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Post by jen061875 » Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:24 pm

Hello all,

A ghost story for you.  Several years ago I lived in an apartment that I swear was haunted.  I lived there with my boyfriend, ad from the very beginning it just never felt *quite right*.  Little things would happen at first, like things would be moved like watches or jewelry etc.  They would turn up sometimes days later in a spot you just knew you hadn't left them.  Then one afternoon, I was home by myself hanging up a curtain in between part of my bedroom and the bathroom because we had a one bedroom apartment and the bathroom was just inside of the bedroom, this was going to serve as my privacy curtain for our bedroom when we had guests.  The curtain was sort of see through, I was standing on a chair when all of a sudden I saw a man out of the corner of my eye standing on the other side of the curtain.  It scared/startled me so much that I almost fell off of the chair.  But when I looked there the next time, there was no one there.  Another instance in the same place was  I woke up one morning to get ready to work and there was a candle that you could see had obviously been burning for a very long time as it was melted almost to the point of going out and this was a big candle.  I was a little upset because this to me was very lucky that it hadn't started a fire.  I thought that my boyfriend had lit it and forgot to blow it out.  So when I asked him why he had done that he said he hadn't.  He said he had woke up 3-4 hours before to go to the restroom and it was lit.  He said that he thought I had done it for some reason so he left it lit without thinking anything about it.  We were spooked to say the least.  The days wore on.  Exhausted from work one evening I fell asleep on the couch.  I awoke to my boyfriend frantically whispering my name to wake me.  He was in the kitchen  and he said when he would start to leave the kitchen something that sounded to him like a small dog would growl at him.  THAT was the last straw.  We actually went to the management of the apartment complex, and the funny thing is that he offered to transfer apartments for us immediatley(which we did).  He even waived the ever present transfer fee.  Odd.  We asked him if he knew of any history there but he said no.  2 Months later he moved 3,000 miles away.  At my job I actually heard a woman complaing that odd things happen in her apartment.  Things go missing etc. only to turn up later somewhere she would never put it.  I asked her where she lived and coincidently she lived in the same apartment complex 2 buildings down from me.  What could this have been?  Any ideas?

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Location: Norwalk, CT


Post by Mer06854 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:12 am

I wonder if the tenants before you had any experienes, or perhaps he was the last tenant!

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