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Post by Mandragoras » Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:01 pm

Well this is a bit of an interesting story.

I'm part of a local band around these parts, my drum set is located in my basement.  My band mates and I are into the etheral, supernatural and mystic, it's part of our music, and we embrace it.  Though like any other bunch of 18 year olds, we like to have fun.  One day after practice, we did a mock Seance (sp?), the ritual for summoning spirits.

It was fun, we had a few laughs, and we thought that was the end of it.


The very next day, I was practicing a few drum fills when, out of the corner of my eye, I see a shadow move in the basement.  The funny thing is, all the lights are off, all the light I had was daylight coming from two small windows.  I checked both of them, nothing.  I kept playing and it happened again, twice.  Creeped out, I went upstairs and tried not to think about it.

The next band practices, my drumsticks went missing a few times, other times out mics were moved around, and a lone wire that's in one corner of my basement moved all by itself.

I chose to bring my girlfriend down and explain to her what had happened.  She believed me without question and started looking around the place.  Not much happened, and I took her home.

That night, she was trying to past life regress, and in the process she said she was rudely awakened, only to find nothing there.  She claimed to hear laughter every now and then.  We cleansed her room, and we haven't heard from the spirit since.

Be careful with things like Ouija boards.. seances.. all that good stuff.

You never know what kind of spirits are coming to you.

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Post by Svanprins » Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:36 am

Be careful with things like Ouija boards.. seances.. all that good stuff.

You never know what kind of spirits are coming to you.

I agree. I have some experience with things like Ouija board and spirit calling to us.

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Post by missy » Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:04 am

Yes ouija boards are bad news, especially when you don't know what you're doing. My grandma used one when she was in her 30s and asked the very stupid question of the date and cause of her death. Ten or so years later she died, the very day the ouija board predicted, of the very disease it said. So not only does it summon evil, but it can and does tell people things they probably shouldn't know.

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Post by soul_flower » Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:06 pm

Yes i agree,people shouldnt mess around with that stuff unless they know what they are doing and are ready for what could happen.Even if you know what ur doing i think its a bad idea.My brother played around with a Ouija board with his mates,a long time ago.One of his mates was asking stupid stuff and i guess annoying this spirit,well something went wrong and to cut a long story short,this boy nearly died....Also my grandma and mother were doing a rescue circle,with a class and a teacher.My grandma is a very negative person,she attracted negative beings and got inhabited by a very angry/mad spirit,and they had trouble getting him to leave.So with this sort of subject you never know what can happen,so i guess it needs to be taken seriously.

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Post by taraprincess » Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:29 pm

i agree ouija boards are evil me and alot of people that i know that did it had bad experiences, when i was 13 me and my friends played with a homemade one we made, and my friends were laughing and asking silly questions it cursed at us i got so scared i ran out of the room and i never played with a homemade one or a real one again so i would recommend never to play with it bad bad news. huggies
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Post by Lhna28 » Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:54 am

Totally argee with everyone ouija board is evil. In my country we had this incident where a bunch of silly (more like s**pid) use the ouiji board to summon spirits. They  did this at night in school next to a bridge( it is said that its the door to the other world) and  as offerings  they gave period blood on a pad. so you guess what happen next . a few got possesed, one die and the school had to close for a week or so. cos the spirits were possesing the girls during the day time. they had all type of holy, shaman , you name it trying to get rid of the spirits.  the whole country was talking about it. you can even see the video of  the girls being possesed on youtube!!

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Post by soul_flower » Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:47 am

Ohhh my Lhna28,thats some scarey stuff there....But i guess kids will be kids and they always want to do things they "shouldnt do" no matter what could happen.

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ouija boards

Post by midnightmlk » Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:47 pm

I agree .. dont mess with ouija .. its dangerous.. i have heard some sad stories about people who has played with them.. for instance this guy said he played with one and summon a spirit and the spirit talk to him and they (2) left but really didnt leave.. those spirits would give him night terrors, fellow him where ever he went.. So poor guy went to the ouija board again and ask the spirits to leave .. and they would not.. soo in his mind  .. he got two rocks and put the spirits in the rocks so he could keep an eye on them.. I tell you dont mess with ouija boards,they are dangerous and they can drive you insane..

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Post by rozrokz » Fri Sep 28, 2007 3:26 am

As it is, it is difficult to talk to real life human beings. Why mess with another world. Sigh.

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Post by IRIS_1of4_ON » Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:46 am

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Post by BASSTONYA » Sat Oct 27, 2007 1:28 pm

I have a ouija board, and have tried to contact a gril. Nothing really happend, it moved a little very slowly. I don't know if it was due to my arms getting tired or what. After a few days of trying I just put it away. Everyone I know don't want anything to do with it. Before I did use it I said a prayer and maid it clear that nothing evil was alowed to enter. I also had a bible near by. They don't bother me, I don't feel uneasy either. What do you think?


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