would u ever do this? its crazy stuff

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would u ever do this? its crazy stuff

Post by happi » Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:45 pm

now this is something more like u mite find in horror movies. its funny story wile its kind of scary on the other hand. have u heard about this place called eureka, its located in nevada. no one lives in this town since many years ago. they call this town a ghost town because of that reason. anyway we were getting of from freeway. and when we exit and we were going toward the town. remeber theres is no houses till u go least 5-10 (estimate). wile driving we saw this one lady on the right side of the road. we were looking at her wile pasing by. and she was looking on the floor wile walking toward freeway. but there is no place there she could go to unless she was going to go jump from the freeway bridge or something. anyway as we pass by we all got this weired feeling. we felt kind of chilli or cold. like u know how it gave u a shaking kind of felling. anyway we were still driving as we were driving for like 5 minutes there was a black cat just crossed our path, many people believe that this is a warning from some kind of danger etc. anyway we ignore it and keep moving forward. first thing we did was went to see the cemetary. it was 1 oclock at midnight. we were the only one in the town just messing around with some places. me and my friend wanted to see who was the bravest one to go walk in the cemetary by their self. but no one was able to do it they were all scared. i mite have done it but even i was scared lol. mostly scared from not been aware from this place because it was my first time there. so all decide to go in the cemetary. we turn all the car lights off. some friends were scared to even go outside of the car lol. but fianlly we made our mind to go and we did. we opened this big gate that enters the cemetary. as we were walking in the cemetary we found this place where on of my friend claim that they burns dead body here first and then burry them. so there was a some kind of room there where he said they do that stuff. as he claim himself a physic lol. he was touching the wall of that room wile closing his eyes lets say more like medetation. his arm start getting cold and he kind of start shaking and we asked him what happen. he said he felt like somone has burned wile that person wasnt even dead all the way. he said he felt sad and depress kind of feeling. as we were cheking his arm yes it was cold and other one was warm. and we were there during summer time. we decide to leave that place soon as he start feeling weired. good thing was no ghosts grabed us lol. anyway one of my friend told him to hold this Rosary. rosary are those beads thingi. u mite find them in hindu or budhist religions. they are kind of some protection from evil stuff. anyway as he held it in his hand his hand start hurting. but later he was fine. then we were still in the town driving in the area where there were alots of houses. but they be all abanded. and no one was living in there. as we pass by one of the house we saw the tv on but no one there anyway. all the lights were off. and that tv house was all mess up i mean broken from almost every side of the house even the roof was preety damage. so why the hell tv is on for lol. do ghosts really watch our movies and stuff. anyway we ignored it. wile driving some dogs start barking on us out of no were. and were driving tryign to get out of that place. and those dogs chased us for wile and finally went back. anyway this is preety much was the part of the scary stuff. the rest is kind of funny. we got out of the car in we were just standing in the middle of the road just messing around taking pics lol at 2 in the morning. and just killing some time there just messing around playing around etc. well this is preety much all.

and if u do wana see some pics of the town. then search in yahoo

type in : eureka ghost

and u will see some town pics.

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