rainbow spirits

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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sabbath siren
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rainbow spirits

Post by sabbath siren » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:57 am

Hello all...

I was recently told about rainbow spirits and have had some trouble finding things to read on the subject.  I'm trying to get my head around the implications.  Also, where do Akashic records fit in if the subject is a rainbow spirit?
Thinking about this has been troubling me a little, can anyone shed some light on the subject for me, please?
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Post by Aegeus » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:31 am

I heard that when all of the chakras are developed and the elements mastered all the chakras become one and the being is free to explore the universes and appear as an orb of glowing light. These appear as glowing orbs which seem to move unbound by laws of physics. Like they hover and shift and appear white but many colours can be seen in them and appear around but many shapes can be seen in them. Rainbow also means all the chakras are active amd in harmony. Like non of the chakras are dominating and making it appear mostly that chakras colour.

Side note, why not say heaven hi(gh) instead of hell low(hello).

The akashic records are the records of evetything that has ever been and I'm not sure but maybe everything that will ever be, or perhaps just possible futures that have been imagined and planted there. Grounding in the ethereal body as well as purity of intent can allow access to these records. Like you could find more info on rainow spirits there then anywhere else save for communication with a rainbow spirit maybe. I would think that rainbow spirits would have the ability to access the akashic records so they would be good to earn their respect.

Ever seen a glowing orb moving with no regard to laws of physics? It's quite a site, I have seen them rarely. There more commonly sighted away from cities and other vibrational pollution. If you see one give it attention and listen/look for what it has to show/teach/share with you.

What does this have to do with past life/reincarnation? Side for the fact that akashic records hold information on past lives and rainbow spirits could help provide this info from the akashic records, at least I theorize so.

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Post by sabbath siren » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:44 am

When I asked the person I was talking to wha a rainbow spirit is, they said it was a person who hasn't been reincarnated, they are brand new and in their first incarnation.  I apologise, that is what I meant when I said, 'rainbow spirit'.

Love to you, Aegeus.

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Post by Caryna » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:20 am

That's interesting... :)
So we were all rainbow spirits to begin with.
When we cease to become "rainbow", does that mean our souls develop genuine personalities - as we become more experienced and go through more reincarnations?

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:22 am

Oh I just thought of what rainbow means to me when I heard that.

I would think calling them a new soul or a young soul would make more sense. Rainbow means like a rainbow all the colors of the spectrum. Yet another thing that bugs me about the state language has reached.

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Post by MangoMom » Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:56 pm

Well, as the resident Akashic Records Reader, I had not heard of Rainbow Spirits before, so I opened my records to get information on them, since as SabbathSirene said, there is no information.  What I have received is that is a name given to a spirit that has almost completed their cycles, meaning there will be few if any more reincarnations.  They have completed their efforts in learning and experiencing to become more God Like and are a memberof the Masters and Recordkeepers.  This was a pet name given to themselves eons ago, as their aura would show all the colors, not just one or two.  Now, Please understand this is my interpretation, there may be many other interpretations, but this one feels right to me.  That was an excellent questions and I always encourage others to question, that is how we learn.

Iwould also like to add that Spirit in this sense does refer to the Soul.

Lots of Love, Light and Laughter

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Post by sabbath siren » Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:44 pm

Thank you (((MangoMom))), you're so good at explaining these things.
What if the spirit or soul was in it's first lifetime? What then?
I know that you're busy and so I appreciate your time even more.
Kisses to you!

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Post by MangoMom » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:10 pm

Well, there are so few if any new souls coming to earth, but those that do come in as new souls are simply called innocents.  This is my interpretation of what happened.  God created a burst of energy, similar to the fireworks we call sparklers, each of these little sparks became a soul.  Our quest was to come to earth and learn and experience to become one again or to become God Like.  That is our main purpose on this earth to learn and understand so that we can become whole once more.  So in other words, we are all a part of God, that is why we are all loved equally by God, no one is considered more or less.  There is a thread in June or July of 2007 under Psychic forum where I answered a lot of questions about the Akashic Records, Reincarnation and Past Lives, maybe that will help you and I would be honored to answer any other questions.
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... t=mangomom
Here is the thread,


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Post by sabbath siren » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:07 pm

I'm going to go and have a read of that link now.
I love you MangoMom, thank you for your patience and attentiveness.


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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:33 am

Check your records on the word god before you keep using to mean oness and the divine creator.

A friend I know channeled a language based on phonetics and symbols. The phonetics that make up god mean is this language receive communication emotion disharmony. This resonates with me as when I think of religions people and books that use this word a lot, I see a lot of emotional disharmony. Not surprisingly possessives also have negative meanings in this language, well the phonetics that make it up, but belonging has a good meaning, so there are positive terms that can replace the ones with negative meanings. A lot more words in english mean different from what is thought, and if we just pay more attention to what feelings and thoughts come up when we use these words we can refine language to reflect better the intention and meaning that is  to be conveyed.

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