karmic relationship?

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karmic relationship?

Post by bloom » Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:46 pm

how can you distinguish a karmic relationship?  any thoughts?

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Post by MuchachaMagica » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:14 am

I can't say that I know the answer, but I have also been interested in this topic lately, and trying to find out more. I found this website about "Relationships in the new era" and it talks about karmic and healing relationships, as well as twin souls. This is what it says about how to recognise a karmic relationship:

"A karmic encounter you may recognize by the fact that the other person immediately feels strangely familiar to you. Quite often there also is a mutual attraction, something compelling ‘in the air’, which urges you to be together and discover each other. If the opportunity is available, this strong attraction may grow into a love relationship or a heavy ‘crush’. The emotions you experience may be so overwhelming that you think you have met your twin soul. However, things are not as they seem. There will always be problems in such a relationship, which sooner or later will surface. Often, the partners become involved in a psychological conflict that has power, control and dependence as the main ingredients. By this they repeat a tragedy which they subconsciously recognize from a former lifetime. In a past life they could have been lovers, parent and child, boss and subordinate, or another type of relationship. But always they have touched a deep inner pain in each other, by acts of unfaithfulness, abuse of power or, on the other side, a too strong affection. There has been a profound emotional encounter between them which has caused deep scars and emotional trauma. That is why the forces of attraction as well as repulsion can be so violent when they meet again in a new incarnation.
The spiritual invitation to all souls who are energetically entangled in such a way is let each other go and become ‘entities-unto-themselves’, free and independent. Karmic relationships as mentioned here are almost never long-term, stable, loving relationships. They are destructive rather than healing relationships. Quite often, the basic purpose of the encounter is to succeed in letting each other go. This is something that could not be done in one or more past lifetimes, but now there is another opportunity to release each other in love."

I dont't know if links to other websites are allowed in this forum, but if you're interested and want to read more I can PM you the link.

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Post by bloom » Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:08 pm


thank you for the brief explanation, I want to learn more to be able to distinguish my own karmic relationship with others and how to deal with them..can you PM me the link??
thank you so much!

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Post by carte_blanche » Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:45 pm

i believe it caN be viewed based on dream analysis

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Post by jojomojo » Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:09 pm

I think you feel as though it is always not right not meant to be,
there can be no surface or logical reasons just a feeling that the person you are with is not your soul mate,doesnt mean they are not your love in this life they may have been you enemy or enslaver in a past life.
I love my partner deeply for all that he is but i know that the love i feel for him is just material,it is real earthy and human ,he is the one i love in this life and i mustnt make him suffer for a loss i am fealing/mabe even imagining.
i think our relation ship is a karmic one,and i am being tested to see if i know the true meaning of love,the fisical verses the spiritual,and verse visa  mabey these human eyes of mine are not able to see,the real him i may be blinded to much by human emotions the trick of light could reveal that he is my one afte all,but who knows i love him with all my heart.

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Post by jld » Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:54 am

I've been thinking about this as well lately. I think I may have a karmic relationship with my daughter's father. It's taken me two years but I have finally been able to end the relationship between us (on my part). It was an unhealthy relationship from the start but i was drawn to him. Now we have a daughter together and are connected in this way but I have told him the romantic relationship between us is over. There has been this cycle of him distancing himself, me wanting more, then me realizing I'm not getting it and distancing myself, then him sensing this and coming back in the picture, and me getting pulled back in over and over. It's exhausting even writing about it lol. Anyway it has been such a challenge for me to let him go and stand my ground about it. Right now he's been trying really hard to pull me back in. Last night over the phone he told me we were spiritual connected for eternity. I don't know where this came from. But I was thinking about reading this post earlier and karmic relationships and how much better I feel about myself not being romantically involved with him anymore. I do care for him but it has been an unhealthy relationship on both our parts. We have a daughter so all ties cannot be severed. But i'd love to hear more on this subject and will also check out the site mentioned.

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