Animal Guides and totems

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Animal Guides and totems

Post by summerstorm » Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:02 am

Subject: Animal Guides~Totems

Animal Guides~Totems

Many cultures believe that humans can work in cooperation with animal
spirits for healing, wisdom, and insight. Mythologies claim that certain
tribes originated from animal spirit beings, and thus the tribes
continue to honor their totems or ancient ancestors, even today. Shamans in
various societies enter a sacred dream in which their animal spirit
allies give them information or assist in the healing of their patients.
universally, tribal hunters pay homage to the spirit of the animal they
will hunt in order to request its cooperation and assist in the
continuation of the species. When taking the animal they offer it up to the
gods before its intended purpose is shown.

The followng list is to help guide you with some of your guides.

Ant - Imagine how hard the ant must work to bring rocks up out of the
anthill and food back down. Patience, teamwork, and cooperation are
required. We can use those qualities as well!

If something you want has not yet arrived in your life, be patient! It
will arrive at a time that is in the highest good for all concerned.
Get some rocks from around the edge of an anthill and put them in your
pocket for patience!

Antelope - Antelope is quick to bound into action. If there is an area
in your life where you need to act and take that leap of faith, just do
it! Or maybe your thoughts are leaping about like antelopes being
stalked by a predator. If so, calm down, be still, and look before you leap.

Armadillo - Armadillo with its tough shell and ability to roll up in a
little ball teaches us to honor our own boundaries. Boundaries are not
meant to keep love out of our lives but rather to protect our gentle
and loving nature from the attacks of those who are still motivated by
fear. If you know emotionally toxic people don't judge them, but by all
means use healthy boundaries.

Bat - Bat goes into the cave each day which symbolizes a return to the
womb. He emerges each night symbolizing the constant cycles of "death
and rebirth" in our lives.

If you are attracted to bat you may be going through a major life
transition or perhaps some old and useless beliefs are finally shifting out
of your life. Remember that your intentions send energy out into the
Badger - No wonder we use the phrase, "He's badgering me." Mr. Badger can
be quite agressive. If he draws your attention maybe there is an area
in your life where you need to be more assertive. Maybe you need to
apply personal willpower to motivate yourself or you are being asked to be
a spiritual warrior in order to push past the boundaries of your own

Bear - The bear is the keeper of sleep, dreams, and inner wisdom. He
goes into the cave and comes out renewed. There are times in life when we
must go within to reassess our lives.

Beaver - The busy beaver works with the other members of his tribe to
build a sturdy home. He is the builder and the symbol for partnership.
If he comes in your life perhaps you are supposed to get going on some
project or maybe you should be considering a new partnership. Let beaver
teach you how to work together towards your goals.

Bee - The bee is the messanger of the gods. If he comes buzzing into
your life, take note. You may be receiving a message from Spirit.
Alternately, you could be getting a message to do a little less and just be
still for awhile! When we take the time to just be, we clear our minds to
receive divine guidance.

Buffalo - The Native Americans used every part of the buffalo they
hunted and thus buffalo became a symbol for abundance, prayer, and
gratitude. When you are attracted to buffalo you are being asked to renew your
connection to higher power through prayer and thankfulness for all you
have. In doing so, you will attract more into your life. Buffalo
teaches that what you need will always be provided.

Butterfly - The butterfly symbolizes transformation. Caterpillar
crawled and struggled across the ground, taking slow and laboring steps to
climb each plant. Then he went through a slow death in the cocoon. He
died to his old identity and emerged as the beautiful butterfly.

If butterflies appear, you are going through change. Let go of the old,
wait patiently for the new. You may even be considering a physical
move. Make it beautiful!

Cat - Cats have been called the "guardians of the spirit and good
fortune." They see energy and they know how to take good care of themselves.
If you are suddenly drawn to cats you may need to be more protective of
your own time or resources, or you may be learning to take better care
of yourself and to receive.

