `right' thing to do when dealing with life's tribulations.  Some people are just not strong enough to hang around.

2. Reincarnating after suicide may take longer, but the choices are made in conjuction with the angels, similarly to how they're made when we die normally. We make these choices after death, so whilst you may now be living in India, you may choose to reincarnate next time to South Africa, or Ireland, or Indonesia, depending on the lessons your soul chooses.

3. I had a great-uncle suicide in 1915, and his family members all felt HUGE guilt in relation to this.  They were religious people who felt shameful that their son and brother had done this.  Recently I experienced an insight into his feelings at the time of his suicide and after his death, and he was really upset that his family members took responsibility for his CHOICE TO DIE in this way.  He'd thought long and hard about what to do, and all he wanted from his family was respect for his decision.
Recently my son had a friend of his suicide.  She took a massive overdose of heroin.  My son's first reaction was guilt, because he felt that he hadn't been a good enough friend to her, then after a few weeks he recognised that this reaction was about him and HIS guilt, and to respect her decision was the only true way to give her CHOICE TO DIE - and so her (very troubled) life - some meaning.

I, too, was brought up in a religious framework, and I've had to work mighty hard to extricate myself from a lot of the judgements and beliefs which are like straitjackets for the soul.  I've come to the conclusion that any judgements we have about the decisions others make are all about us, and have nothing to do with the other person.  It has taken me years and years of hard slog to reach this place!!!!

I hope this helps.   :smt020

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..and a little bit more on the subject...

Post by prose » Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:06 am

I did go on a bit in that last post, but I feel that I need to add a bit more to it, just to clarify something.......................

I feel that the key issue about this subject is one of FREE WILL - we always have it, and it's always up to us how we handle any of life's situations. Also, the hardest thing of all is for those looking on not to have an opinion or a judgement about the behaviour of another.  If we have a strong reaction to another's suicide, then this is an insight for ourselves into what is right for us!

I have tuned into situations in which the suicide of someone has been such a powerful healing tool for others that it's hard to call the suicide a `mistake'.  This is not to say that at the time the person may not have had other options, but it's also important to point out that deep depression feels like being at the bottom of a deep and dark hole while wearing blinkers, and so other options cannot be recognised.

In the situation I mentioned in my last post, about the suicide of the great-uncle, what was left behind in the energy field of the family was not the despair of the suicider, but the intense guilt and responsibility of those left behind....................... and the suicided person is not in any way responsible for that!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that suicide, like murder, cannot be judged by we mere mortals, partly because most of us still have a fear - even a dread - of death.  We have a very competant Angelic Realm to help the soul through what they were not able to face here on earth.  I also believe that we don't necessarily have to come back here to sort out all our lessons, as it's possible to do quite a lot of the more difficult learning in Spirit.

Sorry if I've rambled, and got off the subject...


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Post by Samson » Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:32 pm

No that was good Prose have you got anymore, I'm very interested and would like to read more.

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