Appreciate some Input

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Appreciate some Input

Post by Sophe » Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:59 pm

I have always been attuned to the spirit world and well...just recently there have been some new experiences in my house which I have never had before and I have been living there for about 3 years. I am not sure how to interupt them. So I was looking to see if anyone could give me insight on who may be fancying my house. I just can't seem to figure it out.

The Experiences:

My dog starts growling in the living room...and there is nothing there. This happens about once or twice a week.

The other night my back door to the house opened by itself, this may have been the wind or some other instance where I didn't close the door correctly.

The lights in my living room completely goes out after turned on....and then comes back on 10 minutes later...and then does it again but for different period of times.

Everytime I look into the corner of my living room...its almost that I get a feeling that someone is watching me...and its like in my preferial (sp) vision I can see something moving, but when I turn to look its gone.

If you can provide any insight on this...that would be wonderful.

Thank You!

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Re: Appreciate some Input

Post by J&A_Hernandez_2007 » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:49 pm

Sophe wrote:I have always been attuned to the spirit world and well...just recently there have been some new experiences in my house which I have never had before and I have been living there for about 3 years. I am not sure how to interupt them. So I was looking to see if anyone could give me insight on who may be fancying my house. I just can't seem to figure it out.

The Experiences:

My dog starts growling in the living room...and there is nothing there. This happens about once or twice a week.

The other night my back door to the house opened by itself, this may have been the wind or some other instance where I didn't close the door correctly.

The lights in my living room completely goes out after turned on....and then comes back on 10 minutes later...and then does it again but for different period of times.

Everytime I look into the corner of my living room...its almost that I get a feeling that someone is watching me...and its like in my preferial (sp) vision I can see something moving, but when I turn to look its gone.

If you can provide any insight on this...that would be wonderful.

Thank You!

I have been experienceing some of the same occurances. I think that since we are in tune to the spirit world, there are some spirits that are trying to get some acknowlegement and come to us to get it knowing we are able to acknoelegde that fact that they are there.

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Post by wisdomseeker12 » Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:11 pm


It got so bad in my dog would cry and scartch to get out...always between 12-3am....and here is the freaky part. Sometimes, the entities trying to get my attention would kind rock the mattress to wake me up. And of course, the classic freezing temps would happen. But the favourite for me is sense of someone running into my room and staring at me, happens all the time. It can be terrifying, but dont be scared, some of these things feed on sadness and fear.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:46 pm

I would like to suggest that you use what ever would be relevant with your faith and bless your houses... this way you know that they spirits there are ones that simply like the place, or want acknowledgment... it goes a long way for peace of mind and has alway helped me... anytime I feel uncomfortable I do it again and it helps keep me from freaking out about things and I found that the more that I did it when I had animals the calmer they were about it too... many animals will 'protect' us from something they think has upset us in any way and will often repeat the action when they encounter the same things again... so make sure that you aren't affecting how your animals are reacting to the situations and that there is nothing making them stress out about being with you in your homes.... I hope that this helps ya!!


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Post by Sophe » Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:36 pm

Thank you very much for all your input. I have been teaching my dog that it is ok..and I stay calm. I don't want him to stop but I want him to be at peace with whatever is in the house, I will get my house blessed as recommended.

I don't think living with entities is a bad thing especially if they are somewhat "good", but I do think it is our responsible to help those entities to get where they are going...and not be stuck in this plane.

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new houseguest

Post by minervamoon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:58 am

Hi Sophe!
Anybody you know pass away recently? Dosn't have to be family or friend, could even be a neighbor or co-worker?  If the answer is no,  have you remodeled or made any major changes to the house, including the landscape (cut down any trees)?

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Post by bee07 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:08 am

        sprinkle some salt across your bedroom door...........and around the perimitor of your bed on the floor............... get your self some sage incense to burn and a white candle ........ and tell the spirits out loud to leave and that they are not wlecome in your home................. and do not think of these spirits for as long as posiable............and keep your self busy................ and you should not have any more annoying spirits in your home.

i was given this advice from a dear psychic medium that is a friend of mine.................. and i did this and it worked for me .

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It could possibly be

Post by teitner » Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:04 am

It could be a previous owner that was so attached to his property he pays a visit. Or maybe it could be the essence of a previous land owner that don't realize they are dead. In any case if it doesn't cause any problems I suggest just leaving it be. But, If you want to Know who or what it is just meditate and ask away. Any sounds or sensations may anser your questions. If not you can always use a medium to communicate.