Cougar - The cougar is a sleek and graceful cat with amazing balance.
He knows how to manage his energy by sitting for long periods of time
waiting for prey, then pouncing when the right opportunity comes along.
He teaches us about the balance between action and rest. He knows about
right timing.

The female cougar encourages the young to leave the den. She is always
watchful and ready to save them from danger, but she allows them to
grow in independence. This is the mark of the true leader.

Coyote - Almost universally the coyote is the trickster or the sacred
clown. His antics make us laugh and he reminds us not to take life so

If coyote comes into your life things may look all messed up for awhile
until you discover that life is really working in your favor. Develop a
sense of humor and go with the flow. Divine wisdom doesn't always agree
with conventional logic.

Cow - The cow is the nurturing mother goddess who reminds you to be
gentle with yourself and to take better care of yourself. If she shows up
around you, slow down, take joy in simple pleasures, and pay attention
to your needs.

Crow - Crow, the keeper of spiritual law, likes to steal shiny bright
objects. Always the clown, he looks for ways to amuse himself. We too
need to look for the bright and shiny aspects of life even in the
'junkpile." Like crow we need to see the connection between past, present, and

Crow is a little cocky because he knows who he is. Honor spiritual
truth and you will know true power as well. Crow is a shapeshifter who can
teach us that we can be anything we desire, and he often serves as an
omen of powerful change.

Deer - The deer is gentle and strong. She can leap gracefully and
quickly up the mountainside but more often she prefers to graze on the
tender shoots and grasses. She teaches us to be gentle with ourselves and to
honor our heart.

In the South American Huichol tradition, the deer spirit leads the
shaman through the "doorway of the heart" and gives him information on how
to live in balance. Alllow the deer to show you a gentler and more
peaceful way to live . She will help open your heart.

Dog - The dog is the symbol of unconditional love and loyalty. And yet
he reminds us that loyalty to others must be balanced with loyalty to
ourselves. You can best serve the world when you are happy and healthy

Dolphin - The dolphin is the epitome of joyful wisdom. He zips through
the water, playing, jumping, and squeaking with delight. Unlike us
however, dolphin has to remember to come up for air and breathe. We could
use this wisdom to remind us that if we come up for air in our lives and
allow time for play, we will be in joyful cooperation with the whole

Dragonfly - Dragonfly is associated with the nature angels, devas,and
fairies. If one flies into your life it may be time to hike, camp, or
play with some plants. Reconnect with your elemental nature by going
outdoors and finding the divine all around you.

Dragonfly's wings are clear but can appear colored in different lights.
Similarly, our emotions color our reality. Dragonfly urges you to look
beyond illusions and see the truth that is right in front of you.

Eagle - Eagle flies high, close to God. He focuses the big picture but
with his keen eyesight he can also perceive the most minute details.
The Eagle is the symbol for Spirit. If he is in your life you are likely
to be going through a time of great spiritual growth, initiation, and

Stay close to spiritual truth and all will work out in your favor.
While you are paying attention to the details of your life don't lose sight
of the big picture.

Elk - The elk is a strong animal that migrates for long distances. Call
on him when you need the strength and stamina to keep going forward in
your life. Elk reminds us also to "take time to smell the roses." He
walks on his migrations, grazing along the way. This conserves energy and
refuels him. We need to slow down at times and refill our spirits as

Fox - Clever fox can sneak in the hen house because he blends right in.
There are times when it is wiser to hide our power rather than brag,
and there is sometimes wisdom in keeping your mouth shut rather than
trying to prove a point. Let fox teach you when to stand out and when to
conceal your knowledge.

Frog - The frog clan helps us cleanse our minds, bodies, and souls. If
one hops into youf life, take inventory. Are tthere ideas, things, or
emotions that you need to release in order to move towards your dreams.
Frog is not afraid to dive into the emotional waters and cleanse all
that is no longer useful.

