A Seizure and something weird happened

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A Seizure and something weird happened

Post by BloodyRose20 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:27 pm

Okay, so here is what is going on, long story short, last Tuesday my fiance went into the doctors office to get blood drawn to check his cholesterol, and they told him to fast from midnight on until his appointment that was going to be at 8:30am. No problem. Now he hates needles lol but he knew he had to get it done.

The nurse got the needle in and about a tablespoon of blood out and I noticed his eyes had rolled into the back of his head and he slumped foward and started to moan. Just as this happened, the nurse asked if he was alright and I automatically said no and pushed him back against the wall, almost like I knew what what happening because he started to convulse. Now, he has never had seizures before or any other problems like that at all.

The whole thing was scary as hell, but I was right there, my hands on his chest the whole time. It felt almost like a dream, because I felt funny the whole time. Well, when he came to, which wasn't too long after, about 3 minutes I would say, he told me after that he didn't remember what happened. But he did know something was going on because he saw us all trying to keep him back, but not from where he was, he was seeing towards him.

As if he wasn't in his body when this was happening. Only glimpses though. So it makes me wonder if he somehow jumped into my body during that. I know its possible, but don't you need to learn that ability? And anyways, after all that had happened, like that day later on we came home, and as we were pulling into where our mailboxes are, I felt my gut feel creeped out. But then it passed.

When I got out of the car to check the mail, I got a strange buzzing in my body and I felt like, I shifted. Its the only word I can think of to describe it, like I shifted out of my body for an instant. I thought that was weird, but then yesterday happened. Well, we were doing a little 69 oral sex and right near the end of all of it I got the buzzing in my body again, but this time it felt like me and my man melded together for an instant.

I mean, I know that one sounds like an orgasm, but it wasn't. It felt way different and that has never happened before. And ever since its been off and on here and there with the buzzing feeling. Its almost like I can hear the buzzing too, and I can see it when I 'shift' out of my body, my vision distorts. Its just really weird and I would like to know whats going on? Anyone have an idea on this?

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