What does 8 and "ma,ma" have to do with each other

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What does 8 and "ma,ma" have to do with each other

Post by HolleyK » Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:59 pm

I grew up in a haunted house, I always thought that the spirits were a normal thing that happen in everyones house, well I was wrong. I grew up and moved away and thought huh, The tv is not turning on, I actually felt lonley, for so many years they were my friends and to not have them was sadding to me. So I had the bright idea of getting a board and taking it to my old house (over 200 years old) I was by myself at the time i was only 17 (now 21) and did not have all of my abilities as tuned in as i do now. I sat down and asked if any one was there it said yes, 2 people. I had a feeling one of them was small and one was an adult. I was correct. Then as the small child was communicating with me, I had this bad feeling, the lights flickered (not unnormal to happen when i had this feeling) and the pancheta (sp) started making a figuer 8.. I brushed it off as my unconcious making it happen. Well years later I was at a friends house and she needed someone with a little bit of psychic-ness as she said to help her with her board. Of course I help her, but the only thing it would say was "2 people, 2 people" "ma, ma, ma, ma, ma,ma" and once again make the figure 8. Well i was starting to get a lil scared at this point becasue I had remembered when i had tried it my self. But living in that house for so many years I always felt like there was 2 people there one was a little girl and the other was her mother, I asked my family about it and they had confermed what I was not to sure i wanted to hear YES their were 2 spirits that lived there but they were both about the same age. I told them they were wrong. I guess my question is can any one help me with this I am having a feling and the same dream that this little girl wants to tell me something that has something to do with 8 and the letters "MA" I feel when i go there and try to talk to her that something is holding her back from telling me what is going on i can feel her and an other presence, but one is way stronger than the other. I feel that she is scared *as i feel this way when in the home also* I dont know if i should read more in to it than what i have but I can no longer go to this house because it was torn down, Against my wishes. *and things have not been going to well latly because i think they are upset* if you could offer any advice i would appricate it more than you could ever know........


thank you so much for reading

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