Goat - The goat is a symbol for perserverance and vitality. He never
gives up. If he calls to you, this might be a time to pay more attention
to health, food, and rest in order to maintain your stamina.

Hawk - The hawk is a messanger--the animal equivalent of an angel. He
drifts upward on the currents and circles high overhead. Lke eagle, he
knows the big picture but can also dive down to examine the details of
life. If you hear a hawk cry, pay close attention to the thoughts you
were just having. Perhaps you have received a message from spirit.

Horse - The sleek and beautiful horse is a symbol for personal power.
Real power inspires others and motivates you to act in life. False power
seems "controlling" or "manipulative".

When you own your talents and speak your truth you will be able to run
towards your dream with the joy and grace of the powerful horse.

Hummingbird - Hummingbird is a symbol for love and joy. He is attracted
only to the bright colored flowers these are the ones that bring
nourishment. Learn from him by paying attention to what gives you joy. Ignore
the rest.

Hummingbird feathers have little true color. They reflect the light in
a way that makes them look as bright and beautiful as the rainbow. If
we reflect light and joy in our life we too will turn the ordinary into
the beautiful.

Lizard - Lizard is the dreamer and reminds us that we must honor our
dreams, and our higher visions. He sleeps in the sun and soaks up the
light. Sometimes taking time to day dream allows us to reconnect with our
soul's light, and refills us for the times when we must stalk our

Lynx - Lynx can see in the dark, noticing all those animals that are
hidden by day. He teaches us to pay attention to what lies behind the
scenes. If he comes into your life, look carefully at the people around
you to make sure they are really who they seem to be. Look inside of
yourself to discern your own truth. Lynx can show you hidden realities.

Moose - Moose is strong and proud. He bellows loudly announcing to all
the world that he has arrived.He can teach you to be proud of your
talents and to let the world know who you really are. Own your gifts, speak
your truth and have the self-esteem to ask for what you want in life.

Mountain Lion - The mountain lion is a sleek and graceful cat with
amazing balance. He knows how to manage his energy by sitting for long
periods of time waiting for prey, then pouncing when the right opportunity
comes along. He teaches us about the balance between action and rest.
He knows about right timing.

The female mountain lion encourages the young to leave the den. She is
always watchful and ready to save them from danger, but she allows them
to grow in independence. This is the mark of the true leader..

Mouse - Mouse scurries about paying close attention to the little
things in life that we often miss. Mouse shows us that it is sometimes
important to analyze a situation before we act. He also reminds us to
balance mind with heart because if we lose sight of the big picture, we risk
getting into trouble!

Otter - Otter is the playful clown who works with other otters to
create a peaceful and joyful life. Otters can teach us to "jump in the
river" of our own emotions and go with the flow. They remind us to honor the
heart, to play with the people in our lives, and to allow things to
take their natural course.

Owl - The owl sees in the dark and reminds us to get in touch with our
own psychic abilities so we can see what is normally hidden. In some
cultures, owl is a symbol for death but this isn't necessarily bad
because when you can see into the other realms, you realize death is only a
birth. Owl tells you to honor your intuition and your inner knowing and
to see truth beyond appearances.

Pig /Sow - The pig is a mother goddess symbol from ancient times. It
uproots the soil, turning it over in preparation for new growth and so it
reminds us that we become fertile ground for new ideas when we rid
ourselves of the old. It is said the pig can hear things at a distance
because it is so low to the ground. Take time, listen to your soul, and
plow up some time in your life for the new ideas that you are receiving.

Porcupine - If you've ever heard the porcupine laugh you'll know he's a
joyful spirit. "Heh heh heh," he says (quite literally) and you're
forced to laugh along with him. If we had such good boundaries (like his
sharp quills) we'd be laughing more too-- trusting and innocent--going
through life knowing that if we ever need to use those boundaries they're
already there!

Possum - Possum knows when to use drama and when to run. He plays dead
when threatened, using an appearance of weakness as his greatest
strength. Sometimes it is better for us to be quiet or to retreat or use
cleverness to achieve a desired result. Possum also teaches us to get the
babies off our back to allow them to grow up.

