Alien Origins

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Alien Origins

Post by dawn » Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:49 am

Alien Origins

The biggest puzzle facing UFO investigators today is trying to piece all the accumulated evidence together into a single coherent picture. This evidence includes:

Descriptions of several distinct species, including but not limited to the so called grays, reptoids, human, and other humanoids such as mothmen, big foot ...etc. With apparent recovery of some of these in downed and disabled craft.

A variety of distinct craft, including disks, elipisoids, spheres, cylindrical (cigar shaped), boomerang, triangular, and several peculiar others. Each of these craft type exhibit distinctive operating characteristics. Some of these craft types can be associated with certain species as mentioned above.

Apparent abductions of humans for the purpose of physiological testing, psychological response testing, genetic testing, human breeding experiments, cross-breeding experiments and probably other that are not yet known. This process sometimes includes the implantation of possible tagging and tracking devices and spans generations in a single family.

Abduction of cattle, horses, sheep, and possible other terrestrial species for the purpose of obtaining (mining) certain body parts or organic materials.

Interdiction with world governments either by aerial confrontation or deliberate diplomatic contact.

Evidence of interdiction by these species through known history, giving rise to speculation that humanity may be a deliberately bred species.

Skeptics and debunkers have long argued that several factors "prove" the current body of evidence to be unworthy of serious consideration. These includes:

1. Based on what is known to scientist about the physics of the universe, the described characteristics of observed UFO's is simply not possible for physical objects.

2. The distance between stars is so vast and the effort and time for a species to transverse it so large, that even if there were other intelligent technological species in our galaxy (for which there is not a shred of accepted evidence in support of) that it would be statically unlikely that earth has ever be visited.

3. Even if earth were to be visited, it is very unlikely that the genetic makeup of the visitors would begin to be compatible on the DNA level. This would make any genetic crossbreeding untenable.

4. Even if genetic crossbreeding were feasible, one would not require the methods that appear to be employed. One need only to take a few cell samples, map the gene structure, reproduce the desired genes, and splice these genes into their DNA strands by use of recombinant gene splicing techniques. Therefore, a species advanced enough to reach earth needs only to take a few cell samples of the local flora and fauna of interest, to gain a total knowledge of it's genetic makeup and capabilities.

5. No credible evidence (such evidence would have to be of such a nature as to preclude any other conclusion) has ever emerged from the observation of UFO's to indicate any alien activity.

Given the above, can a self consistent picture be derived that both satisfies the body of evidence and at the same time provide credible answers to the critics objection. The answer is yes. However, this proposed solution may appear to make the earth a NEXUS for the local interstellar activity.


It is possible, given the time span that life has existed on earth, that other terrestrial intelligent technological species have evolved. If this had occurred one of the most probable candidate species would be a form of theropod. The reasoning for this includes:

1. This order of animal is thought to have existed in some form on the earth for the last 240 million years

2. Most theropods were either omnivorous or carnivorous and their current living descendants (birds) still follow this pattern. The forces of evolution tend towards intelligence in predatory animals. It has been speculated that this is due to fact that to survive as a predator the animal must be able to "outsmart" it's prey. If the observed reptoids UFO occupants are in fact descendants of theropods, then several key objection listed above (specifically 2 and 3) are immediately resolved. these include:

1. They would naturally be from a local star system since there point of origin is the earth.

2. They would know of earth's existence, location and importance to their history.

3. They would be biologically compatible with terrestrial DNA.

4. They would by definition have the technology required to travel the interstellar distances involved.

5. There physiological makeup and appearance would be consistent with observations.

6. There would probably be a sufficient psychological drive to make the effort to maintain contact with
the home-world.

This would mean that this particular species must have an unbroken civilized history of at least 65 million years if one assumes that this species origin predates the cretaceous extinctions. One can only speculate as to the technological developments that an intelligent species could develop in this time span, however, there technology would be limited by both physiological limitations (brain capacity and reasoning ability) and the limitation of nature itself.


From the description of the observed behavior and appearance of the species commonly called the "grays" it is probable that this species is a subservient race in the service of some master (the reptoids?). It is also likely that this race was specifically bred to perform specific tasks with the culture. In this fashion the grays may well be biologically engineered robots "biots". Following this reasoning, it would be desirable to build into these biots specific limitations in both mental and physical capacities which would limit any autonomous capabilities, thus minimizing the possibility of "revolts". One such limitation would likely be autonomous reproduction. If reproduction were dependent on the master species, the grays very existence would inherently controlled by these masters. Another likely area to exert control is to limit the biot ability to obtain sustenance. If key nutrients were only available at specifically designed feeding stations the biots servitude is further assured. To accomplish this goal, it is likely that such biots would not have a functional digestive system. Nourishment would be directly administered in manner that would be both efficient and difficult to replicate.


Human UFO occupants have been observed both in conjunction with the grays as well as apparently operating autonomously. The humans that appear to operate independently have been described by both Adamski and Meier. It is notable that in each of these cases, deception appears to be a key factor. It may well be that this class of cases can be dismissed as pure hoaxes, yet, it is also possible that these human occupants need to keep their actual location and motives hidden. This certainly would be the case if this group was a faction of humanity that has divested itself from servitude from within a controlling society. This reasoning leads directly to the humans seen in conjunction with the grays. The behavior of these humans has been described as being a cooperative arrangement. It is highly likely that some humans from this planet have been utilized in some capacity by that culture.

