round 2 -

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round 2 -

Post by giggledoll00 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:19 pm

i wrote this in another chatroom, because i didn't see category, and am seeking an opinion on it, please feel free to reply.

i remember a long time ago, like 10ish years ago, the night before we moved. we weren't moving far, just a few miles away, i could make the walk in about a half hour, 45 minutes, at a slowish speed. we were mostly packed just finishing the last few things, and i was going to bed because i had summer school the next day, i wasn't bad, just didn't like doing my work. anywayz, i was laying down, i had on a backstreet boys cd, i think the first one but that i'm not sure of, and i had my headset on, when i heard something talking from my cd player. i gnored it, but it started, i couldn't hear whut it said but i knew it was talking. so i went to my mom to tell her, and she thought i was just exhausted so i went back to my room, and my crystal pendant, it was a fairy on a tree stump, then a crystal about 1.5 inches long, was broke, a clean break and placed on my night stand like someone had broke it. now i know that no human in the house had done it because it was me my mom n her friend, and we were all in her room. and this happened in less that 2 minutes, but it was placed like someone intentially broke it. i do believe in spirits and entities, i just dont know why some one would break my pendant. We ahd gotten it from a friend of my moms, it was made and blessed by a native american preistess or something like that. I just know her as bobby jean, and i know she married my mom friend to her second husband. but to this day the thought of that still freaks me out.

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