Rabbit - The rabbit can be a symbol of either abundance or fear. If he
freezes in fear he gets eaten! If he takes off running he multiplies.
He teaches us not to let our fears paralyze us but rather to get moving
and therefore to attract great abundance into our lives.

Raven - The raven is the keeper of the mystery. His shiny black
feathers remind us of the great unknown, which need not be frightening when we
learn to trust that Spirit is always guiding us.

When we give up control and enter the mystery synchronicities work in
our favor, chance happenings bring us good luck, and life magically
begins to work. Allow raven to remind you that magic is always happening
behind the scenes. Ask him how you can learn to recognize it.

Rooster - Rooster crows heralding a new dawn. Maybe you've changed and
you want others to take note. Maybe it is time to being a new project.
Let this cocky little being remind you that sometimes you have to let
everyone know your new plans.

Skunk - Skunk stinks, or so some think. But he smells awfully good to
the other little skunks. He reminds us to be ourselves, put our own
energy out into the world and trust we will attract those of like mind.
Speak your truth, be proud of who you are. Those who like you will stay
around and those who don't will run!

Snake - Snake is the symbol for change. He sheds the old skin, rids
himself of all that is useless and is born once again. He teaches us to
use change

Spider - Spider spins her web where and when she please. She reminds us
that home is always within and we can create life however we want it to
be. Our thoughts, words, and deeds we are always spinning new
realtiies. Pay attention to the one you are creating.

Squirrel - Squirrel scurries around gathering nuts and seeds for the
long winter ahead. He builds his nest far in advance of the cold and
teaches us to prepare for events ahead of time so we can avoid last minutes

He also reminds us to gather what will sustain us in life and to ignore
the rest. He might even symbolize that you must sort through your
belongings and your beliefs. This often precedes a move or change in your

Swan - The graceful swan teaches us to "go with the flow," to release
struggle and effort, and to know ourselves as beautiful. When we
surrender to the spiritual current in our life we let go of the notion of
ourselves as the "ugly duckling" and we begin to see ourselves with the
grace and beauty of the swan.

Turkey - Turkey sacrifices his life for a meal. The wild ones are very
smart so if they get caught you can assume they allowed it. Turkey
reminds us that if we are to sacrifice ourselves we better think about it
and make sure it is in highest good for all--including ourselves. He
teaches us not to be a martyr, but rather to give (or give in) when it is

Turtle - The turtle is close to the earth, slow moving and methodical.
She reminds us that we must remain grounded and balanced in order to be
healthy. As we pull our energy back into our body, away from a chaotic
mind and turbulent emotions, we become clear, calm, and peaceful. Get
out and walk on the earth, take it easy and remember that sometimes,
"slow and steady wins the race."

Weasel - The weasel has a bad reputation but in spite of that can teach
us that there are times when choosing to cleverly work behind the
scenes is more productive than making a scene.

Whale - The whales migrate great distances in their yearly journeys and
each whale has a beautiful and unique sound that is recognized by the
others. Whale holds wisdom from all its experience and knows its own
value and worth as part of the whole. Whale can help us get in touch with
our deeper truth, our purpose, and the nature of our soul..

Wolf - Wolf is the pathfinder and teacher who is not afraid to go off
and explore the many trails in the forest before coming back to share
its adventures with the pack.

Copyright The Magical Melting Pot

~Used here for educational purposes only~

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Post by sk2006 » Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:38 am

I was told what my main animal guide was many years ago. It was very interesting when I started to research the topic. I find that certain animals show up at different times and the more open you are to them, the more you will notice. For me, they show up in dreams and I will look up what they symbolize. I cannot talk to them, only remember what I saw and research their meaning for myself. Also, although I havent done it in quite awhile, I used to be able to look at a picture of someone and see their animal would kinda just appear to me. I would tell them what I saw and they could look it up online and see what issues they needed to be dealing with at the moment--the reason that animal guide was showing itself to me. I was usually pretty accurate.

