Paranormal Activity

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Paranormal Activity

Post by believer » Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:59 am

I have heard many times a voice that sounds like a child calling determination - "Mommy"  I do have 2 boys 9 and 7.  I will run up the stairs and say what and they said they didn't call me.  So then I think am I crazy.  But we have heard the voice when no one else was home and just today my girlfriend and I heard it and the boys were in the other room playing video games.  I usually only hear it once, then it will be weeks before I hear it again.  The house is only 5 years old, however the land used to be farm and Indians used to roam the land.  It does not help that 2 streets over is a cemetary.  

So does anyone know how I could figure out who is calling for "Mommy"?


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:41 am

I just wanted to tell you that this is fascinating, and that I hope someone can help you to figure it out... I don't have any suggestions of my own but if ya wanna talk about it I am more than willing to bounce some ideas around with you... I did want to ask if you can determine what sex the voice is or if it is just a small child's voice where you can't really tell.... and also do you seem to be in a certain place when you hear it, and how loud is the calling? Is it something that mommy radar would pick up on or would just anyone hear it? (Mom's hear things most people can't = mommy radar) anyways, just wanted to get the ball started to help you find a way or at least learn more and perhaps have you looking at it through different eyes...


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A child's voice....

Post by believer » Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:07 am

Hi and thanks for your response.  We have mostly been on the 1st floor.  Although several times I have been awaken to someone saying Mommy really loud and have sat up in bed saying What and no one is there and then I check on the boys and they are soundly sleeping.  It is not a toddler sound, not sure if it is a boy or girl.  I try to pay attention right after I hear it, but usually I am thinking I am being called by the boys.  My husband who is opening his mind a little more heard it when I was gone taking the boys to school.  He actually thought I brought them back home.  I've thought about seeing a Medium for some insight, but haven't yet.  Then we found this forum - a great place to ask these kind of questions.  Hope someone can help! :)

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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:27 am

When ever i have a spirit in need that need to get my attention i usually hear an audiable psychic mesage from that spirit. At times like these just put every thing down and try and feel what is arround and see if you can communicate with it. Hope that helps


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Post by bee07 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:08 am

light a white candle and tell the child to go towards the light and tell the child its ok and its time to go...............then you should not hear the voice anymore after that.

im giving you this advice from my own personal experience...and help that i have received from a psychic medium friend of mine ........... and im confident it will work for you ...please let me know what happens if you do this .

bee x

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