I had a strange cat give me a healing today.

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I had a strange cat give me a healing today.

Post by Catwoman148 » Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:58 am


I am not new at all to unusual experiences. I had to share this one, as it had
something to do with a questionare I filled out, and I have alway's
had an unusual relationship with animals. It is experiences like this
that make me not care about the crazy things that are going on
everywhere these days, and these kinds of experiences keep me happy at
the wonderment of our universe.

I was sitting with my seventeen year old son David while he was
waiting to get his paycheck from work. We sat on a wooden log in the
shade. David went to make a phone call to home, so my husband would
not worry about us as we were late.

A large stripped cat with a purple collar showed up in the bushes. I
saw him, and I said hello, and wiggled my first finger at him, and
asked him to come over so I could pet him. He looked up at me, and he
came right to me, and I petted him, and talked with him like I do a
person, which I always do with animals anyway.

A long time ago, I was in a situation where I was homeless for several
months during the Winter through to Spring. I was in the mountains. My
feet suffered damage from the cold, and I still have problems with my
feet twenty years later, but I deal with it.

I was having a lot of trouble with my feet today, and I wasn't feeling
to well the past few days either. This cat stared at my toes, and he
started licking them. I had thongs on. We were really talking now, and
I told him thank you for trying to heal my sore feet. Then, the cat
went further.

He was laying on the ground by now licking my sore toes, and then he
took his paws, and held my left big toe gently, and licked some more,
and then he did an accupressure treatment with his teeth. Not too
hard, and he kept doing it. I was amazed, but he was one of those cats
that are not regular cats. I had one once that actually spoke two
words to us during his stay with us.

His name was Super Bubba, and he said the word no, when Wes and I
asked him if he was okay, and spoke Wes' name. He was glued to our
sides all of the time, and Wes was in the bathroom, and he was waiting
for him in the hallway. When he came out, he said, "Wes."

We got Super Bubba when the SPCA was going to put him down, and we did
kitty rescue, and he wasn't sick, so they gave him to us. Super Bubba
had been given to the SPCA after some sort of Cabal experimentation.
He was a very large cat, about 35 pounds, and he had a large head, and
on his head, you could see the scarring where it was obvious that his
brain was hooked up to electrodes for a long time. Super Bubba became
our love.

He was completely wild when we first got him, and when anyone came in
the bedroom, he would attack. Super Bubba and I had it out once, and I
was going to tame him, so he wouldn't die from starvation because he
wouldn't eat.

I came up to him, and I was going to pet him even if he didn't like
it, and talk nice to him even if he bit me. He had huge teeth. I had a
hair brush in my hand, and I was going to brush him. He attacked the
brush, and bit the brush, and ended up in a corner, and I kept talking
nice to him no matter what he did, and I did get a couple of brushes
in, and I left the room, and told him that I loved him.

Wes and I came in, and he was still in the corner where he was when I
left the room, and we both asked him, and said, "Bubba, are you okay?"

Bubba looked at us, and said, "Nooooooo." We were able to pet him
after that, and he started eating. No one else could ever go near him
because he would attack them. He lived in my room, until we had an
arson fire, and then we both moved into Wes' home. He was our child.

One day, we went to a little store across the street, and we didn't
make sure that he was in the house. He followed us to the store, and
someone we knew ran him over, and killed him. This was one of the
saddest moments of our lives. I could see his spirit come to me, and
he didn't know he was dead yet, and I had to tell him. All I could do
is cry.

The cat that came to me out in the parking lot today looked just like
Super Bubba. The same kind of relationship with a cat that I thought I
had never met.

To me, cats are little people in fur coats.

In The Light,

Pamela Mulaskey

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Post by div_tan » Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:52 pm

Wow its a nice experience to share. It strengthns faith in God and Love. Even Animals have emotions and Love like us is amazing, ofcourse we are also animals.

I had a strange expericne with a dog, some 15 years back in India. I was living in an apartment in 3rd floor, I used to get down using the steps, Everyday I could see a dirty stray dog sitting on the way in front of the door, even though I sympathise with it, I had to drive it away as it was sick and smelling, there are not may animal shelters in India at that time and even if they have, I know they will put it off. So I used to drive it away everytime I see it. The amazing thing I saw was that the dog never went away even after I was harsh with it, It always returned back, I felt very bad to drive it away but had no choice, but it always came back and sat at the same place.

Same thing happened in another place also, One small puppy always coming and standing near my door.

I had a feeling that some spirit in the dog is looking for something there, so it is not wanting to go away, I was not that spiritual that time to understand that aspect. but I was definitely sympathisig with the dog, even though I was driving it away.

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:53 am

Kitty maybe in a way it was Super Bubba coming back to check on you and help you again only this time in a more docile state.

Silver Unicorn
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Re I had a strange healing from a cat today

Post by Silver Unicorn » Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:33 pm

I think this is a lovely thing to happen, i have three cats, and love all animals.
This will sound funny, but it really happened to me when i was a child.
I was just a toddler at the time, and i had got lost in some gorse bushes, because they were taller than me, and i didnt know how to get back out.
This sheep came in to where i was, it stood and looked at me, walked away a little, then came back and stood there looking at me again.
I followed the sheep, and it led me out of those gorse bushes, to clear ground again. ive never forgotten it, it was obvious it wanted to help me.
Silver Unicorn.

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Post by benjamin » Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:20 am

how is it that most mankind sees this as supernormal or abnormal..we are all made up of stardust every last piece of matter in this universe..we are all connected and yet we have forgotten how to communicate with the animals so now we think it is abnormal...you know we can communicate with the trees the plants...the water the air even the rocks and the planets above us..have you all forgotten so much

Silver Unicorn
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Post by Silver Unicorn » Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:50 pm

I havent forgotten, i have an understanding with all creatures, i help them all, and have had the trust of lots of wild birds ive cared for over the years, when they were ill or injured. I care for and help all living creatures, and have lived close to nature all my life.
Silver Unicorn

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