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Post by dessa » Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:30 am

It is always a good idea to trust your gut, or instinct or intuition which ever label you wish, if there are times that you feel uncomfortable with this then it is time to get rid of what is there, if you find that there is more of a friendly feel to what is going on, then maybe try to communicate.

I got the feeling that it was more than one, that because you are open you attract more than one visitor, some friendly some not so friendly, for the not so friendly it might be a good idea to do a good smudging of your home, then you can use stones such as apache tears over all the windows and doors this will block out keep anything you don't want in your home from coming in,

perhaps do some kind of protection around you home so that only friendlies are welcome, or so that only your own personal guardians / guides can enter.

I suppose what makes me think of doing the protection is the dogs reaction.

I have been around this kind of thing myself, some friendly some not so friendly, I find that some animals will stare or suddenly jump and look for whatever is there, but when the animals react negatively ie growl,  hair raised cats hiss, bear teeth, then it is usually not something friendly.

The thing with the corner of your eye view, one theory is that because of the state / plane or whatever term, that this type of energy, enity, ghost, angel, guide, lives on that we often do not see them head on.

I had until a couple of years ago lived in homes that were always protected, nothing could enter. especially after my niece was born, and stayed with us, lol another story as to why.

However a couple of years ago we moved to an area I knew was more active, and I knew there was something in the house, and yes had both positive and negative, did the whole smudging thing, a couple of times and let it be known that only positive was welcome,

so only positive do come here.  In fact I have a hall way that dead ends, at the bedrooms, it is at the farthest point west of the house that one of the bedrooms happens to be, and it is at the fartheest point east of the house that the door to the basement is. I was at the desk near the computer, which is less than 2 feet from the hallway, to get to anywhere other than the hall with the bedrooms and bath, ie such as living room kitchen dining room back door, door to basement, or front door you have to walk less than two feet from me, for me not to see you would mean I suddenly became deaf and blind.

Well my signifcant other had gone down to the basement to look for something, someone came to the end of the hall peeked at me around the corner, then went down the hall and closed the door to the bedroom the hall was on my right, the two dogs were sleeping on the floor next to me on my left.

I heard the door, I "felt" and saw this man, then when I had gotten up to look down the hall, my significant other came up from the basement, which I think is why the other one left he didn't want to be there with my signifcant other.

Since the door he closed was a door that had already been closed as we keep the guest bedrooms closed to keep the dogs out, and neither of us had gone in those rooms in at least a week or so, the doors open into the rooms so even if the dogs had not been right next to me, they couldn't lean against the door to close it.

I did hear it close, I did see it close, yet it was already closed when I had been down that hall ten minutes earlier.

LOL I guess he figured it was his room.

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Post by ravenuriel » Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:44 am

Hello Sophie !

I to see things out of the corner of my eye and when I look its gone..
when I do web calls with family they are always asking me who my guest is.. and I dont have anyone over
I know they are here ~ they know I know . Im not scared and sometimes I sarcastically ask them.. hey while your here hanging out mind helping out.
now I have had a few passer bys that werent so friendly and fun.. those you need to get rid of.  if you can learn to live with the spirits and co exist its great!
they become part of the family so to speak
I did have one come by and stay during halloween once.. they didnt like the decoration that I put up and started knocking them down one at a time.. I sat here and watched the decoration ( that were tacked to the wall with push tacks) just fall down.. one fell ( flew) and hit my husband in the back of the head.. mind you it was paper so no harm was done.. my husband bless his heart turned and said... HEY I didnt put those up .. dont throw them at me.. throw them at her.. she put them up.

I laughed.. and asked the spirits to stop that I had put them up for the kids because the children enjoyed them and that even tho the spirit was here.. they were not in charge and if they didnt like it they could leave at anytime.. I put the decorations back up and it all stopped.
I of course said thank you .. and all was peaceful again.
just some funny stories from me and food for thought.

Raven uriel~

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Post by J&A_Hernandez_2007 » Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:45 pm

I too have a couple that have become part of the family so to speak. The one spirit that visits more often than the other, when he was alive, was my aunt's best friend who died young. I not only see him/sense him at my home but also at the home of my aunt. I also see him when I am out and about. I like to think he is my guardian.

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