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Re: Alien Origins

Post by sonny » Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:06 pm

dawn wrote:

Skeptics and debunkers have long argued that several factors "prove" the current body of evidence to be unworthy of serious consideration. These includes:

1. Based on what is known to scientist about the physics of the universe, the described characteristics of observed UFO's is simply not possible for physical objects.

To this I add, we don't know everything.

2. The distance between stars is so vast and the effort and time for a species to transverse it so large, that even if there were other intelligent technological species in our galaxy (for which there is not a shred of accepted evidence in support of) that it would be statically unlikely that earth has ever be visited.

Did they ever think that maybe the a group of the species landed here and "live" here instead of going back and forth. Of course, this group would not be "aliens" technically because they were born here but I digress.

3. Even if earth were to be visited, it is very unlikely that the genetic makeup of the visitors would begin to be compatible on the DNA level. This would make any genetic crossbreeding untenable.

Says who, how do we know what the aliens would be genticly. They could be exactly us for all we know. Like on Stargate SG-1. If the aliens figured out a way to travel here they might have figured out how to solve this problem especially if crossbreeding is the whole purpose behind the trip. I mean, would you travel millions of light years just to say, "Darn, can't do it."

4. Even if genetic crossbreeding were feasible, one would not require the methods that appear to be employed. One need only to take a few cell samples, map the gene structure, reproduce the desired genes, and splice these genes into their DNA strands by use of recombinant gene splicing techniques. Therefore, a species advanced enough to reach earth needs only to take a few cell samples of the local flora and fauna of interest, to gain a total knowledge of it's genetic makeup and capabilities.

Do we even do this? We have lab rats. We don't just take a few samples of what we need on go, "Okay we're done." We keep the specimen around and study it to make sure nothing goes wrong. Also, they probably wouldn't take a few samples that could be contaimated or destroyed in the trip. I wouldn't want to travel to another planet take samples, and leave just to have the scientific community say, "It was inconclusive."

5. No credible evidence (such evidence would have to be of such a nature as to preclude any other conclusion) has ever emerged from the observation of UFO's to indicate any alien activity.

Please, just about the only "credible evidence" that some it take is a body to study or the scientists actually see the alien for themselves and can study it, ask questions, and have more to work with so it couldn't have been a fluke. If you try hard enough just about everything can be disproved. For example (and this probably a bad one) unless you actually touch the hot stove how do you KNOW that it is hot. You might be able to see the water boiling but then you're trusting that the water is boiling. Okay, so your mom says the stove is hot; she could be lying.

Given the above, can a self consistent picture be derived that both satisfies the body of evidence and at the same time provide credible answers to the critics objection. The answer is yes. However, this proposed solution may appear to make the earth a NEXUS for the local interstellar activity.

I can buy that the earth be a nexus. I mean, we have star trek don't we.

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Dj I.C.U.
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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:36 pm

Aliens? Define alien from a neutral point of view...........We are made from star dust simple as that. Evolution made us to be like this it dosen't get much simpler that this

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Post by dawn » Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:18 pm

what do you mean by star dust.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:59 am

The statement that we are all "Star dust," coined by the late astronomer Carl Sagan (not sure if this was before or after Joni Mitchell sang "we are stardust; we are golden. we are billion year old carbon"), is meant to imply more than that we are made of the same elements that stars are made of. Beyond that, the elements themselves (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.) were synthesized, cooked up as it were, in the nuclear furnaces that are the deep interior of stars. These elements are then released at the end of a star's lifetime when it explodes, and subsequently incorporated into a new generation of stars -- and into the planets that form around the stars, and the lifeforms that originate on the planets.
Now define me alien.............arrent we made from the same dough?

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Post by dawn » Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:12 pm

hello man, here I little dis agree with you the elements that are found in human are aslo found in soil and we are not origanted from stars but from soil( you know evolution). In which we found each and every element that humans are composed of.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:12 pm

I agree with you that we are made by soil elements,but from where came this elements?

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Post by dawn » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:52 pm

Soils vary widely in composition and structure from place to place. Soils are formed through the weathering of rock and the breakdown of organic matter.

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:49 am

We are filled with all the 5 elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Air & Spirit.

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Post by dawn » Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:48 am

Romans philosophy, but today it has changed.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:26 pm

All stars truth nuclear fusion creates elements which form matter wich in turn creates (Rocks , earth and even us).

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Post by Vishwas » Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:26 am

Well that is still true,

We have our body, which is supposed to be made out of Earth,

We have Water in our body,

We have metal's & minerals in our body, which is also seen as Earth,

We have acids, which are seen as Fire,

We have Oxygen & Carbon Di-oxide & Carbon Mono-oxide in our bodies, which represents Air,

& then we have a soul, which is seen as Spirit.

So therefore we have all the 5 elements.

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Post by dawn » Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:53 pm

nuclear fusion hahaha....................

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:58 pm

Whats so funny? Nuclear Fusion exists. Nice description Vishwas now tell me how can you not be connected with something when it's made from relatively the same stuff as you?

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Post by dawn » Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:09 pm

nothing funny was just thing that................ life is created ont he delicte balance what will nuclear fusion will do to that.

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