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Post by breathingwater » Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:18 pm

I love this topic, since animals are very close to me.

I have horses that meet me in my meditation and dreams very often.  I have a friend who says I will often appear in her meditations with a horse, too.

I'm pretty sure that horses are my animal guides.

But lately I've been seeing black crows in a lot of places around me.  Kind of interesting, since it says above they signal personal change.  I wonder!

Thanks for posting this, I'm going to pass it on to some of my friends.  They'll probably enjoy it equally.

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White Tiger

Post by Infinitim » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:06 am

Hello SummerStorm,
Some research I had done on totems indicated that one of my animal totems was White Tiger.  Two others are The Owl and The Hawk.  In viewing the list of totems above, I find it interesting to note a peculiar experience I had with the Lizard or Chameleon.  A friend of mine had recently moved into a new home on a newly cleared lot.  After moving in, she found that the place was over run by lizards.  I mean lizards were everywhere literally hundreds of them.  Upon visiting with her at her home and seeing them firsthand, I agreed to research the spiritual significance of their appearance or presence.  When I returned home I did the research but did not feel as though I had uncovered anything of any great significance.  Months passed by and I returned to the friend's home and to my complete surprise, she announced that since my last visit the lizards had nearly completely disappeared, with the exception of a few of them which she was able to recognize by some uniquely identifying feature.  During that same time frame I was having very lucid dreams that would leave me more than a little baffled.  After reading the information above on the Lizard totem and their relation to dreams and higher visions, is it possible that there was some connection?  (Also please read my post in this section entitled 'A Murder of Crows')


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Post by starryskies » Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:56 pm

I love learning about totems. I have always felt very close to owls, cats and lions.

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Post by megan » Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:21 pm

At one point in my life when I was reading about animial guides I asked my Dream Source to please give me a dream showing what my animal guide was if I had one.  That night I dreamed I was up in a tall stone tower looking out the open arched window and out of the woods came a pair of deer - a golden buck and  a white doe.  They walked up to the tower and put their front feet up on the wall stretching up to look at me as I looked at them, kind of like they were saying "how do you do" then they put their feet back down on the ground and walked back into the woods.  I woke up right then and wrote down the dream.  Ever since I have felt that my main animal helper/teacher is the deer.  I found it very interesting to read what you wrote about deer - before that I mainly just looked at their habits for connections, for instance like deer, I tend to  be skittish and take flight and use camouflage to hide myself when faced with anything that seems threatening ..

anyway, thanks - that was a very interesting read


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Animal Guides and totems

Post by Killian67a1 » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:47 am

For some reason, I've always been attracted to wolves. I had a dream once where I was walking alone and met a wolf. This wolf was a large black male. Anyway, our gazes met and I was visited by an overwhelming feeling of saddness. Any ideas what that might have meant?

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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:34 am

Well  in my  hawaiian  culture  we called our  Animal or  Sprite Guide   our  Aumakaua    ( AU-MA-KUA)  basically   they are the spirits of my  decest ancestors".  The ʻaumākua frequently manifested as an animal, such as a shark or an owl or any animal  they where  whorship as god  until the white men came to hawaii .  Now they are part of my family line ,

My family Aumakua  is  the Owl ( pueo)

- The owl sees in the dark and reminds us to get in touch with our
own psychic abilities so we can see what is normally hidden. In some
cultures, owl is a symbol for death but this isn't necessarily bad
because when you can see into the other realms, you realize death is only a
birth. Owl tells you to honor your intuition and your inner knowing and
to see truth beyond appearances.

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good accumulation

Post by rjiev » Sun Sep 02, 2007 7:43 am

Thank you for posting such a nice and meaningful information on animals.  The nature loving person is always close to the god.  I am forwarding your efforts to others.javascript:emoticon(':smt006')

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