Out of body experience? Please help me, I'm confused and afraid. =(

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Out of body experience? Please help me, I'm confused and afraid. =(

Post by daylightsonata » Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:24 pm

Well let me introduce myself. I am 17 and from Hawaii. id like to know if i almost had an out of body experience, or what happened. its happened many times to me.

for the record: im not psycho, dont drink, take drugs, hear voices.

if i think very happy and pleasant thought and at total peace with myself, and if its nighttime, i tend to have a very hazy vision, blurry... then my body feels weird, as if... if i were to let myself go to sleep and totally let go, id actually get out my my body. thats just the feeling id get, like i was about to go into another dimension, i could just feel it. ive always forced myself to wake up after many attempts to knock myslef out of this very sleepy state, so i can wake up, otherwise ill freak out. sometimes when it happens, i'll hear a up and down whooshing sound in my head. like a noise coming very close, then far, and again.

the first time i experienced it was late at night when i thoguht about just have a lot of peaceful fun and getting along wiht poeple around me, so while thinking of that i went into a sort of ecstacy. then everywher ei looked, as i turned my head, the blurrs would follow, just liek acamera recording a video, you know how it gets blurry when you move it fast? yeah. it made me feel so fatigued and tired, but still happy. when i closed my eyes, i felt it in my whole head, pulsating, i could hear my pulse in my head. a totally white scren image took over my mind, with a gray line straight horizontally. like the type they use to measure hearbeats, every time i felt the pulse, id see a birght light move very fast across the gray line to the right, then i started to hear an alien-like sound, like the spaceships in cartoons, like coming close and far again, then it got louder and louder, i got so scared that i had to snap myself awake. its always hard to make myself awake again.

id always get experiences liek that at least twice a week before sleepping, i was so scared, but eventually i told myslef that i wanted to find out what would happen if i just let myself go, and stop tryign to get out of that state. so one night i just stopped holding back, and it felt like my whole body got lifted up, floating to the ceiling. my eyes were closed but i could see everything, or at least sense it. it felt like i was lifted up very fast, then immidiately dropped back back after i freaked out. then i opened my eyes and was wide awake. see, it oculdve been a short dream after falling asleep right before, because my mom told me about out of body experiences and said thats what its like. so maybe it was my wild imagination makign that up, but if so, physically, that felt like a veyr real dream.

anyone have any idea what this might be? please tell me... it just freaks me out so much. i want to know if its okay for me to just let go next time and see what happens, or if its unsafe.. or if its just some normal sleeping disorder. sometimes im afraid i might die. thank you for replying...
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Post by Evie » Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:04 pm

(((Hugs))) to you  Daylightsonata

I know what it feels like to be terrified about this experience.
It happened to me often over the years. I have relaxed about it,
even though I don't altogether understand it.  I get the whooshing
sound too and would describe it as foggy hearing... like being on
an airplane ... at that altitude, you know.

I get a spiral kinda feeling... I  don't know how else to describe it...

L O L   I also have this spaceship thing that I experience, but I labelled
it a recurring dream...  

Don't worry about dying hun ... I trust that someone here can help
and guide you to 'Lose the Fear.'  Which I think is the first thing you need!

In any event you are not alone... if it happens to you, and it happens to me
... then there are others.   :smt003

Evie   :smt109

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Post by daylightsonata » Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:14 am

wow okay now i know im not the only one its happened to. thanks. hm, does it happen to you after you think just really happy thoughts? and totally at peace? thats when it happens to me.

and... what happens when you let go? does anythign happen?
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sleep paralasis

Post by discogypsy » Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:36 am

something kinda like this happens to me. first my eyes are heavy.then the room is spinning and i can only open my eyes squinting.. then i go into this ...i am awake..nope ...i am really awake now...nope... i know whats comming if i do fall asleep and its not fun... so when i feel like this i do try to wake up and fast.. i will screem for myself to wake up.
any way the first time one incedint happend to me .. it began like the simptons i just said,then all the sudden i started to demand this evil presance in the room outta my house.said i am with the light and i love jesus..i just kept demanding i out... i was screaming for my boyfriend sleeping next to me to help and wake me up,,, finally i was able to open my eyes and right then he said i was mumbling help....... well some more thing s were involved and each time this happens i get so scaired....

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Astral Travel

Post by minervamoon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:32 am

Hey Day!

Sounds very much like astral travel (out of body experience) Happened to me when I was 7,  I'm 50 now,  but I remember it like it happened yesterday.  It scared the crap out of me!  I felt like I was moving very fast through a tunnel, so fast that everything was a blur.  The whooshing sound was extremely loud.
At the end, I was looking down (from somewhere very high in the sky) on what appeared to be the Parthion in Greece.  I don't recall ever having an experience like that again (although some believe that most of us do nearly everynight while sleeping) Although it scared me, that experience was responsible for my love of reading, the very next day, I went to the library to find books on Greek Mythology.  Don't worry about dying, those that know say you'll always return to your body, whether you're ready or not.

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Post by ash1234 » Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:01 am

I had similar experiences when i was a kid.Mine was after id just fallen asleep (But i knew i was sleepining).I ve had them about 5 times in my life.I was 15 when i last had this experience, Im 33 now...so i guess it`ll pass...I agree its a teriffying experience.mine used to be accompanied by a horrid screeching noise.I assure you it was the worst soundf in the universe.I remember trying to wake up (I had this teribble feeling i was being sucked into somthing horrible).The worst part was, even after i woke up if i tried to go back to sleep immediately the expeience would continue from where it had stopped.Dont worry, itll pass as u get older.
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Out of body experience

Post by SageRose » Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:37 pm

Sometimes out of body experiences are frightening. Usually it is caused by being startled, a noise in the house for example, and we try to get back in our body quickly.  Sometimes that is hard to do and you not only feel frightened but maybe have a hard time catching your breath or feel like something heavy is laying on you.  I believe that everyone has regular out of body experiences.  It's the bad experiences we remember.   I ask in prayer and meditation every night that if I have to go out that I return safely and gently.  Sometimes when we get enough sleep but still feel tired it's because we're traveling.  I ask that I stay in my body for a few nights to feel rested.  Although, it can be scary at times, I don't know of anyone who every died from out of body.   The worst thing you can do is panic. Relax and you should fall right back into your body.  Get up and walk around the house for a few minutes before going back to sleep.


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Post by Rising_Sun » Sat May 10, 2008 3:35 pm

it happened to me once last year

I remember I fell asleep quickly because I was very tired, and though I knew I was already sleeping I saw everything around me as if I was awake. I saw the walls of my room, the ceiling and the door in front of my bed and I knew I had my eyes closed. Then I started to rise in a slowly motion way. I felt like floating above my body, it was very odd but it felt really nice at the same time. I was afraid so I tried to wake up and I did.
life is real when you are dreaming, life is a dream when you are realing

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